Commodity – A product that can be bought or sold, like gold, salt, or wheat.
Griot – A storyteller and historian in West Africa who keeps history alive through stories and songs.
West African Kingdoms – Ghana, Mali, Songhai
Adulis – A big trading city in the Kingdom of Aksum
Five Pillars of Islam – 1) Faith (believe in one God), 2) Prayer (pray five times a day), 3) Charity (help the poor), 4) Fasting (not eating during Ramadan), 5) Pilgrimage (visit Mecca once if able).
Islamic Art – Uses geometric patterns, calligraphy, and floral designs instead of pictures of people or God.
Kaaba – A sacred building in Mecca that Muslims face when they pray.
Janissary – A highly trained soldier in the Ottoman Empire, often taken as a child and raised to be loyal to the Sultan.
Gold-Salt Trade – Trade in West Africa where gold was exchanged for salt.
Natural Resources in Nubia – Gold, iron, copper
Golden Age of the Safavids – Shah Abbas was the leader who made the Safavid Empire strong and wealthy.
Ethiopia – Located in East Africa, important because it stayed Christian while many nearby areas became Muslim.
Gold/Salt Zakat – A tax on gold and salt that reflected Islam’s idea of charity and fairness in trade.
New Name of Constantinople – Istanbul
Ottoman Social Hierarchy – The Sultan was at the top, followed by government officials, soldiers, merchants, and peasants at the bottom.
Split of Islam – Sunni and Shia
Hijrah – When Muhammad left Mecca to Medina