Ch8 Exam study guide (Global, 3/5/2025)

  1. Commodity – A product that can be bought or sold, like gold, salt, or wheat.

  2. Griot – A storyteller and historian in West Africa who keeps history alive through stories and songs.

  3. West African Kingdoms Ghana, Mali, Songhai

  4. Adulis – A big trading city in the Kingdom of Aksum

  5. Five Pillars of Islam – 1) Faith (believe in one God), 2) Prayer (pray five times a day), 3) Charity (help the poor), 4) Fasting (not eating during Ramadan), 5) Pilgrimage (visit Mecca once if able).

  6. Islamic Art – Uses geometric patterns, calligraphy, and floral designs instead of pictures of people or God.

  7. Kaaba – A sacred building in Mecca that Muslims face when they pray.

  8. Janissary – A highly trained soldier in the Ottoman Empire, often taken as a child and raised to be loyal to the Sultan.

  9. Gold-Salt Trade – Trade in West Africa where gold was exchanged for salt.

  10. Natural Resources in NubiaGold, iron, copper

  11. Golden Age of the SafavidsShah Abbas was the leader who made the Safavid Empire strong and wealthy.

  12. Ethiopia – Located in East Africa, important because it stayed Christian while many nearby areas became Muslim.

  13. Gold/Salt Zakat – A tax on gold and salt that reflected Islam’s idea of charity and fairness in trade.

  14. New Name of ConstantinopleIstanbul

  15. Ottoman Social Hierarchy – The Sultan was at the top, followed by government officials, soldiers, merchants, and peasants at the bottom.

  16. Split of Islam – Sunni and Shia

  17. Hijrah – When Muhammad left Mecca to Medina
