US history mid-term

History exam

Transcontinental Railroad (TRR)

The first railroad connecting East and West USA. It used Immigrant Labor

Assembly Line Production

Manufacturing process for efficient mass production.

Homestead Act 1862

Granted 160 acres of land to settlers if they lived there and improved the land. Goes until the 1900s

Immigration Restriction League

Founded in Boston 1894, group advocating for limiting immigration by barring illiterate immigrants from entering

Chinese Exclusion Act 1883 (ALL)

1883 law banning all Chinese immigration temporarily.

Women's Era

Period of increased women's societal and political influence.

Suffrage Movement

Campaign for women's right to vote.

Monroe Doctrine 1820s

Policy opposing European colonialism in Americas. USA will stay neutral in European Wars while Europe will stay out of Western Hemisphere

Trade with China

USA and Europe have open trade and control of China

Spanish-American War

Conflict resulting from U.S. intervention in Cuba.

Teddy Roosevelt's (TR) Foreign Policy

'Speak softly and carry a big stick' approach.

Progressive Era

Period of social activism and political reform (1890-1920).

Child labor

Children as young as 5 and 6 worked 18-20 hour workdays

17th Amendment

U.S. senators are elected by popular vote rather than by state legislatures

Extra things that several states adopted (17th Amendment)

1. Initiative: Voters propose legislation directly.

2. Referendum: Voters vote directly on proposed laws.

3. Recall: Voters remove elected officials from office.

Campaign for Women's Suffrage

NAWSA (National American Women's Suffrage Association) had campaign success in some states, half of which allowed women to vote in local school elections


World War between in Europe in 1914 to 1918. USA took part from 1917-1918

WWI Long term causes (M.A.I.N.)

M-Militarism: Military build up and naval arms race in preparation for war

A-Alliances: Committed nations to support one another if attacked

I-Imperialism: Encouraged competitiveness and antagonism. Competition for colonies and global dominance

N-Nationalism: Patriotic fervor for one's nation and competitiveness.

WWI Short term causes

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian Nationalist, who was part of the Black Hand.

Declarations of War (WWI)

1. July 28th, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

2. Germany declares war on Russia, France, Belgium, and Britain

3. Britain declares war on Germany for invading Belgium

Triple Alliance

Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (who was later replaced by the Ottoman Empire)

New technology in WWI

Submarines, airplanes, machine guns, tanks, poison gas (Mustard Gas)

Zimmerman Telegram

German proposal to Mexico to attack the U.S.

German Submarine Warfare

Used to try and starve out Britain

Freedom points of the 14 Points

Self-determination (right of nations to govern themselves), freedom of the seas (free trade), open diplomacy, arms reduction, boundary changes for ethnic/national groups, establishment of a League of Nations (international organization for peace and cooperation)

Treaty of Versailles

June 1919 peace treaty ending World War I.

Conditions of the Treaty of Versailles

Demilitarize Germany, pay reparations, war-guilt clause, German territories and colonies stripped, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empires disassembled.

Did the US sign the Treaty of Versailles?

No because the Senate rejected it (1920-21), opposed due to American commitment to future conflict associated with international body established in League of Nations

Scandals of Harding's Presidency

Days spelt golfing, napping, and drinking (during prohibition) when he was supposed to be governing, several (rumored) affairs in Oval Office.

Herbet Hoover (1929-1932)

Rugged Individualism, Taxes down while business profits up, ideas of credit to make businesses expand

Impact of Industry in 1920s

1. Automobiles: Roads like Route 66, Holland Tunnel, new businesses, and urban sprawl

2. Airplanes: increase transportation: carried mail, created jobs, and made transportation faster

3. 40% of World Wealth was in the US

4. Negatives: Speculation (buying to sell), buying on credit, uneven prosperity (Economic disparity among different social classes)

Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1929

Laws limiting immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.

19th Amendment

Granted women the right to vote in 1920.

Effects of the Great Depression (GD)

People began to feel worthless, soup kitchens and bread lines appeared across the nation, hundreds of thousands were living on the streets

Hoover's economy during Great Depression

Hoover remained true to the idea of "laissez-faire" economy, cut taxes, increased federal spending on public projects like Hoover Dam. 25% Unemployment

20th Amendment

Presidential inauguration is moved from March 4th to January 20th.

21st Amendment

Repeals Prohibition (18th Amendment)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

U.S. President after Hoover who implemented the New Deal and lead the US during most of WW2.

FDR's Brain Trust

Advisory group for FDR's New Deal policies to end the Great Depression

New Deal Legislation

FDR's programs aimed at economic recovery in three parts (3 R's): Relief, Recovery (recovery through stimulating demand for goods), Reforms (aimed at fixing issues in economy so this wouldn't happen again)

Women during Great Depression

Most women experienced the depression as moms and homemakers. Eleanor Roosevelt inspired and encouraged women who struggled during the GD. Frances Perkins - 1st member of U.S. Cabinet, served as Secretary of Labor.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Insured banks

Germany during the Great Depression

Germany had hyper-inflation and terrible economy, Weimar government became unpopular. 30% unemployment

FDR following Pearl Harbor

FDR goes before Congress and asks them to declare war, Congress declares war on both Japan and Germany. U.S. government grew to its largest size during WWII.

War Power Act (First War Powers Act of 1941)

Gave FDR power to expand the government, use censorship, and limit personal liberties (unconstitutional to do 2 and 3, but no one cared)

Executive Order 8802

Forbade discrimination in only the defense industry and provided equal pay for black workers

Executive Order 9066

Relocated 112000 Japanese Americans to internment camps away from the Pacific Coast.

D-Day (Operation Overlord)

June 1944; largest land and sea invasion in history. Allowed allies to push towards Germany from the West

March 1945

In Germany pushing to Berlin (Germany's capital)

Battle of Midway

June 1942; turning point against Japan. US destroyed all 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, 1/2 of all Japanese battleships, and 1/2 of all Japanese skilled pilots.
