performance - вистава, виступ The theater performance was outstanding.
contest - конкурс, змагання She won the singing contest.
trade show - виставка The company presented its products at the trade show.
navy - військово-морський флот He served in the navy for five years.
drafted - призваний (на військову службу) He was drafted into the army at 18.
recruit - новобранець The army is training new recruits.
service - служба He completed his military service last year.
convicted - засуджений He was convicted of theft.
endured - витримав, пережив She endured many hardships during her journey.
save up enough funds - накопичити достатньо коштів He saved up enough funds to buy a house.
set off - вирушати в дорогу They set off on their adventure early in the morning.
in search of - у пошуках who happened to be planning a similar expedition in search of gold
disregard - ігнорувати, не зважати He disregarded the warning signs.
to stock up - запастися We need to stock up on food for winter.
provisions - провізія, запаси The explorers carried provisions for their journey.
supplies - постачання, запаси They brought medical supplies to the remote village.
Eventually - зрештою, врешті-решт Eventually, they reached the top of the mountain.
raft - пліт They built a raft to cross the river.
set out - вирушати, починати He set out on a long journey.
edge - край, межа He stood at the edge of the cliff.
hurtling - мчати, стрімко летіти The car was hurtling down the road.
shore - берег They finally reached the shore after a long swim.
filthy - дуже брудний His clothes were filthy after the hike.
stinging - пекучий, жалючий She felt a stinging pain in her arm.
predators - хижаки Lions and tigers are powerful predators.
feverish - гарячковий, з лихоманкою He felt feverish and weak.
on the brink of death - на межі смерті He was on the brink of death after the accident.
gain popularity - набувати популярності The song quickly gained popularity.
remained friends - залишилися друзями They remained friends.
eager - нетерплячий, охочий She was eager to start the project.
fellow-traveller - попутник He met a fellow-traveller on his journey.
set up a business - заснувати бізнес He set up a business in his hometown.
extensively - широко, ґрунтовно He has traveled extensively across Europe.
acclaimed - визнаний, відомий The book was critically acclaimed.
spy - шпигун He worked as a spy during the war.
tackling - вирішення (проблеми) She is tackling a difficult problem at work.
scaling up - розширення The company is scaling up its operations.
enterprise - підприємство He started a new enterprise.
journey 650 miles on foot - подорож у 650 миль пішки He completed a journey of 650 miles on foot.
circumnavigation - навколосвітня подорож He completed the circumnavigation of the globe.
hostile - ворожий The tribe was hostile to outsiders.
draws - привертає, тягне The museum draws thousands of visitors each year.
vast - величезний, безкрайній The desert is a vast and empty landscape.
persevering - наполегливий, витривалий She is persevering in her efforts to succeed.
defeated - переможений The army was defeated in battle.
holds the record - утримує рекорд He holds the record for the fastest run.
ascending - піднімаючись, зростаючий The climbers were ascending the mountain.
summit - вершина They reached the summit after a long climb.
beverage - напій Water is the healthiest beverage.
blew into his cup - подув у свою чашку He blew into his cup to cool the tea.
crop - урожай, сільськогосподарська культура The farmers harvested the crop.
the 1870s - 1870-ті роки Many inventions were made in the 1870s.
bushes - кущі They hid behind the bushes.
recluse - самітник, відлюдник The old man lived as a recluse.
mansion - особняк He owns a huge mansion.
Untitled Flashcards Set
performance - вистава, виступ The theater performance was outstanding.
contest - конкурс, змагання She won the singing contest.
trade show - виставка The company presented its products at the trade show.
navy - військово-морський флот He served in the navy for five years.
drafted - призваний (на військову службу) He was drafted into the army at 18.
recruit - новобранець The army is training new recruits.
service - служба He completed his military service last year.
convicted - засуджений He was convicted of theft.
endured - витримав, пережив She endured many hardships during her journey.
save up enough funds - накопичити достатньо коштів He saved up enough funds to buy a house.
set off - вирушати в дорогу They set off on their adventure early in the morning.
in search of - у пошуках who happened to be planning a similar expedition in search of gold
disregard - ігнорувати, не зважати He disregarded the warning signs.
to stock up - запастися We need to stock up on food for winter.
provisions - провізія, запаси The explorers carried provisions for their journey.
supplies - постачання, запаси They brought medical supplies to the remote village.
Eventually - зрештою, врешті-решт Eventually, they reached the top of the mountain.
raft - пліт They built a raft to cross the river.
set out - вирушати, починати He set out on a long journey.
edge - край, межа He stood at the edge of the cliff.
hurtling - мчати, стрімко летіти The car was hurtling down the road.
shore - берег They finally reached the shore after a long swim.
filthy - дуже брудний His clothes were filthy after the hike.
stinging - пекучий, жалючий She felt a stinging pain in her arm.
predators - хижаки Lions and tigers are powerful predators.
feverish - гарячковий, з лихоманкою He felt feverish and weak.
on the brink of death - на межі смерті He was on the brink of death after the accident.
gain popularity - набувати популярності The song quickly gained popularity.
remained friends - залишилися друзями They remained friends.
eager - нетерплячий, охочий She was eager to start the project.
fellow-traveller - попутник He met a fellow-traveller on his journey.
set up a business - заснувати бізнес He set up a business in his hometown.
extensively - широко, ґрунтовно He has traveled extensively across Europe.
acclaimed - визнаний, відомий The book was critically acclaimed.
spy - шпигун He worked as a spy during the war.
tackling - вирішення (проблеми) She is tackling a difficult problem at work.
scaling up - розширення The company is scaling up its operations.
enterprise - підприємство He started a new enterprise.
journey 650 miles on foot - подорож у 650 миль пішки He completed a journey of 650 miles on foot.
circumnavigation - навколосвітня подорож He completed the circumnavigation of the globe.
hostile - ворожий The tribe was hostile to outsiders.
draws - привертає, тягне The museum draws thousands of visitors each year.
vast - величезний, безкрайній The desert is a vast and empty landscape.
persevering - наполегливий, витривалий She is persevering in her efforts to succeed.
defeated - переможений The army was defeated in battle.
holds the record - утримує рекорд He holds the record for the fastest run.
ascending - піднімаючись, зростаючий The climbers were ascending the mountain.
summit - вершина They reached the summit after a long climb.
beverage - напій Water is the healthiest beverage.
blew into his cup - подув у свою чашку He blew into his cup to cool the tea.
crop - урожай, сільськогосподарська культура The farmers harvested the crop.
the 1870s - 1870-ті роки Many inventions were made in the 1870s.
bushes - кущі They hid behind the bushes.
recluse - самітник, відлюдник The old man lived as a recluse.
mansion - особняк He owns a huge mansion.