us remains neutral
did not want to get involved
wanted to profit
supplied materials for both sides of war
gave supplies to germany + england
england’s blockades
took control of america’s ships
offered to pay us to give supplies to germany
germany’s u-boats
submarines that others could not combat
lusitania (passenger ship going from us to england)
newspapers twist the truth and say that germans sunk lusitania
zimmerman note - telegraph coming from germany going to mexico
germany offered to get mexico its land back from mexican-american war
germany wanted distractions and didn’t want us to get involved in wwi because they knew they would win
germany tried to get japan to stir up beef with america
april 2, 1917 - wilson asks congress for declaration of war against germany
reminder! only congress can declare war
mobilizing for war
selective service act
authorized draft of young men for military service in europe
draftees picked by lottery
war industries board
regulated all industries engaged in the war effort
herbert hoover, head of fda, set high prices for wheat to encourage farmers to increase production and asked americans to conserve food so that it could be shipped to allied powers
meatless mondays
flourless fridays
opposition to war
espionage act
banned treasonable or seditious newspapers, magazines, or printed materials from mail
enacted severe penalties for anyone engaged in disloyal or treasonable activities
sedition act
made it unlawful to use disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about american government, constitution, government
supreme court - there are times when the need for public order is so pressing that first amendment protections of speech do not apply
prejudice against german americans
schools stopped teaching german
no more beethoven
german measles → liberty measles
hamburgers → liberty steaks
dachshund → liberty pups
german americans were pressured to give up speaking german, reading german-language newspapers and prove their loyalty to america by condemning the german government
war changes american society
women welcome new opportunities
more support for suffrage
moved into workforce
african americans and great migration
enlisted or were drafted into army
economic opportunities in wartime factories in north
america joins fighting
general john j pershing and aef (american expeditionary forces)
convoy system
of 5 million allied troops that died in war, only 50,000 americans died
woodrow wilson’s 14 points
series of points that there will never be another great war if countries follow these points
us gives money to germany → germany give money to france → france gives money back to us bc they borrowed it a long time ago
league of nations
group of countries protecting one another
why did it fail?
idea created by america, but did not want to be involved
everyone had to rely on america bc they had largest army
dies off after wwii
united nations
more military and countries involved
has its own special forces