Causes of the French Revolution:
Bourgeoisie had all the economic power, but all political power was to the nobles
Absolutism: not flexible. Louis XIV doesn’t want change.
Cardinal Richelieu
England vs. France
Unsystematic form of tax collection
1st and 2nd don’t pay taxes
Tax farming. Parlements (nobles) don’t want to tax themselves
The American Revolution
Funding for US enlightenment ideas - France doesn’t even have
Fighting for the stuff France doesn’t have!
Reputation of Marie Antoinette
Blamed for being Austrian (not French) and spending all the money (false)
Affair of the Necklace, was blamed, not related to her
Symbolizes French problems
Debt from War (seven years war + american revolution)
50% of all French tax money going to interest and loans
Old Regime system (estates)
Clergy + church still have power. Nobility
Third estate - 98%. Banalities (where nobles get shares when the third estate uses communal things like the mill, winepress, etc.)
Enlightenment Ideas: ROUSSEAU
Hiding things like cow dung in brown bread
No just price!
Short term causes:
Bad harvests 1787-89, wheat price up by 1.66x
Unemployment: 50% in Paris
Government Bankruptcy
4 Billion livre in debt ($40B today)
The Estates General was gonna fail because
King only wants money.
The changed voting system (doubling the third not by points but by people, instead of vote by head) didn’t do anything
The third estate is mad
Tennis Court Oath:
The Third Estate swore in a tennis court that they won’t give up until they are a representative republic and given a Constitution
It was a popular rebellion against the king
Created the National Assembly because they were locked out of Estates General
Considered the beginning of the French Revolution.
Fall of Bastille and the Great Fear:
The Fall of Bastille showed the Parisian Mob becoming a political force
Showed anger towards unequal system and violent nature of the Revolution
Forced the king to celebrate with them on the fall of Bastille
Great Fear: People panic, afraid of what the king will do.
Peasant uprisings in the countryside, destroying feudal documents and refusing to pay feudal dues.
Took possession of land, nobles were too scared to fight back.
Paris also had bad troops (bad defense)
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen:
Written by the National Assembly to establish equal rights for all men
Overhauls the old system: Death of the Old Regime.
Provided foundations of the ideas people wanted
Ideas from Enlightenment and America
Affirmed rights of men: liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression
Called for change in tax system and freedom and equal rights to all (men)
Destruction of aristocratic privileges
Citizens have the authority to have high positions in government
Monarchy was restricted: citizens have right to be part of legislative process
Freedom of speech, press, outlawing arbitrary arrests
Decided women don’t get equal rights (Olympe the Gouge was ignored)
It was very radical for supporting a representative system:
All equal, sovereignty reflects the nation, law = general will, freedom of speech/press, rights of man. Used to justify terror.
IT WILL SPREAD over the world and become a beacon of hope
Liberal/Moderate Phase (Phase 1)
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy:
Clergy were elected by people and had to swear an oath
Only 54% swore the oath: opposition from the Church
A blunder by the National Convention by making the Church enemy
1791 Constitution: established a constitutional monarchy
745 represented selected by rich people
Only people who payed the most taxes could vote
Abolition of provinces and division into department:
Power given to bourgeoisie over territories
Feudal territories gone.
Supervised by elected officials
Radical political debate club
900 jacobins
Mostly bourgoisies and artisans
Flight to Varennes:
King ditches paris but fails.
Makes his image disloyal to the state
Gets put on trial for treason
Radicals want king gone(dead), but national assembly ignored
Legislative Assembly:
Successor of the national assembly
Mostly consisted of lawyers
King tried to work along, but because of bad foreign relationships, Louis is sentenced to death
Sans-culottes: power passed to the ordinary urban poor patriots
Paris commune created.
War on Austria 1792:
Emigre nobles kept ditching France to Austria.
The assembly tells Austria to give the nobles back, but Leopold II of Austria refused
Legislative assembly declares war on Austria
Brunswick manifesto:
Austria and Prussia wrote to France that if they harmed the royal family, civilians would be harmed.
August 1792, the king gets taken captive by radical parisian groups, and forces the legislative assembly to abolish the monarchy.
March to Versailles:
Women sans-culottes march to versailles, demanding bread and just price, as well as the king to come to paris
Royal family had to stay in prison and accept the national assembly laws as the people’s prisoners.
Olympe de Gouges:
A play writer and pamphleteer woman who wrote the DOROWAFC( declaration of rights of women and female citizen)
Doromac excluded women
Gets ignored by the national assembly
Advocated for equal rights for women (ignorance of women’s right is the cause of corruption)
Revolutionary Republican Women:
Working class women who called themselves family of sisters and defenders of the fatherland
Created by actress and chocolate maker 1793
Men reacted negatively, believing women should not participate in politics.
Radical Phase (Phase 2)
Mass killings to fix overcrowded prisons
The National Assembly split: Girodins (less radical), and Mountain (most radical) both jacobin
Girodins feared the death of king, mountain didn’t
The Commune (controls local gov in Paris) pushed the National Convention to more radical positions.
Mountain, representing interests of city who were radical and popular, kills Girodins and takes over the National Convention
The King was executed: Old regime destroyed
The Convention didn’t have authority over all of France: (those who opposed would later be killed by Robespierre and the guillotine)
Vendée peasants rebel against death of king for the military draft that did not improve their living conditions and preferred the king and power to priests
Lyon and Marseille also didnt like. Favored decentralized republic.
The NC (national convention) gives power to the executive Committee of Public Safety
Many countries were against the revolution and the death of king: WAR
Levee en Masse raised army of 650k, nation in arms, succeeded in defending. Began total war and Nationalism.
Started by Declaration of Pillnitz (1791): retore Louis to power (no head?)
War (austria, Russia, Britain, Holland, Spain) call France to revolutionary arms. Pre marxism
The Committee institutes “Reign of Terror” to meet domestic crisis.
Robespierre removes right to defend oneself: kills 16k on the Guillotine, 250k total
Vendée, Marseille and Lyon, drowning in Loire at Nantes
Guillotine symbolized terror and revolution, used for wealthy.
Blade of Vengeance: Die for the nation
Republic of Virtue: committee tries to control France:
Representatives go around France to explain the war and implement law
The Law of the General Maximum: price controls on necessities (food, drink, fuel, clothes, etc.)
Didn’t work too well because lack of machinery
NC tries De-christianization:
Pillages Churches, Notre Dame becomes Temple of Reason (Cult of Reason)
New revolutionary calendar, no sundays, no church holidays. Used metric system (100 seconds, 100 minutes, 10 days/week, 3 weeks/month). Months renamed
Robespirre makes Festival of Supreme Being: worship a female of liberty/reason
Doesnt work; Opposed by all, Napoleon ends it 1806 for being politically unpopular.
Radical Revolution ends: Robespierre killed for creating too much terror. Commune leaders were executed too.
Thermidorian Reaction:
Removed jacobin clubs, reopened churches, laissez-faire, new constitution
Legislative assembly of two chambers, chosen by electors
Third Phase (Directory) 1795-99
A 5 member committee that governed France
Failed because heavy reliance on army
Political enemies: Royalists, Jacobins who had hopes of powers restored by bad economy
Failed to fix the economy of France.
Too much war spendings. Collapse in the value of assignats
Laissez-faire: Corruption.
White Terror
Edmund Burke:
Wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France 1790
Regarded as the Father of Conservatism: conservative commentator
If no authority: chaos
If no direction: France controlled by dictator (Napoleon)
His predictions were correct.
Burke's critique of the radical shifts brought about by the French Revolution and his advocacy for tradition, gradual reform, and the preservation of established institutions have shaped the foundation of modern conservatism
Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David, a revolutionary, voted to kill king, friend of Robespierre, lived because he was a good painter:
Marat was a radical revolutionary who was always on the run. Spent lots of time in the sewers and had to take baths.
Was stabbed by someone who favored the king, in a bath
Jacques-Louis wanted to record his death for Propaganda:
Wanted to make him a martyr
Used Michelangelo’s death of jesus from Pieta on his face.
4th Phase (Age of Napoleon):
Became first consul after the thermidorian reaction
Whiff of Grapeshot: directory gets napoleon to shoot the counter revolutionaries with the cannon, Napoleon shoots them, showing he will do whatever for the state. He saves the directory this way and becomes consul.
Controlled the entire executive authority of the government.
Became Emperor in 1804
Concordat 1801
Napoleon restored the catholic church with Pope Pius VII in France
Created peace with the church again
Confiscated church lands were not given back to please the french people
Code of Napoleon(civil code):
Took all the 7 codes of the french revolution and made it into one code. Preserved the revolutionary ideas (equality, property etc.)
Spread to 35 countries
Role of women: Women got less rights. Made harder to divorce, property is under husband, treated as minors
Napoleon created intendants for each french province
These were called prefects, who were chosen by Napoleon, so they would be loyal to him.
Made tax collection super efficient.
Balanced budget
Germaine de Stael:
Female writer
Against despotism of Napoleon
Gets exiled and books get banned(No more freedom of press)
Treaty of Tilsit 1807:
Napoleon, Austria and prussia signed the treaty to end fighting
Made it possible for Napoleon to restock and create a new EU order
Napoleon’s Grand Empire:
3 parts: french, dependent states, and allied states
Most of Europe under the empire: Spain, Italy, Prussia, Austria, Russia etc. NOT BRITAIN
Imposed code of napoleon and constitution on all the states
Great britain was impossible to invade because of superior navy
Napoleon implemented the Continental system:
Prevented EU from trading with Britain
Didn’t affect Britain because of international trade
Made allied states angry
Fall of Napoleon
Napoleon invaded Russia 1812
Failed miserably because RUSSIA BIG, COLD, and they kept running and burning resources.
40k french returned(started with 600k)
Other countries, seeing Russia, allied together and defeated Napoleon.
Napoleon is exiled to Elba, comes back and gets defeated at waterloo
Finally exiled to St. Helena and dies
Toussaint L’Ouverture:
France was one of the first to outlaw slavery in 1791
Slaves in Hispaniolia learned about the french revolution and wanted to do it also
Revolt and take over the island
1801 L’Ouverture completely takes over the island
1802 Napoleon puts slavery back in colonies, and captures L’Ouverture
Shows the impact of the French revolution.
Why is the FR so important?:
Replaced a society based on rank and wealth with one based on skill and merit
Secularization of the church( Church completely out of state)
Triumph of the middle class
Experiments on all modern governments
Social experiments: police state, early communism , feminism
Modern nationalism
Code de napoleon spread everywhere