Assessment and Management of Patients with Hepatic Disorders
Author: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Largest Gland of the Body
Location: Upper right abdomen
Vascular Structure: Receives blood from the gastrointestinal tract via the portal vein and from the hepatic artery.
Varied ducts: Left and Right hepatic ducts, ampulla of Vater, sphincter of Oddi
Includes bile duct, portal vein, hepatic artery, hepatic cells, and central vein
Unique arrangement facilitates optimal metabolic function
Key Functions Include:
Glucose metabolism
Ammonia conversion
Protein metabolism
Fat metabolism
Storage of vitamins and iron
Bile formation
Bilirubin excretion
Drug metabolism
Q1: True/False - Majority of blood supply to the liver comes from the portal vein, which is poor in nutrients.
A1: False (It is rich in nutrients from the GI tract.)
Tests Include:
Serum aminotransferase levels: AST, ALT, GGT, GGTP, LDH
Protein studies
Serum bilirubin tests
Clotting factors
Serum alkaline phosphatase and ammonia
Lipid studies
Indicators of Liver Injury:
AST and ALT levels rise primarily in liver disorders
GGT indicates cholestasis; associated with alcoholic liver disease
Liver biopsy
CT and MRI scans
Health History:
Previous exposure to hepatotoxic substances, infectious agents, lifestyle (travel, alcohol, drugs)
Physical Assessment:
Skin changes, cognitive status, palpation, and percussion
Conditions include:
Acute or chronic liver failure, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease, infections
Fatty liver disease (NAFLD, NASH)
Key symptoms:
Portal hypertension
Ascites and varices
Hepatic encephalopathy and coma
Nutritional deficiencies
Definition: Yellowing of skin and sclera due to increased serum bilirubin (exceeds 2 mg/dL)
Hemolytic, hepatocellular, obstructive
Related to hereditary conditions and liver disease
Hepatocellular Jaundice:
Symptoms: Illness, loss of appetite, fatigue, fever/infection
Obstructive Jaundice:
Symptoms: Dark urine, clay-colored stools, fat intolerance, pruritus
Definition: Increased pressure due to obstructed blood flow through the liver
Results in: Ascites, esophageal varices, splenomegaly
Causes and Mechanisms:
Portal hypertension increases capillary pressure; sodium and fluid retention due to hepatic dysfunction
Signs: Increased abdominal girth, striae, distended veins
Daily girth and weight
Fluid presence via percussion techniques
Watch for electrolyte imbalances
Management Includes:
Low-sodium diet
Diuretics (e.g., spironolactone)
Paracentesis and shunting procedures
First-line therapy: Effective in managing ascites from cirrhosis.
Other diuretics like furosemide may be added carefully.
Ammonia accumulation due to liver dysfunction leads to neurotoxicity
Symptoms include: Mental changes, motor disturbances
EEG, loc changes, seizure activity, monitoring ammonia levels
Stages should be referenced from the appropriate clinical table
Strategies Include:
Lactulose to lower ammonia levels, IV glucose, dietary management, and preventing complications
Incidence: Common in compensated and decompensated cirrhosis
Management Strategies:
Routine screening and emergency interventions for bleeding episodes
Initial Steps: Treat shock, administer oxygen, fluids, blood products
Medications: Vasopressin, octreotide to control bleeding
Endoscopic Procedures: Sclerotherapy and ligation techniques
Focus on safety, education, and complication monitoring
Viral (A, B, C, D, E) and non-viral hepatitis (toxic, drug-induced)
Transmission: Fecal-oral route, poor hygiene
Incubation: 2-6 weeks; symptoms may last 4-8 weeks
Emphasis on hygiene, vaccination, nutritional support
Transmission: Via blood and other body fluids, sexually
Prevention: Vaccination and standard precautions
Common bloodborne infection linked to severe liver disease.
Management: Antiviral medications and prevention strategies
D: Only occurs in patients with Hepatitis B; significant risk for liver failure
E: Fecal-oral transmission similar to Hepatitis A; self-limiting
Categories: Nonviral hepatitis, toxic, drug-induced hepatitis, and fulminant hepatic failure
Definition: Scarring of the liver tissue
Types: Alcoholic, postnecrotic, biliary
Focus on rest, nutrition, skin/falls care, and complications management
Primary liver tumors associated with Hepatitis B and C
Management: Surgical options recommended when appropriate
Pre and Postoperative Care: Focus on patient education, support, and monitoring for complications