French notes
aiment to love
parlent to speak
mangent to eat
lavent to wash
arrivent to arrive
ferment to close
écoutent to listen
dansent to dance
chantent to sing
jouent to play
nagent to swim
rêvent to dream
goûtent to taste
travaillent to work
branchent to plug-in, to connect
habitent to live
invitent to invite
désobéissent to disobey
punissent to punish
applaudissent to applaud
grossissent to get fat
finissent to finish
choisissent to choose
obéissent to obey
maigrissent to lose weight
réfléchissent to think
réussir to succeed
bâtissent to build
rougissent to blush
saisissent to grab
guérissent to heal
remplissent to fill out
vendent to sell
fondent to melt
attendent to wait
répondent to answer
perdent to lose
descendent to descend
entendent to hear
rendent to return
défendent to defend
prétendent to pretend, to claim
étendent to extend
je e
tu es
il/elle/on e
nous ions
vous iez
ils/elles ent