L1 - Intro to Human Development
Life Expectancy:
Early 1900s = 57years
2021 = 82.60 years
Periods of Development
Prenatal = conception to birth
Infancy = 0-2
Childhood = 2 to 10-12
Adolescence = 10-12 to 18-22
Early Adulthood = late teens/ early 20s - 45
Middle & late Adulthood = 45-60 and 60 to death
L2 - Theories of Development
Eriksons Psychological Theory
Infancy = 0-2 Trust vs Mistrust
Early Childhood = 2-3 autonomy vs Shame & doubt
Preschool = 3-5 initiative vs guilt
School age = 6-12 industry vs inferiority
Adolescence = 12-18 identity vs role confusion
young adulthood = 19-40 intimacy vs isolation
Middle adulthood = 40-65 generativity vs stagnation
maturity = 65+ integrity vs despair
Piagets Stages of Cognitive development
Sensorimotor = Birth - 2
preoperational = 2-7
Concrete operational = 7-11
Formal operational = 11+
6 substages of sensorimotor
simple reflexes = first month
primary circular reactions = 1-4 months
Secondary circular reactions = 4-8 months
Coordination of secondary circular reactions = 8-12 months
Tertiary circular reactions = 12-18 months
Beginnings of though = 18 - 2 years
L3- Genetic Foundations
Cell nucleus = 25,000 genes
Chromosomes = 23 pairs, 46 total
Mitochondria = 37 genes from mom
CF numbers
1 in 2,000
PKU numbers
1 in 10,000 - 1 in 20,000
both parent have gene = ¼ chance of child to develop