Edward III (ruled 1327-1377)
5 heirs
Black Prince (Edward)
Predeceased Father
John of Gaunt duke of Lancaster
Richard II
Son of Black Prince
Inherited crown at 10yo
Seized lands after death of John of Gaunt in 1399
Henry IV (ruled 1399-1413)
Son of John of Gaunt duke of Lancaster
Reclaimed father’s lands from Richard II, deposed him
Henry V (ruled 1413-1422)
Reclaimed France
Henry VI (ruled 1422-
Inherited crown at 9 months old
Driven out of France by Joan of Arc
Richard duke of York
Maternally related to Lionel
Started War of Roses to claim throne from Henry VI
Edward IV (ruled 1471-1483)
Son of Richard duke of York
Only remaining heir after War of Roses
Married Elizabeth Woodville
Her relatives claimed noble positions
Heirs: Edward V (12yo), Richard (9yo)
Richard duke of Gloucester
Brother of Edward IV/Son of Richard duke of York
Deposed Woodvilles
Removed princes
Deposed by Henry Tudor
Henry Tudor
Fought Richard doG for throne
Married to EIV daughter
Queen Elizabeth I
Granddaughter of Henry Tudor
Ruled in Shakespeare’s era
Henry VI only English king to be deposed+buried 2x
Born in 1421
Succeeded father’s crown in August 1422 at 9 mos old
Formally crowned king of England in 1429, king of France in 1431
Lost France to maternal uncle Charles VII in 1453
Lost England in 1461 to Plantagenet cousin Edward of York→Edward IV
Restored to throne by Lancastrian line in 1470
Redeposed by Edward 6 mos later
Shakespeare’s Plays
Part 1—1422-1444, loss of France
Part 2—1445-1455, buildup to Wars of Roses
Part 3—double deposition
Complexity required condensation
Anglo-French War after Henry V
Part 1—death of Henry V (1422)-siege of Orléans (1428)
Part 2—siege of Orléans (1428)-1435
Part 3—post 1435
Issues with royal minority
Regent may grow overpowered
Council rule risks inefficiency+poor corrdination
Surviving brothers of Henry V
John duke of Bedford
Recency of France
Humphrey duke of Gloucester
Regency of England
Denied by other nobles led by Cardinal Beaufort
More popular than Beaufort in England
Died 1447
Surviving sons of John of Gaunt
Henry Beaufort bishop of Winchester
aka Cardinal Beaufort
Died 1447
Thomas Beaufort duke of Exeter
Joan of Arc
Helped Charles VII become king of France
Richard duke of York
Descended from 2 different sons of Edward III
Arranged marriage b/t Henry VI, Margaret of Anjou
Cousin of King CHarles
Arranged by Soffolk
Concentrates English heroism into Lord Talbot
Combines John and Edmund Beaufort into single duke of Somerset
Analytic narrative rather than historical
Goal to show how France was lost
English internal devisiveness
Scheming French women
Act 1
Refers to Charles VII as dauphin t/o play
Romance b/t Joan, Charles VIII
Act 2
Talbot captures Orléans (disregards history)
Omits Bedford entirely
Act 3
White—Warwick, York
Red—Suffolk, Somerset
Ignores Exeter’s death
French guile
Talbot earl of Shrewsbury
Henry VI king of France
York regent of France
Act 4
Shakespeare makes noncooperation of York+Somerset directly responsible for invented failure to reinforce Talbot
English heroism extinguished
Act 5
Romance b/t Suffolk, Margaret
Joan revealed as sorceress, whore, vixen
Margaret takes over Joan’s role
1 Henry VI not complete narrative, but dramatized demonstration of forces at work
French treated chauvinistically
Machiavel demonized
York-Somerset quarrel developed in years covered by 2 Henry VI, this play’s quarrel was invented
Concentration of heroism in Talbot slights Salisbury, Bedford, Sir John Fastolfe
Leaves little else for other lords to do except quarrel
Much less rearrangement of chronology than in 1 Henry VI
Primary difference b/t history+theater not Shakespearean rearrangement but deviation from chroniclers
Tudor historians used teleological interpretation
Shakespeare focused on ambition for crowin
Main problem was incompetence of king
Bandits came openly into market towns in Herefordshire
Riots+murders in Channel counties
Breakdown of procedures of justice
Duke of Suffolk’s agents roused hostility of citizenry
Sought regency of England, forced to be content w/ title of protector
Popular in London
Wife convicted of witchcraft in 1441
Courtly rivalries exaggerated or contrived
Controlled govt. in 1440s
Descendant of Yorkshire wool merchant
Arranged marriage of Henry VI to Margaret of Anjou
Characterizes greed+piety
Hated by end of 1440s
Banished, eventually killed
Deviates from history in plays
Cooperates in undoing of Gloucesters
Secures backing of earls of Salisbury+Warkwick for his royal ambitions
Sponsor’s Cade’s rising
Courtier rather than landowner
Completed English disgrace in France
Richard duke of York
Steadfast, persistent, arrogant, politically inept, gullible, popular amongst commoners
Untarnished military reputation
Tried to work to power through parliament 11/1450-5/1451
1452—tried to dislodge Somerset by force
Resulted in disgrace+political isolation
Little support from other lords
1453—allied w/ Nevilles
Descendants of Henry IV’s earl of Westmorland
Earls of Salisbury, Warwick
August 1453—Henry VI goes mad
October 1453—Margaret has son
First battle of St. Albans (1455) returns Yorkists to power
York’s protectorate lasted November 1455 to February 1456
Margaret feared York’s power, so composed fanatically hostile party of sons of lords killed at St. Alban’s
No thought of deposing Henry, only ruling in his name
Sworn allegiance to Henry VI, unwilling to overthrow unless he abdicated
18yo when duke of York died, making him king
Crowned in June 1461, title confirmed by Parliament in November
No formal deposition necessary b/c Lancastrian line deemed usurpers
Lancastrian restoration 1470-1471
Due to division b/t Edward, Warwick
Henry VI trilogy focused on personal ambitions of individuals, meshes individual patterns into providential pattern
Richard III killed Henry VI, Prince Edward, duke of Clarence, nephews Edward V+Richard duke of York, wife Anne
Contrived murder of Lord Hastings
Most of reputation due to rumor, political bias, credulity, literary talent of Tudor writers
Myths: physical deformity, role in death of Clarence
Also potentially murdering Henry VI (if he did it was bc of Edward)
Dramatizes time b/t Edward IV’s death, Richard’s ascension
Edward IV neglected by Shakespeare
Didn’t get his own play
Most successful of later Plantagenets
Concerned w/ business of govt.
Introduced financial reforms
“Lived of his own” (didn’t ask parliament for taxes to fund lifestyle)
Infantilized Rutland, Prince Edward to paint deaths as atrocities
Rivalries arose from marriage
Woodvilles cornered aristocratic market
Anthony Woodville was governor to prince of Wales
Edward Woodville served as military commander
Thomas+Richard Grey (Lady Grey’s sons from 1st marriage) debaucherous
Rivals to Woodvilles
Served as Edward’s northern deputy, generally successful
No action taken against Edward during his life
Married Anne Neville (daughter of Warwick, previously betrothed to Prince Edward)
Attempted to prevent Clarence’s execution
Resented Woodvilles for death
Betrayed Edward by joining Warwick’s revolt
Committed reasonless judicial murder through King’s court
Protested execution of servant convicted of witchcraft
Charged w/ trason
Lord Hastings
Edward’s closest friend_advisor
Captain of Calais
Henry Stafford duke of Buckingham
Great-great-grandson to Thomas of Woodstock
Edward IV died 4/9/1483
Edward V (son of Edward IV) proclaimed king 4/11/1483
Richard appointed as protector during minority
Actual person left to Woodvilles, who were scattered
Woodvilles didn’t want protectorate
Richard asked Hastings for troops when coronation was scheduled for 6/22
Hastings switched sides, arrested+executed w/o trial 6/13
Lady Grey surrendered baby York 6/16
Shakespeare reverses: York released before Hastings dies
Hastings plot fabrication by Richard after Hastings refuses to support accession
Richard openly preparing accession by 6/22
Spread rumor of Edward IV’s illegitimacy, which would disinherit princes
Shifted to illegitimacy of princes, then to secret betrothal of which both parties were dead
Legitimate hereditary claim essential since Yorkist revolution was built on having better claim
Richard of Gloucester proclaimed in stead of Edward V 6/26
Acclaimed by a parliament made illegitimate by claims against Edward V
Legally and morally usurped Edward V’s crown
Most efficient+least costly of England’s irregular seizures of power
Richard crowned King 7/9
Shakespeare assumes Richard governed by ambition, may have been fear
Buckingham helped Richard to throne, turned on him w/i 3 months of coronation
Henry Tudor
Grandfather married widow of Henry V
Father made earl by Henry VI, married Margaret Beaufort
Margaret daughter of John Beaufort duke of Somerset, son of eldest child of John of Gaunt
Not much different from Yorkists
Main trouble w/ Tudors was lack of heirs rather than overabundance
Richard’s son died, leaving heir in question