Week 6 & 7 Readings  

Week 6

Associations and Democracy 1

Lipset et al.

  • ITU: International Union of Typesetters

    • Democratic system

  • Mass society: a society without a multitude of organizations independent of state power has high dictatorial and revolutionary potential

    • Maintains:

      • Oligarchy

  • Men who are most involved in formal/informal relationships with other printers are more likely to be active and interested in union politics

  • Active associationism = linked with an increase in knowledge, interest, and involvement in union politics

  • Liberals are more motivated to participate in political activities

  • Characteristics

    • Status: highly educated but blue-collared workers → ambiguous

      • Become friends with other printers because can’t find people with similar status

    • Job satisfaction: really liked their jobs

      • Spend more time with co-workers

    • Substitute system: substitutes are hired each day, if don’t have work they socialize together

      • More time unemployed = more active in the occupational community

    • Working hours: mostly on weekends and at night

      • Cannot hang out with other people so they hang out with each other

      • Night workers = more active in associations

Associations and Democracy 2


  • Weimar Germany

    • High levels of associationism

    • Ineffective government

      Fragmented German society instead of unifying it

      → Facilitated Hitler’s rise to power

      → Weakened democracy

  • The middle class suffered greatly from the Great Depression and became frustrated with the government’s failures

  • Nazis recruited highly activists individuals and exploited their skills to expand the party’s appeal and consolidate its power

    • They helped to design propaganda + political events

  • Nazis infiltrated existing associations to eliminate potential opponents

  • Flourishing civil society doesn’t lead to liberal democracy

  • The political context is important

Week 7

Religion and Democracy


  • Protestantism influenced the rise of stable democracy around the world through missionaries

    • Spread religious liberty

    • Mass education

      • For literacy

      • Women + men

    • Mass printing + newspapers

    • Voluntary organizations + associations

      • Promoted civil society

    • Colonial reforms

  • It is important to consider religious beliefs because they profoundly shape society
