William Shakespeare - Quiz Review

  William Shakespeare 

Quiz Review 

General Information 

  • William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in English

  • His works include themes of passion, comedy, drama and human nature

  • Shakespeare lived during the “Elizabethan England”, ruled under Queen Elizabeth I (a time where the English language was becoming popular) 

Early Life and Education 

Birth Year: 1564 (unknown date but likely April 23rd)

Baptism: April 26, 1564 at Holy Trinity Curch, Stratford-upon-Avon

  • The year Shakespeare was born, Stratford faced a devastating plague outbreak (bubonic plague, Black Death) 

  • Many people died, survival was remarkable

Family Background 

Siblings: 2 sisters named Joan & Margaret died during infancy because of the plague 


  • John Shakespeare: A glover, leather worker, and businessman who became the High Bailiff of Stratford

  • Mary Arden Shakespeare: Woman from a farm family 

Shakespeare came from a well-off family during that time


  • Attended a local grammar school in Stratford 

  • Learned Latin, English and writing

  • Exposure to classical Roman texts influenced Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus.

Exposure to Theater

  • Saw traveling actors perform in Stratford’s taverns

  • At 11, he attended the Kenilworth Castle Festival with his father

  • Festival inspired works like “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Lost Years

  • Shakespeare did not attend university due to his family’s declining financial situation.. 

  • It is thought that he left school at 14 or 15 to become an apprentice to his father’s glove-making business.

  • Very little is known about these years.

Marriage to Anne Hathaway 

  • Shakespeare married a woman 8 years older who lived in a nearby village

  • She became pregnant when Shakespeare was 18 

  • Married quickly because of the pregnancy 

  • Married on November 28, 1582, six months before their daughter was born 

  • Little is known about their marriage, but 10 years later, Shakespeare worked in London 

Shakespeare in His Twenties & Early Career 

Theories about his whereabouts (1580s-1590s) 

  • Some believe he was a soldier (plays about battles and soldiers) 

  • Some believe he was a sailor (plays containing references to the sea) 

  • Some think he traveled to Italy (plays in Italian settings) 

  • Theories about him being a schoolmaster in the countryside

Family Life

  • Married Anne Hathaway

  • Had 3 children 

  • Susanna (May 26, 1583), born the summer after marriage

  • Twins Hamnet & Judith (1585) 

  • Hamnet died at the age of 11 (August 11, 1596) 

  • Shakespeare left Stratford for London in the 1580s 

Arrival in London (1592) 

  • Started writing for professional theatres 

  • Early plays: 

Two Gentlemen of Verona 

Henry VI (Parts 1-3) 

  • Literary Rival: Robert Greene, criticized Shakespeare, he thought he was more talented because he attended university. 

Rise to Fame (1590s) 

  •  Henry VI, Part 1, was a success with 10,000 viewers 

Shakespeare wrote: 

  • Comedies (The Comedy of Errors, Two Gentlemen of Verona) 

  • Tragedies (Titus Andronicus)

  • History Plays (Henry VI, Richard III) 

Association with Nobility 

  • Gained patronage from Earl of Southampton (1593-1694) 

  • Dedicated 2 poems to him: 

  • Venus & Adonis 

  • The Rape of Lucrece

Shakespeare’s Sonnets & Relationships 

The Sonnets

  • Some of the most famous love poetry in English 

  • Many of them are addressed to a “young man” (possibly the Earl of Southampton) 

  • Famous sonnet: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”

  • Sonnet reflects affection and a possible relationship with the young man. 

Rival Poet & Dark Lady 

  • Rival poet is the th dark lady and a rival for the young man’s affection in later sonnets, a woman Shakespeare describes negatively. 

  • Shakespeare shows self-loathing through the sonnets, & reflects his true feelings.

  • Both characters are portrayed as “fickle” (unstable), the narrator expresses frustration with both of them.

Shakespeare was possibly homosexual? Bisexual? → He was hanging around a lot of young men 

Writing Career & Personal Life 

  • Shakespeare had to write more plays due to the demand from the theater

  • Theaters were greedy with new scripts & Shakespeare was under constant pressure

  • He produced 37 plays in around 20 years

  • Shakespeare lived away from his family 

  • He wrote plays like Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo and Juliet & A Midsummer Night’s Dream during this time.

  • In his play Twelfth Night, Orsino says don’t marry an older woman, suggesting that Shakespeare’s marriage was unfufilling 

Plague & The Impact 

  • London experienced many plague outbreaks in the 1590s, killing 1,000 people per week in its peak. 

  • Forced the closure of theaters, stopping Shakespeare’s work during this time. Distributed theater productions 

  • Shakespeare’s career was interrupted several times by this plague.

Personal Tragedy: Death of Hamnet

  • 1596, Shakespeare’s only son Hamnet died at 11

  • The event had a big impact on Shakespeare 

  • Devastating because there was no other male heir to inherit Shakespeare’s wealth 

  • Shakespeare wrote sonnet-like pieces to share his sorrow 

  • Influenced his writing with his darker plays like Hamlet

  • Hamlet → themes of grief, loss, existential questioning (To be, or not to be…?) 

Globe Theatre & Shakespeare’s Success 

  • Faced obstacles including renewing the lease for the old theater

  • They demolished the old theater and relocated it to Southwark (an area known for gambling & brothels)

  • 1st play at the Globe was Julius Caesar

  • Shakespeare used language to create worlds, set moods, and use vivid visual imagery. 

Shakespeare Roles

  • Shakespeare may have played ghosts (Hamlet’s father) in plays

  • Shakespeare referred to himself as a playwright, actor and poet

  • Many of his phrases/words became part of the English language 

Sources for His Plays 

  • Many plays are based on popular legends & historical figures 

  • Adapted from existing works 

Shakespeare’s Growth 

  • By the 1600, he started more complex and disturbing plays 

King James & the King’s Men : 

  • 1603 King James became England’s king, and Shakespeare and his troupe became the King’s Men and performed at the royal court 

  • Peak of his career

Tragedies of 1604-1607

  • He wrote the greatest tragedies, Othello, Macbeth, & King Lear

  • Focused on psychological depth and violent themes

Shakespeare & Fatherhood 

  • Shakespeare later became more concerned with father-daughter relationships, in his plays he writes about fathers who are preoccupied with their daughters.

  • Appears in Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest 

  • King Lear is one of the most famous examples, the main conflict of the story is the relationship between King Lear and his daughters. 

Final Years 

The Globe Fire (1613) 

  • The theatre was destroyed by fire during a performance of Henry VII, marking the end of his career in London. 

  • Retired to Stratford where he lived as a wealthy man 

  • Became a gentleman, businessman and landowner 

  • Owner of the 2nd largest house in Stratford

  • Without a male heir, he was concerned about what would happen after his death.

Will & Family Struggle 

  • Shakespeare wrote a document split into 2 parts showing conflict within his family. 

  • Susanna, his daughter and her husband John Hall, gained all power, leaving barely anything for his 2nd daughter and wife. 

  • There was a controversy between Shakespeare and Susanna’s husband 

Death & Legacy 

  • Died on his 52nd birthday, 23rd April 1616, while drinking too much with his friends 

  • He ate too many pickled herring and drank too much wine, leading to a fever and sickness.

  • Buried on 25th April 1616

  • The epitaph, possibly written by him, asks for his grave to remain undisturbed.

Works Not Published

  • Shakespeares plays were not published in his time

  • They were put together and written down by actors during performances, which lead to inaccurate versions

  • 1st compilation → called the First Folio, was published in 1623, seven years after his death 

  • Put together and published by Ben Jonson, Shakespeare’s greatest rival and friend

Folio Act = Contained 36 plays, 18 of which had never been published including Macbeth, Twelfth Night & The Tempest

Influence in Modern Times

  • 1899, the first film version of Shakespeare 

  • Countless films and television shows have been created and performed worldwide

Other Notes : 

King Lear = represents the relationship between Shakespeare’s daughters

  • Posibily a character written by Shakespeare by Shakespeare, and shows the strained relationship he has with others

  • Another character written by Shakespeare for himself is the ghost of Hamlet’s father (represents him & his sone who passed away) 

  • Poet = A bard 

  • The Kings Men = A title that was very important and a grand title

  • Female actors were actually played by males that didnt reach puberty 

  • After the death of his son Shakespeare started to have a fascination with death 

  • Theaters became somethign that seemed “ungodly” during Shakespeare’s time 

  • After his death his daughter Susanna and her husband were given his will and his younger daughter and wife were barely left with anuything

Tradegies: Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo & Juliet 

Comedies: The Tempest, 12th Night, 2 Gentlemen of Verona 

Tempest Preface Notes

  • Born in April 1564, is Strat-upon-Avon, died in April 1616

  • Playwright, poet, actor ; considered the best english dramatist

  • Likely attended the King’s New School for grammar 

  • Studied Latin grammar, literature, Greek at school 

  • No official doumentiation on his life between schooling and jis rise in London theater

  • Married Anne Hathaway in 1582, had 3 children

  • Was an actor and playwright in London by 1592

  • Works: Venus and Adonis (1953), The Rape of Lucrecre (1594) 

  • Theaters closed due to plague in 1593-1954, focused on poetry 

  • Became a shareholder of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (later the King’s Men)

  • Built the Globe Theatre in 1599 with his company 

→ Wrote major tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Kear, Macbeth at the Globe

  • Plays preformed at court for Queen Elizabeth I and King James I 

  • Wrote The Winter’s Tale & The Tempest for the Blackfriars Theatre (1608-1612) 

  • Likely retired to Startford-upon-Avon around 1612 

  • Continued earning profits, manuscript sales, and Globe Theatre shares 

  • Died on April 23, 1616, and buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford

  • First Folio published in 1623, collecting his plays

  • Works of Shakespeare reflect knowledge of Roman and Christian traditions

  • Hamlet: mixed Roman revenge tradgedy with Christian beliefs

  • Age of explorationon, new worrlds and ideas 

  • London grew as a center of trade, government, and culture
