William Shakespeare
Quiz Review
General Information
William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in English
His works include themes of passion, comedy, drama and human nature
Shakespeare lived during the “Elizabethan England”, ruled under Queen Elizabeth I (a time where the English language was becoming popular)
Early Life and Education
Birth Year: 1564 (unknown date but likely April 23rd)
Baptism: April 26, 1564 at Holy Trinity Curch, Stratford-upon-Avon
The year Shakespeare was born, Stratford faced a devastating plague outbreak (bubonic plague, Black Death)
Many people died, survival was remarkable
Family Background
Siblings: 2 sisters named Joan & Margaret died during infancy because of the plague
John Shakespeare: A glover, leather worker, and businessman who became the High Bailiff of Stratford
Mary Arden Shakespeare: Woman from a farm family
Shakespeare came from a well-off family during that time
Attended a local grammar school in Stratford
Learned Latin, English and writing
Exposure to classical Roman texts influenced Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus.
Exposure to Theater
Saw traveling actors perform in Stratford’s taverns
At 11, he attended the Kenilworth Castle Festival with his father
Festival inspired works like “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Lost Years
Shakespeare did not attend university due to his family’s declining financial situation..
It is thought that he left school at 14 or 15 to become an apprentice to his father’s glove-making business.
Very little is known about these years.
Marriage to Anne Hathaway
Shakespeare married a woman 8 years older who lived in a nearby village
She became pregnant when Shakespeare was 18
Married quickly because of the pregnancy
Married on November 28, 1582, six months before their daughter was born
Little is known about their marriage, but 10 years later, Shakespeare worked in London
Shakespeare in His Twenties & Early Career
Theories about his whereabouts (1580s-1590s)
Some believe he was a soldier (plays about battles and soldiers)
Some believe he was a sailor (plays containing references to the sea)
Some think he traveled to Italy (plays in Italian settings)
Theories about him being a schoolmaster in the countryside
Family Life
Married Anne Hathaway
Had 3 children
Susanna (May 26, 1583), born the summer after marriage
Twins Hamnet & Judith (1585)
Hamnet died at the age of 11 (August 11, 1596)
Shakespeare left Stratford for London in the 1580s
Arrival in London (1592)
Started writing for professional theatres
Early plays:
Two Gentlemen of Verona |
Henry VI (Parts 1-3) |
Literary Rival: Robert Greene, criticized Shakespeare, he thought he was more talented because he attended university.
Rise to Fame (1590s)
Henry VI, Part 1, was a success with 10,000 viewers
Shakespeare wrote:
Comedies (The Comedy of Errors, Two Gentlemen of Verona)
Tragedies (Titus Andronicus)
History Plays (Henry VI, Richard III)
Association with Nobility
Gained patronage from Earl of Southampton (1593-1694)
Dedicated 2 poems to him:
Venus & Adonis
The Rape of Lucrece
Shakespeare’s Sonnets & Relationships
The Sonnets
Some of the most famous love poetry in English
Many of them are addressed to a “young man” (possibly the Earl of Southampton)
Famous sonnet: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
Sonnet reflects affection and a possible relationship with the young man.
Rival Poet & Dark Lady
Rival poet is the th dark lady and a rival for the young man’s affection in later sonnets, a woman Shakespeare describes negatively.
Shakespeare shows self-loathing through the sonnets, & reflects his true feelings.
Both characters are portrayed as “fickle” (unstable), the narrator expresses frustration with both of them.
Shakespeare was possibly homosexual? Bisexual? → He was hanging around a lot of young men
Writing Career & Personal Life
Shakespeare had to write more plays due to the demand from the theater
Theaters were greedy with new scripts & Shakespeare was under constant pressure
He produced 37 plays in around 20 years
Shakespeare lived away from his family
He wrote plays like Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo and Juliet & A Midsummer Night’s Dream during this time.
In his play Twelfth Night, Orsino says don’t marry an older woman, suggesting that Shakespeare’s marriage was unfufilling
Plague & The Impact
London experienced many plague outbreaks in the 1590s, killing 1,000 people per week in its peak.
Forced the closure of theaters, stopping Shakespeare’s work during this time. Distributed theater productions
Shakespeare’s career was interrupted several times by this plague.
Personal Tragedy: Death of Hamnet
1596, Shakespeare’s only son Hamnet died at 11
The event had a big impact on Shakespeare
Devastating because there was no other male heir to inherit Shakespeare’s wealth
Shakespeare wrote sonnet-like pieces to share his sorrow
Influenced his writing with his darker plays like Hamlet
Hamlet → themes of grief, loss, existential questioning (To be, or not to be…?)
Globe Theatre & Shakespeare’s Success
Faced obstacles including renewing the lease for the old theater
They demolished the old theater and relocated it to Southwark (an area known for gambling & brothels)
1st play at the Globe was Julius Caesar
Shakespeare used language to create worlds, set moods, and use vivid visual imagery.
Shakespeare Roles
Shakespeare may have played ghosts (Hamlet’s father) in plays
Shakespeare referred to himself as a playwright, actor and poet
Many of his phrases/words became part of the English language
Sources for His Plays
Many plays are based on popular legends & historical figures
Adapted from existing works
Shakespeare’s Growth
By the 1600, he started more complex and disturbing plays
King James & the King’s Men :
1603 King James became England’s king, and Shakespeare and his troupe became the King’s Men and performed at the royal court
Peak of his career
Tragedies of 1604-1607
He wrote the greatest tragedies, Othello, Macbeth, & King Lear
Focused on psychological depth and violent themes
Shakespeare & Fatherhood
Shakespeare later became more concerned with father-daughter relationships, in his plays he writes about fathers who are preoccupied with their daughters.
Appears in Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest
King Lear is one of the most famous examples, the main conflict of the story is the relationship between King Lear and his daughters.
Final Years
The Globe Fire (1613)
The theatre was destroyed by fire during a performance of Henry VII, marking the end of his career in London.
Retired to Stratford where he lived as a wealthy man
Became a gentleman, businessman and landowner
Owner of the 2nd largest house in Stratford
Without a male heir, he was concerned about what would happen after his death.
Will & Family Struggle
Shakespeare wrote a document split into 2 parts showing conflict within his family.
Susanna, his daughter and her husband John Hall, gained all power, leaving barely anything for his 2nd daughter and wife.
There was a controversy between Shakespeare and Susanna’s husband
Death & Legacy
Died on his 52nd birthday, 23rd April 1616, while drinking too much with his friends
He ate too many pickled herring and drank too much wine, leading to a fever and sickness.
Buried on 25th April 1616
The epitaph, possibly written by him, asks for his grave to remain undisturbed.
Works Not Published
Shakespeares plays were not published in his time
They were put together and written down by actors during performances, which lead to inaccurate versions
1st compilation → called the First Folio, was published in 1623, seven years after his death
Put together and published by Ben Jonson, Shakespeare’s greatest rival and friend
Folio Act = Contained 36 plays, 18 of which had never been published including Macbeth, Twelfth Night & The Tempest
Influence in Modern Times
1899, the first film version of Shakespeare
Countless films and television shows have been created and performed worldwide
Other Notes :
King Lear = represents the relationship between Shakespeare’s daughters
Posibily a character written by Shakespeare by Shakespeare, and shows the strained relationship he has with others
Another character written by Shakespeare for himself is the ghost of Hamlet’s father (represents him & his sone who passed away)
Poet = A bard
The Kings Men = A title that was very important and a grand title
Female actors were actually played by males that didnt reach puberty
After the death of his son Shakespeare started to have a fascination with death
Theaters became somethign that seemed “ungodly” during Shakespeare’s time
After his death his daughter Susanna and her husband were given his will and his younger daughter and wife were barely left with anuything
Tradegies: Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo & Juliet
Comedies: The Tempest, 12th Night, 2 Gentlemen of Verona
Tempest Preface Notes
Born in April 1564, is Strat-upon-Avon, died in April 1616
Playwright, poet, actor ; considered the best english dramatist
Likely attended the King’s New School for grammar
Studied Latin grammar, literature, Greek at school
No official doumentiation on his life between schooling and jis rise in London theater
Married Anne Hathaway in 1582, had 3 children
Was an actor and playwright in London by 1592
Works: Venus and Adonis (1953), The Rape of Lucrecre (1594)
Theaters closed due to plague in 1593-1954, focused on poetry
Became a shareholder of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (later the King’s Men)
Built the Globe Theatre in 1599 with his company
→ Wrote major tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Kear, Macbeth at the Globe
Plays preformed at court for Queen Elizabeth I and King James I
Wrote The Winter’s Tale & The Tempest for the Blackfriars Theatre (1608-1612)
Likely retired to Startford-upon-Avon around 1612
Continued earning profits, manuscript sales, and Globe Theatre shares
Died on April 23, 1616, and buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford
First Folio published in 1623, collecting his plays
Works of Shakespeare reflect knowledge of Roman and Christian traditions
Hamlet: mixed Roman revenge tradgedy with Christian beliefs
Age of explorationon, new worrlds and ideas
London grew as a center of trade, government, and culture