Setting/century - Scotland, England; Elizabethan Era
Who Scotland is at war with - denmark
Traits we learn about Macbeth before he is seen in the play - he is heroic
How he gets Thane of Cawdor title - King Duncan valued Macbeth with honor for their diligence;
Why Lady Macbeth calls on spirits while reading Macbeth’s letter - to carry on Duncans murder
Recognize a paradox
What are the reasons Macbeth should NOT kill Ducan - it could trammel up the consequences, King duncan was blameless, and would also be an act of violence
What is the only reason why he would - if it was done quick
What item does Macbeth see floating in the air before the murder - a dagger
Who actually murders Macbeth - Macduff
Who returns the dagger to the room - Lady Macbeth
Who is the comic relief after the murder - porter
How do we know Macduff does not approve of Macbeth’s coronation - He doesn’t want to show up in Scone where the coronation takes place
Why does Macbeth talk of a barren scepter - to express his frustration that he will not have any heirs to inherit the throne
How does Macbeth influence the murders to go after Banquo (other than paying them) - convinces them that eliminating Banquo is essential for their own gain
Who murders Banquo - the murderers
Who escapes from the murders - fleance
What happens during the banquet - Macbeth saw Malculms ghost
Where does Macduff go instead of answering Macbeth’s request to come to the castle - england
What 3 things do the apparitions of the witches tell Macbeth in Act IV
Who warns Lady Macduff of impending attack - ross
Why is Ross hesitant to tell Macduff the news he has in Act IV - to spare him from immediate grief.
What is Malcolm's advice to Macduff in his grief - transform his grief into a motivation for action/revenge
Why won’t Lady Macbeth’s gentlewoman repeat what she has heard Lady M say - revealing her private confessions could lead to further harm or disgrace
What does Macbeth want the doctor to do for Lady M - to help he regain her sanity