(455) HL Thermodynamics 1st law and basics [IB Physics HL]

Thermodynamics Overview

  • Focus on the first law of thermodynamics.

  • Basic example: coffee cooling down from hot to cold.

Systems in Thermodynamics

Closed Systems

  • No mass transfer in or out.

  • Energy transfer (heat) is possible.

Isolated Systems

  • No mass or energy transfer.

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • Applies to closed systems.

  • Equation: Q = ΔU + W

    • Q: Heat transferred (joules)

    • ΔU: Change in internal energy (joules)

    • W: Work done (joules)

  • Significance: Describes how internal energy relates to energy transfer.

Work in Thermodynamics

  • Work Equation: W = P * ΔV

    • Work done (joules).

    • Pressure (pascals).

    • ΔV: Change in volume (cubic meters).

  • Area under the PV curve represents work.

Clausius Conventions

  • Work direction impacts sign:

    • Positive if volume expands (right arrow).

    • Negative if volume contracts (left arrow).

Heat and Energy Terms

  • Heat transferred to surroundings: Q is positive.

  • Internal energy change:

    • Positive ΔU: Internal energy increases.

  • Work done by a system: Positive work.

  • Work done on a system: Negative work.

Change in Internal Energy

  • Internal energy equation: ΔU = 3 * n * R * ΔT or ΔU = 3/2 * N * kB * ΔT.

  • Need to know units:

    • ΔU: joules

    • ΔT: kelvin

    • n: number of moles

    • R: gas constant

    • N: number of molecules

    • kB: Boltzmann's constant

Example Problem


  • Gas undergoes isovolumetric change (volume stays constant).

  • Initial (A) and final (B) states known: pressure, volume, and temperature.


  • Find thermal energy removed when transitioning from A to B.


  1. Understand that thermal energy means finding Q.

  2. From the first law: Q = ΔU + W

    • Work done is zero in isovolumetric process.

    • Therefore, Q = ΔU.

  3. Calculate ΔU using: ΔU = 3 * nR * ΔT.

  4. Utilize the ideal gas law to determine n:

    • PV = nRT implies n = PV/T.


  • Substitute known values from state A into ΔU, taking care of temperature change (ΔT).

  • Example calculation yields: Q = -332,353 joules (or -332 joules for significant figures).


  • Key takeaways include understanding the first law of thermodynamics, conditions of closed vs. isolated systems, work definition, Clausius conventions, and applying these to problems involving internal energy and heat transfer.
