7.3 Conducting World War 1

What were some of the methods governments used to fight World War 1?

Britain_ Palls Battalions

Changes in Warfare: In the beginning, war was thought of a glorious experience, dying for you country was an honor. Over time, exposure to deadly military technology (planes, tanks, machine guns, and poison gas)

  • trench warfare (gloomy experience)

  • deadly poison gas

  • submarines… damage on shipping lanes of Atlantic Ocean

  • machine guns (increased ammunition)

  • airplanes (fitted with machine guns)

  • tanks (protected troops

  • Both sides could neither defeat each other with such deadly weapons)

The United States enters the War: (reasons)

  • they had ties with the Allies

  • Allies were more democratic

  • they don’t like the Germans bc they attacked American ships

  • Germany tried to help Mexico reclaim their territory and US calls it quits and join the war

Total War: (country gave everything, population and military, all resources, to win the war.)


  • many women working in factorizes, workers imported from China.

  • propaganda to recruit people for war and demonized enemies… mislead info brewed hatred across borders

A Global War: major competition for colonies. Japan joined the German colonies.Troops enlisted from home countries. Soldiers from all over.

Women and the War: women replaces jobs by men as they left for war. They served on the front line as nurses, ambulance drivers, and operators.

The Paris Peace Conferance:

  • leaders of countries than won (Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, George Clemenceau, and Vittorio Orlando… US, Britiain, France, and Italy) became known as the Big Four.

  • Italy did not get the lands they were promised and they were mad

  • Russia was not invited because of communist revolution

  • US leader wanted to establish without victory, no reward or punishment for any countries…France did not like this, “unreleastic”, thinking that France deserved special considerations and protection from Germany. Britain aggred with him but also was between US and France

Fourteen Points: US leader proposes the Fourteen Points… idea of the League of Nations (where all nations can meet and discuss issues) US Senate votes against this and the treaty of Versailles.

conquered colonies under those who lost had the right for self-determination.This lead to breakup up Ottoman and A-H empires.

Treaty of Versailles: Germany takes the blame for everything and ends up paying millions, giving up its colonies and armed forces. Economy suffered high inflation… later led to resent and bitterness as well as the Nazi’s to take power.
