Change in Europe: women and the state; changing role and ideas concerning women
Luther, John Knox, and Elizabeth I
Moravian view of women, education, and leadership: Commenius, Zinzendorf, and Rebecca Protten
Rebirth of classic ancient Greek and Roman thinking
Holy had concentration of wealth, power, and intellect in church -> birthplace
Center of trade in Mediterranean Sea, middle of many trade routes
More interaction and spread of knowledge
Florence specifically birthplace of renaissance
Many early writers and artists come from here
Political power rested to wealthy merchants
Medici family supported artists and writers
Controlled Europe’s wealth for over 200 years
Lorenzo de Medici became Florence leader @ 20
Giovanni de Medici started Medici Bank
Wool and banking allowed them to gain prominence
Could then become patrons of the arts
Closely tied to church
Family became popes, queens, dukes, etc
Medieval catholic church questioned nothing and looked to faith alone
Thomas Acquitnas (catholic priest) believed faith and reason should coexist
Leonardo da Vinci’s designed helped us invent tanks, parachute, helicopter, etc
Renaissance Man
Well known for Mona Lisa and Last Supper
Michealangelo worked on Medici Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, in Rome
Commissioned by Pope to paint sistine Chapel
Shakeshepere embraced renaissance by:
Updating two-dimensional writing style
Used knowledge of Greek and Roman Classics
Renaissance art showed individuals, less churches, realism, depth, naked
Secular themes
Imitates classic art and rejects medieval
Leonardo Bruni (1369) wrote biography of Cicero and encouraged people to become politically active
Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press Bible which increased circulation of books
Spread renaissance ideas
Northern Renaissance writers tried to create more perfect world by combining ancient and Christian world
Italian Humanists stressed secularism and individualism
William Shakeshphere (1564) considered greatest poet
Known for Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Henry IV, etc
Francois Rabelais (1483) wrote romances
Geoffery Chaucer (1342) write Canterbury Tales
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469) served as Florentine Republic Secretary
Advisor to the Medicaid's and had radical beliefs
Wrote The Prince on manners for how to rule
Maintain power by ignoring right and wrong
The end justifies the means
France won Hundred-Years-War (1453), but country was left devastated
Louis XI one of the most successful monarchs
England had War of Roses between York and Lancaster
Lancaster, Henry Tutor gained control and ruled till 1600’s
Hasburgs ruled Spain
Giotto (1267) born in Florence known for St. Francis Preaching to Birds
Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378) was a sculptor
Donatello (1485) painted the David
Michelangelo (1475) painted Sistine Chapel, statue of David
Identify at least two reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy:
Started in Florence, Italy because many writers came from here and it being in the center of trade w/ Mediterranean.
Started in Florence because of the Medicis, Roman Catholic Church, trade agreement for alum and political power rested in wealthy merchants
Alum known as potassium alum is a natural bacteria used for dyes
Explain why Leonardo da Vinci was considered a Renaissance man:
Renaissance man is defined as having mastery in many areas of knowledge, which da Vinci had.
He has mastery in many topics and categories of life, especially topics related to the Renaissance
Two ideas that Machiavelli shared about the practice of governing:
Better to be feared than loved
The ends justify the means
Five characteristics of the Renaissance:
Rising middle class, artistic patronage, new monarchies (England, France, and Spain), national languages, challenges to the Catholic Church
Three differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance:
Impact of the Catholic Church on the Renaissance:
Patronage of the arts (created less secular artwork where the subject matter was religious)
Gutenberg Printing Press allowed more bibles to be printed *in English* for more to read
Explain how the conditions in the Renaissance helped lead to the Protestant Reformation:
Renaissance in Northern Europe (in comparison with the Italian Renaissance):
Northern Renaissance writers tried to create more perfect world by combining ancient and Christian world
Ideas such as Humanism spread around Europe
Questioned everything and made sense of the world
Linked to the Protestant Reformation (caused by conflict with Roman Catholic Church)
What invention sparked the beginning of the Renaissance period? How did it impact the Church and Europe as a whole?:
Gutenberg Printing Press
This created mass printing of the Bible which allowed people to form their own ideas (in English)
Pope Leo also needed money to build the Basilica and sold indulgences and the Thesis of Martin Luther
How did the Crusades/Silk Road (Global Trade) help the Renaissance):
Acquiring new shiny things (like spices, citrus, porcelynn, silk) makes you feel fancy, is a sign of wealth, silk feels better
Basis of the Protestant Reformation
Believed the Church should be more attuned to people’s needs
Focused on intellectual and human achievements!
Improvement of individual service to the state
Created progressive community
Questioned everything and made sense of the world, Catholic Church questioned nothing
How did the Bubonic Plague impact Europe in relation to the Renaissance:
Impacted Europe with the amount of death it created
Thinned of the heard and gave more resources to everyone
Created growth of Middle Class
Opened up trade
*Crusades aided Renaissance by bringing back goods for trade
Traders are in the middle class
Christians v. Muslims
First was a success and fought for Jerusalem, Second lost, Fourth fought for Constantinople
Black Plague:
Lancaster v. York fight for power
Tutors (Lancaster) reign as a result
The Prince by Machiavelli:
Florence Italy:
Royal Dynasty:
England: Tutor
France: Valois
Spain: Ferdinand of Aragon and Italy of Habsburgs
Spanish Inquisition (1479):
Holy Roman Empire (Habsburgs):
Charles V?
The Medici Family (Leo X, Clement VII):
The Borgias (Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia):
Two different motivations in the two different reformations:
English involved Henry VIII, Catherine, Sir Thomas Moore, Henry wants to divorce wife
Europe had Martin Luther and John Calvin
Florence had Medici, School for Artists, Patrons
North had Humanists, and more philosophy
Martin Luther (95 Theses):
Jon Hus wanted bishops elected, burned @ Council of Constance, spiritual leader of moravians
Henry VIII (divorce from first wife):
Catholic Church:
Crusades (how did these impact the Renaissance):
Pope Urban II (called for first crusade):
Patron of the Arts:
Council of Trent (defined Catholicism in contrast to Proterstantism):
Diet of Worms (luther is excommunicated):
Francesco Patracha (1304) was the Father of Humanism
Works led to rise of civic-humanists
Wrote sonnets in Italian, many for Laura
Desiderus Erasmus (1466) known as Prince of Humanism and criticized religious abuses of the church
Held to Catholic doctrines like predestination (rejected free will)
Sir Thomas Moore (1478) wrote utopia w/ social equality
Executed in 1535
Henry VIII’s religious advisor