General approach and goals determined by the research question.
5 Quantitative Research Strategies:
Descriptive: Provides a “snapshot” of the current situation.
Correlational: Examines natural relationships between two variables.
Experimental: Investigates causal relationships between variables.
Quasi-Experimental: Similar to experiments, but lacks random assignment.
Nonexperimental: Examines relationships between groups or conditions without manipulation.
Defined as “the quality or state of being true.”
Refers to the degree to which a study accurately answers the question it intends to address.
Indicates correctness or truthfulness of inferences made from study data.
Issues like flawed design or poorly applicable results can undermine validity.
Distinct from measurement validity.
Refers to the extent to which study results can be generalized to other populations, settings, and times.
Considers if the same results would be observed under different conditions, with different people, or using different measures.
Any characteristic limiting generalization of results:
Example: Testing exclusively White middle-class children in an urban setting.
Limited range of participant characteristics can threaten the external validity.
Samples Not Representative: If groups are not representative, generalizations are weakened.
Defined as the extent to which a study provides a clear explanation of the relationship between variables.
Investigate if changes in the independent variable (IV) directly cause changes in the dependent variable (DV).
Adequate control of confounding variables crucial for establishing valid interpretations.
Factors that allow alternative explanations for results:
Poor design may lead to misinterpretation of results.
Example: Participants improve due to external factors (diet, rest) during a flu medication study.
Research quality is proportional to how well it addresses internal and external validity criteria.
Anticipate threats but cannot eliminate all.
Being mindful of these threats aids in evaluating research quality.
Selection Bias: Some participants are favored by the sampling method.
Found in college students as they differ in characteristics from other adults.
Volunteer Bias: Differences between volunteers and non-volunteers may skew results.
Volunteers often show higher education levels and social motivations.
Novelty effect: Participants behave differently due to the unique test situation.
Multiple treatment interference: Previous treatments can influence current performance (e.g., fatigue effects).
Experimenter characteristics can influence results and vary across studies.
Assessment Sensitization: Participant responses may change due to prior measurement processes.
For instance, pre-tests raising participant awareness of behavior.
Generosity across response measures whereby treatment may impact one measure but not another (e.g., physiological vs. behavioral).
Environmental Variables: Unmonitored changes in surroundings affect results; e.g., lighting, temperature.
Individual Differences: Characteristics of participants can misrepresent group comparisons.
Time-Related Variables: External events or individual changes over time can influence results in longitudinal studies.
High internal validity requires tight control over confounding variables, potentially creating an artificial study environment.
Conversely, increasing external validity demands realistic conditions that might introduce new extraneous variables.
Artifacts: External factors influencing measurements without being manipulated during study.
Include experimenter bias and participant reactivity.
Extraneous Variables (EVs): Any variable not being studied that could influence results.
Confounding Variables (CVs): A specific type of EV that systematically varies with the independent variable, creating alternative explanations.
Research Strategies: Broad categories classifying research types based on questions.
Research Designs: General frameworks that classify research based on study conduct.
Research Procedures: Specific methodologies unique to individual studies.