Air pollution quiz

Air Pollution Study

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

  1. Colorless odorless gas. Comes from the incomplete combustion of fuel

  2. A source is burning wood

  3. Primary pollutant

  4. Decreases oxygen in blood which leads to death

  5. Catalytic converters in cars

Sulfur Dioxide(SO2)

  1. Acid Rain

  2. Colorless gas

  3. Source includes combustion of coal for electricity

  4. Primary pollutant

  5. Respiratory problems such as asthma

  6. Wet scrubbers on coal smoke stacks capture SO2

NOX: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Nitric Oxide (NO)

  1. Acid rain and smog

  2. Highly reactive, foul smelling, reddish brown gas

  3. Source includes combustion of engines

  4. Primary pollutant, NO2 can be secondary

  5. Respiratory problems such as asthma

  6. Smog checks

Tropospheric Ozone

  1. Crop Damage

  2. Pollutant in the troposphere

  3. Source includes Sun+Heat+Nox+VOC’s= Ozone

  4. Secondary pollutant

  5. Respiratory problems such as asthma

  6. Emission standards have helped reduce tropospheric ozone

Particulate Matter

  1. Very fine particles such as dust and pollen

  2. Source includes construction

  3. Primary AND Secondary pollutants

  4. Respiratory problems such as asthma

  5. Dust control in construction


  1. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification in food chain

  2. Heavy metal

  3. Source includes old leaded gasoline

  4. Primary pollutant

  5. Neurological Damage

  6. Ban on leaded gas in the United States

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s)

  1. Carbon chemicals such as butane

  2. Sources include perfume

  3. Primary pollutant

  4. Overloads immune system, Cancer

  5. Air filters and ventilation masks

Toxic Air Pollution

  1. Many airborne toxins such as heavy metals

  2. Sources include metal smelting

  3. Primary AND Secondary pollutants

  4. Reproductive defects

  5. Clean Air Act regulations


  1. Damage plants

  2. Formed from the incomplete combustion of automobile fuel

  3. Sources include gasoline

  4. Primary AND Secondary pollutants

  5. Cancer

  6. Catalytic converters

Sulfuric and Nitric Acid

  1. Components of Acid Rain

  2. SOurces include SO2 and NO2 which combine with water and oxygen in atmosphere

  3. Secondary

  4. Severe burns to eyes and lungs

  5. Wet scrubbers
