Glossary Practice

obelisk: a tapering, four-sided monolithic shaft with a pyramid-shaped capstone called a ‘pyramidion’, sacred symbol of the sun god Re

quintessential: the most typical or perfect example of a class

register: a band of decoration containing inscriptions, paintings; the wall paintings of Egyptian tombs were usually executed in registers

stela: an upright slab of stone or wood bearing inscriptions, reliefs or paintings, often placed in temples or tombs

stelophorous statue: a block statue image of a male figure combined with a shrine

tribute: money or valuables paid to a state or ruler to acknowledge submission

geopolitical: relating to politics, as influenced by geographical factors

frontality: the depiction of the front view of figures or objects in a work of art

Heb-Sed: an ancient Egyptian ceremony celebrating the continued rule of a pharaoh; the name derives from an Egyptian wolf god named Wepwawet or Heb-Sed

judiciary: the part of a country’s government that has responsibility of its legal systems

joinery: the wooden parts of a building, such as, stairs, doors or wooden frames; viewed collectively

ma’at: the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, order, harmony and justice

Middle Kingdom: c. 2050 BC to c. 1650 BC, compromising the 11th, 12th and 13th dynasties

adze: a tool similar to an axe, with an arched blade at right angles to the handle

unguents: oils or ointments

vassal: a person or country in a subordinate position to a superior power

vizier: chief minister or king’s deputy in ancient Egypt

wet nurse: a woman employed to suckle another woman’s child

New Kingdom: 16th century BC to 11th century BC, compromising the 18th, 19th and 20th dynasties

garrison: troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it

mortuary temple: a religious building dedicated to the funerary cult of a deceased person

frankincense: an aromatic gum substance, used chiefly as burning incense in religious rituals

electrum: a naturally occurring alloy made of gold and silver with some trace elements eg. copper

faience: a material made up of powdered quartz, usually covered with a transparent green or blue glaze

annals: a record of events, usually year by year

booty: spoils of war, usually goods and people captured from the defeated enemy

canopic chest: a wooden case, in which the ancient Egyptians would fill the internal organs of a deceased person, usually for burial with the mummy

cataract: a section of the Nile River in which the huge granite outcrops force the water into a narrow channel, making navigation difficult
