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Glaz Copy of List of Tone Words

Tone words

  1. Ambivalent – having mixed feelings

  2. Apathetic – indifferent, uncaring

  3. Austere – strict, stern, simple

  4. Bantering – teasing, playful

  5. Brusque – abrupt, curt, terse

  6. Candid – very honest and open

  7. Carping – whining, nagging, critical

  8. Censorious – condemning, severely critical, fault-finding

  9. Complacent – satisfied with oneself therefore uncaring, smug, unbothered

  10. Conciliatory – always aiming to please or pacify

  11. Contemptuous – full of deep hatred

  12. Contentious – easily prone to fighting, quarrelsome

  13. Cynical – extremely distrustful, bitterly pessimistic

  14. Dejected – disheartened, depressed

  15. Derisive – showing contempt through ridicule and scorn

  16. Desolate – lonely, dreary, dismal

  17. Didactic – intending to be instructive, tending to lecture or teach too much

  18. Dogmatic – opinionated, preachy, firm and unyielding in one’s beliefs

  19. Ebullient – overflowing with enthusiasm and joy

  20. Effusive – gushing praise

  21. Elegiac – expressing sorrow or lament

  22. Fervent – ardent, showing intensity of feeling

  23. Flippant – disrespectful, shallow, lacking in seriousness

  24. Haughty – proud, arrogant, snobbish

  25. Incisive – cuttingly direct, to the point

  26. Incredulous - unbelieving

  27. Indignant – angry because of something one feels is unjust

  28. Intemperate – uncontrolled, unrestrained, going to extremes

  29. Irony - sarcastic use of words to imply the opposite of what they normally mean, an outcome of events contrary to what was expected.

  30. Jocund – joyful, cheerful

  31. Laudatory – giving praise

  32. Lethargic – drowsy, sluggish, apathetic

  33. Lugubrious – mournful

  34. Pedantic - making a show of knowledge, overly concerned with minute details

  35. Pensive – wistfully or dreamily thoughtful

  36. Petulant – insolent, rude, like a spoiled child

  37. Pithy – concise, crisp, getting right to the point

  38. Puckish – mischievous, impish, rascally

  39. Reticent – reserved, reluctant to speak, restrained

  40. Rhapsodic – extravagantly emotional, euphoric, elated

  41. Sanguine – confident, optimistic

  42. Sardonic – mocking, derisive, sarcastic

  43. Smug – highly self-satisfied

  44. Somber – extremely serious, grave, gloomy, solemn

  45. Strident – harsh, insistent

  46. Timorous – timid, fearful

  47. Vitriolic – caustic, scathing, savagely cruel

  48. Whimsical – spontaneously fanciful, playful, impulsive

  49. Wry – cleverly ironic, grimly humorous

  50. Zealous – fervent, filled with passion

Glaz Copy of List of Tone Words

Tone words

  1. Ambivalent – having mixed feelings

  2. Apathetic – indifferent, uncaring

  3. Austere – strict, stern, simple

  4. Bantering – teasing, playful

  5. Brusque – abrupt, curt, terse

  6. Candid – very honest and open

  7. Carping – whining, nagging, critical

  8. Censorious – condemning, severely critical, fault-finding

  9. Complacent – satisfied with oneself therefore uncaring, smug, unbothered

  10. Conciliatory – always aiming to please or pacify

  11. Contemptuous – full of deep hatred

  12. Contentious – easily prone to fighting, quarrelsome

  13. Cynical – extremely distrustful, bitterly pessimistic

  14. Dejected – disheartened, depressed

  15. Derisive – showing contempt through ridicule and scorn

  16. Desolate – lonely, dreary, dismal

  17. Didactic – intending to be instructive, tending to lecture or teach too much

  18. Dogmatic – opinionated, preachy, firm and unyielding in one’s beliefs

  19. Ebullient – overflowing with enthusiasm and joy

  20. Effusive – gushing praise

  21. Elegiac – expressing sorrow or lament

  22. Fervent – ardent, showing intensity of feeling

  23. Flippant – disrespectful, shallow, lacking in seriousness

  24. Haughty – proud, arrogant, snobbish

  25. Incisive – cuttingly direct, to the point

  26. Incredulous - unbelieving

  27. Indignant – angry because of something one feels is unjust

  28. Intemperate – uncontrolled, unrestrained, going to extremes

  29. Irony - sarcastic use of words to imply the opposite of what they normally mean, an outcome of events contrary to what was expected.

  30. Jocund – joyful, cheerful

  31. Laudatory – giving praise

  32. Lethargic – drowsy, sluggish, apathetic

  33. Lugubrious – mournful

  34. Pedantic - making a show of knowledge, overly concerned with minute details

  35. Pensive – wistfully or dreamily thoughtful

  36. Petulant – insolent, rude, like a spoiled child

  37. Pithy – concise, crisp, getting right to the point

  38. Puckish – mischievous, impish, rascally

  39. Reticent – reserved, reluctant to speak, restrained

  40. Rhapsodic – extravagantly emotional, euphoric, elated

  41. Sanguine – confident, optimistic

  42. Sardonic – mocking, derisive, sarcastic

  43. Smug – highly self-satisfied

  44. Somber – extremely serious, grave, gloomy, solemn

  45. Strident – harsh, insistent

  46. Timorous – timid, fearful

  47. Vitriolic – caustic, scathing, savagely cruel

  48. Whimsical – spontaneously fanciful, playful, impulsive

  49. Wry – cleverly ironic, grimly humorous

  50. Zealous – fervent, filled with passion