Urinalysis Part 2
1. Random Urine Specimen- A urine specimen collected at any time, without regard to diet or time of day.
2. Ketones- A group of chemical substance produced during increased fat metabolism; ketone bodies.
3. Melanin- A dark pigment of skin, hair, and certain tumors.
4. Myoglobin- A pigmented protein found in muscle tissue.
5. Opalescent- Having a milky iridescence.
6. Porphyrins- A group of pigments that are required for the synthesis of hemoglobin.
7. Refractometer- An instrument for measuring refraction.
8. Specific Gravity- The ratio of the weight of a solution to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water; a measurement of density.
9. Turbid- Having a cloudy appearance.
10. Urinometer- A float with a calibrated stem used for measuring specific gravity.
11. Urochrome- The yellow pigment the gives urine its color.
12. **Bilirubin**- A product formed in the liver from the breakdown of hemoglobin.
13. **Urobilinogen**- Breakdown product of bilirubin formed by the action of intestinal bacteria.
14. Cast- In urinalysis, a protein matrix formed in the kidney tubules and washed out into the urine.
15. Hyaline- Transparent, pale.
16. Sediment- Solids that settle to the bottom of a liquid.
17. hCG – human chorionic gondotropin, a hormone present in pregnancy.
18. Glycosuria- Glucose in the urine; glucosuria.
19. Ketonuria- Ketones in the urine.
20. Proteinuria- Protein in the urine, usually albumin.