Defined as the ability to generate fresh, unique, and suitable ideas to solve communication problems.
Impacts consumer responses (cognitive, affective, behavioral) to advertising messages.
Appropriate: Relevant to the target audience.
Effective: Successfully conveys the message.
Critical relevance of creativity to target audience in linking brand to benefits and purchase rationale.
Risk-taking is often necessary for breakthrough advertising.
Many managers prefer traditional ads that primarily communicate product features.
Client defines the problem or challenge.
Understanding target audience is established.
A Creative Brief is prepared.
Creative Team briefed on objectives.
Development of concepts and examples.
Presentation of alternatives to the client.
Client selects the best option.
Production of ad materials for the target audience.
Involves researching and gathering information about products/services and target consumers.
Focus on consumer’s perspective.
Collect qualitative consumer research:
In-depth interviews.
Projective techniques.
Association tests.
Focus groups.
Summarizes core elements of the creative strategy.
Advertising objective.
Target audience.
Current perceptions and opportunities.
Desired actions and key messages.
Benefits, positioning, and brand character.
Required materials and budget.
Basic problem or opportunity.
Target audience and behavior objectives.
Communication objectives.
Brand positioning strategy.
Creative strategy (theme, message appeal, source characteristics).
Supporting information and requirements.
A set of coordinated marketing communications centered on a single theme or concept, appearing across various media over a specified period.
Direct marketing.
Public relations.
Internet marketing.
Sales promotion.
Consists of four main parts:
Creative Theme.
Combines rational and emotional appeals to create curiosity and excitement.
Rarely used, primarily for new product launches, movie releases, and special events.
A strong central message communicated across all advertising efforts.
Must align with market positioning and directly communicate brand positioning.
Refers to the recipient's perception of the source's knowledge, skill, and trustworthiness.
Essential attributes:
Likability based on:
Physical appearance and behavior.
Familiarity through exposure.
Similarity to the recipient.
Possible overshadowing of the product by the celebrity.
Celebrity behavior may pose risks.
Overexposure could reduce credibility.
Target audience might not resonate with celebrity endorsers.