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APES Unit 9

Unit 9.1: The Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

  • Troposphere VS Stratosphere

    • These are the two locations for ozone in our atmosphere 

    • Troposphere- produces ozone from photochemical smogs, greenhouse gas effect (can be harmful)

    • Stratosphere - naturally occurring ozone that provides protection from UVB-UVC rays

      • Using that radiation to transform ozone (O3) to atmospheric oxygen (O2)

  • Antarctic Spring

    • Antarctic winters can create stratospheric clouds full of ice crystals

    • Crystals melt in the beginning of the spring 

    • Chemical reactions convert less reactive chlorine into a more reactive form

    • Chlorine degrades ozone into atmospheric oxygen (O2)

    • The ozone layer thins

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

    • Refrigerant/coolant

    • Propellant

    • Some types of plastics

    • CFCs can escape and enter the stratosphere 

    • UV light removes chlorine from CFCs

    • Free chlorine catalyzes the conversion of O3 to O2

  • Effects of Ozone Depletion

    • Thinning of ozone layers, especially at poles

    • Disrupts photosynthesis, both terrestrial and in phytoplankton 

    • Disrupts food chains and food webs

    • Impacts populations of some organisms like amphibians 

    • Impacts human health: skin cancer, cataracts

Unit 9.2: Reducing Ozone Depletion 

  • Montreal Protocol - an international treaty that phased out the use of CFCs and their manufacture in 1987

    • They did this upon recognizing CFCs were thinning the ozone layers and harming the environment 

    • However CFCs are persistent, so it will take decades for CFCs currently in the stratosphere to completely dissipate, allowing the ozone layer to fully repairable  

  • HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) replace CFCs

    • No chlorine to catalyze transformation of ozone into atmospheric oxygen

    • Powerful greenhouse gas

Unit 9.3: The Greenhouse Effect

  • The greenhouse effect occurs in the troposphere 

  • The sun’s solar radiation warms the earth

    • Some energy is reflected, some energy is re-radiated as heat back into space

    • Some re-radiated heat is absorbed by greenhouse gasses in the troposphere, then emitted again toward the surface of the Earth as heat

  • The “greenhouse effect” helps to keep the Earth at a temperature that can support life

  • The greenhouse effect and the ozone layer are in two separate layers of the atmosphere

  • Greenhouse gasses

    • Carbon dioxide - CO2

      • Vast majority come from combustion, either from transportation or fossil fuels

    • Methane - CH4

      • Comes from enteric fermentation, natural gas and petroleum systems, and several other sources 

    • Water vapor - H2O

      • Condenses and produces precipitation, does not spend much time in the atmosphere

      • Does not play a large role in the greenhouse effect

    • Nitrous Oxide - N2O

      • It is an agricultural source management issue

    • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - example: CF2Cl2

      • Both CFCs and HFCs are man made

    • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

      • Substitution for CFCs

    • Tropospheric Ozone - O3

      • Comes from photochemical smog

  • Carbon dioxide is a reference molecule for the greenhouse effect, so has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1

  • GWPs or various greenhouse gasses: CFCs/HFCs > ozone > nitrous oxide > methane > carbon dioxide

  • Carbon dioxide has the greatest overall impact on the greenhouse effect because of its concentration in the atmosphere

  • Human activities influence the concentration of various greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere

Unit 9.4: Increases in the Greenhouse Gasses

  • Greenhouse gasses that produce the greenhouse effect include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, CFCs, HFCs, and water vapor

  • Concentrations of many greenhouse gasses have steadily increased in the atmosphere as a result of human activity 

  • Increased greenhouse gasses have led to climate change

  • Sea Levels Rise

    • Land ice (example: continental glaciers, ice sheets) melts, adding to the volume of water in the ocean

    • Thermal expansion of the ocean, due to warming from climate change, increases the volume of the ocean

  • Disease vectors expand their range 

  • Climate change impacts Ecological Populations

    • Habitat destruction 

    • Loss of food source

    • Timing of food source availability changes 

    • New temperatures beyond range of tolerance

    • New salinity beyond range of tolerance 

    • Increased storm intensity 

    • Increased possibility of fire

    • Impacted annual group behaviors timing of migration, hibernation

  • Climate Change Impacts Human Populations

    • Low-income populations

    • Occupational groups

    • People in certain locations

    • Pregnant women

    • People with pre-existing medical conditions 

    • Children 

    • Older adults 

    • People with disabilities 

    • Indigenous people

  • Climate Change Has Global Impact

    • Environmental Impacts

      • Changes in ocean salinity and temperature affect marine organisms at every trophic level in many ways

      • Changes in temperature affect terrestrial organisms at every trophic level in many ways

    • Impacts on Humans

      • Impacts include responses to temperature changes, access to food, access to fresh water, and changing land availability 

    • Anthropogenic activities produce the additional greenhouse gasses that drive climate change

      • Many activities - individual actions, agriculture, industry - produce greenhouse gasses 

Unit 9.5: Global Climate Change

  • Historical records about climate change

    • We have records over the past 800,000 years that tell us about regular periods of warming, cooling, and carbon dioxide increase and decrease

      • We get this information from ice cores  in arctic areas

      • We can measure how much carbon dioxide is the ice and how melted it is can tell us about warming or cooling

    • Change in temperature could also cause a change in air circulation, global wind patterns, and soil quality  

  • Current data shows that the Earth is warming, which is correlated with an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere

  • Effects of climate change include rising temperatures, rising seas levels, and displacement of coastal populations 

  • Rising Temperatures Melt Global Ice

    • Melting polar ice reveals darker soil and water (lower albedo than ice), which drives a positive feedback warming loop

    • Melting permafrost releases methane gas, which drives a positive feedback warming loop

    • Melting sea ice affects species that depend on the ice for habitat and food, such as polar bears and seals

  • Climate Change Leads to Changes in the World Ocean

    • Climate change leads to sea level rise

      • Benefit - new marine habitat created

      • Drawback - increasing depth of ocean impacts organisms that will no longer be in the photic zone

    • Climate change can alter ocean currents 

      • Salinity and temperature changes impact water density, which can impact the ocean conveyor belt

      • Altered ocean currents can impacts terrestrial climate, especially in coastal areas

Unit 9.6: Ocean Warming

  • Ocean Warming - the global increase in ocean water temperatures 

    • The amount of warming isn’t uniform across the globe - some ocean areas have warmed more quickly than others

  • Effects of Ocean Warming 

    • Increase in greenhouse gasses can lead to a variety of environment problems

      • Rising sea levels from melting ice sheets and ocean water expansions

    • Thermal expansion of the ocean due to ocean warming causes rising sea levels and displacement of coastal populations due to flooding

    • Ocean warming affects marine species in a variety of ways

      • Loss of habitat

        • Negatively impacts hunting and feeding patterns

        • Can impact predator and prey interactions

        • Affects coastlines that impact species using both land and water resources

        • Can push communities out of the photonics 

        • Impacts primary productivity of phytoplankton, the basis for marine food webs

      • Metabolic Changes

        • Marine species will not be able to escape to cooler areas

        • This could weaken organisms and cause them to die

        • Reduction of biodiversity and disruption of trophic structures 

      • Reproductive Changes

        • Organisms weakened by thermal stress do not reproduce well

        • Many marine reproductive patterns are timed based on specific ocean temperatures - disruption of these temperature patterns leads to reproductive harm

      • Coral Bleaching

        • Warming temperatures stress the corals, they expel that algae that gives them color, giving them a bleached color

        • Can recover, but if conditions persist they will die

        • They are the foundation of highly biodiverse reef ecosystems, their loss will disrupt the trophic structure and has a negative impact on the marine ecosystem 

Unit 9.7: Ocean Acidification 

  • Ocean Acidification - the decrease of pH of ocean waters

    • The pH scale is logarithmic- each jump of one on the scale is a tenfold increase, so about a 30% increase 

  • Like ocean warming, ocean acidification is due primarily to greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, specifically carbon dioxide

    • The more CO2 is released into the atmosphere, the more the oceans absorb, lowering their pH through specific chemical reactions

  • Anthropogenic activities that contribute to ocean acidification are those that lead to increased CO2, including 

    • Burning/combustion of fossil fuels 

    • Vehicle emissions 

    • Deforestation 

  • When CO2 is absorbed by seawater a series of chemical reactions occur which result in an increase in hydrogen ions

  • The water combines with the carbon dioxide to create carbonic acid, which is a weak acid. The carbonic acid then dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions

  • The greater the concentration of hydrogen ions, the lower the pH of the water (more acidic)

  • Effects of Ocean Acidification 

    • Increased concentration of hydrogen ions bond with available carbonate ions in seawater, a bicarbonate ion is formed 

      • Marine organism can’t extract this carbonate, making it difficult for them to build shells and exoskeletons 

      • Corals need free carbonate ions to form skeletons as well

      • This loss of calcium carbonate is very harmful for these organisms

  • Oceans absorb carbon dioxide, the more carbon dioxide present, the more they absorb, which warms the ocean 

Unit 9.8: Invasive Species

  • Invasive Species - an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health

    • Invasive species can be beneficial sometimes, but they are considered invasive when they threaten native species in some manner

    • Non-native species may be introduced into ecosystems accidentally or purposefully 

    • They tend to be niche, generalist, r-selected species 

      • They can withstand a wide variety of abiotic conditions

      • Can survive on a lot of food 

      • Can produce a lot of offspring in a short time, but there is little parental care

      • Exponential growth, mature very quickly 

    • Not every species that is introduced to an ecosystem becomes invasive 

    • Insavises have a competitive advantage over natives

  • How are invasive species spread?

    • Transport of lumber and firepower

    • Ballast water in ships, movement of boats and boat trailers, international travel as well 

    • Movement of wind and water

    • On the fur of other animals

  • How to Control the Spread

    • Clean boats and boat trailers 

    • Prevent dumping of aquariums and release of exotic pets 

    • Clean hiking gear before going into a new hiking area 

    • Keep firewood wear it was cut to prevent spread of wood-borne pathogens

  • How can we Control the Spread?

    • Introduce a competitor species

    • Introduce a predator species

    • Introduce a virus 

    • Physically remove them

    • Release a pesticide to control their spread

Unit 9.9: Endangered Species

  • Factors that Lead to Extinction 

    • As habitats are lost or altered globally, many species are threatened with extinction 

    • Extensive Hunting

      • Poaching is illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals for sale of profit

      • Animals are hunted for food, prized body parts, traditional medicinal uses 

      • Medical research purposes 

      • Sport

    • Limited Diet & Habitat

      • Species who are niche specialists are generally at greater risk of extinction

      • These species typically need specific materials for their diet and habitat to survive, and do not reproduce quickly 

    • Outcompeted by Invasive Species

      • Invasive species have little diet and habitat requirements, so they can out-adapt and out-compete some native species that have a limited lifestyle

  • The biological and behavioral traits of a species will determine their risk of extinction when exposed to environmental change 

    • Species that can adapt to these changes better have less of a chance of becoming extinct 

    • Adaptation requires genetic diversity

  • Species can migrate to a more favorable environment to avoid extinction, but this could also raise competition in the new environment

  • Selective Pressure - any external factor that changes the behavior and fitness of organisms within an environment

    • Examples include 

      • Resource Availability 

        • Food

        • Water

        • Habitat

        • Mates

      • Abiotic Environmental Condition 

        • Temperature 

        • Humidity 

        • Tree cover

        • Salinity

      • Biological Factors

        • Pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and fungi)

        • Diseases

    • Selective pressure determine which genetic and behavioral traits are favorably adapted to the environment and which aren’t 

    • Pressures will change in changing environments, so traits that were once advantageous in an environment may not continue to be so

  • Competition can occur within or between species in an ecosystem where there are limited resources 

    • Species seek to limit competition because it’s biologically costly 

  • Competition consumes important metabolic resources, so competitive strategies generally evolve to a limit resource conflicts through resource partitioning 

  • Organisms may compete within their own species resources, such as 

    • Territory 

    • Food

    • Mates

    • Habitat 

  • Competition can become intense enough to eat to a species’ endangerment or extinction when:

    • Trophic relationships are disrupted 

    • There is increased competition invasive species 

    • Resources have become increasingly scarce due to habitat loss or climate change 

  • Strategies to Protect Species

    • Legislation - (with enforcement) is one primary way to help protect endangered species 

    • Criminalizing poaching and instituting steep fines and/or punishment for poachers can help curb this practice 

    • Laws prohibiting the harming of endangered species and their habitats, or trade in endangered species 

      • The Lacey Act

      • The Endangered Species Act 

      • The Marine Mammal Protection Act

      • CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered of Wild Fauna and Flora)

    • The establishment of protected areas for species, such as wildlife refuges or national parks

      • Enforcement of conversation practices help as well

Unit 9.10: Human Impacts on Biodiversity 

  • HIPPCO - an acronym regarding the main factors leading to decreases in biodiversity

    • Habitat destruction 

    • Invasive species

    • Population growth

    • Pollution

    • Climate change

    • Over exploitation 

  • Habitat Fragmentation

    • Occurs when large habitats are broken up into smaller, isolated area

    • Caused by construction of roads and pipelines, clearing of land for agriculture, and logging

    • Not all species are equally impacted by this 

      • Generalists who thrive in abiotic conditions, or species that thrive in areas where two habitats meet can adapt to fragmentation

      • Specialists with specific habitat requirements suffer more

    • Generally decreases biodiversity despite some generalist species having an increase in population

  • Climate Change and Habitat Loss

    • Global climate change plays a large role in habitat loss

    • As average global temperature rises, habitats may be lost due to 

      • Coastal inundation from melting ice and permafrost

      • Rising sea levels due to thermal expansion

      • Changes in precipitation patterns due to changing atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns

    • Climate change has been most intense in northern latitudes; as warming trends continue, these areas will be at most risk for habitat loss and loss of biodiversity 

  • Domestication and Loss of Biodiversity

    • Humans have been domesticating organisms for thousands of years

    • Domestication - involves artificial selection, in which organisms with the most desirable traits for humans are crossbred to enhance the occurrence of that in the species

    • Many domesticated species are managed for economic returns, and provide humans with 

      • Food

      • Medicine

      • Labor

      • Pollination Services

    • When humans assume responsibility for the reproduction and selection of traits in another species, genetic diversity will be reduced 

      • Domestication for economic return leads to a loss of biodiversity 

      • Examples of this can be seen in domestic livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs), honeybees, and the agricultural practice of monocropping

  • Strategies to Mitigate Biodiversity Loss

    • As global climate change intensifies, it is important that we address current and future losses of biodiversity. Strategies include:

      • The creation of protected areas, such as wildlife refuges and parks

      • The creation of habitat corridors to reduce the negative effects of habitat fragmentation

      • Restoration of lost habitats

      • Sustainable land use practices


APES Unit 9

Unit 9.1: The Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

  • Troposphere VS Stratosphere

    • These are the two locations for ozone in our atmosphere 

    • Troposphere- produces ozone from photochemical smogs, greenhouse gas effect (can be harmful)

    • Stratosphere - naturally occurring ozone that provides protection from UVB-UVC rays

      • Using that radiation to transform ozone (O3) to atmospheric oxygen (O2)

  • Antarctic Spring

    • Antarctic winters can create stratospheric clouds full of ice crystals

    • Crystals melt in the beginning of the spring 

    • Chemical reactions convert less reactive chlorine into a more reactive form

    • Chlorine degrades ozone into atmospheric oxygen (O2)

    • The ozone layer thins

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

    • Refrigerant/coolant

    • Propellant

    • Some types of plastics

    • CFCs can escape and enter the stratosphere 

    • UV light removes chlorine from CFCs

    • Free chlorine catalyzes the conversion of O3 to O2

  • Effects of Ozone Depletion

    • Thinning of ozone layers, especially at poles

    • Disrupts photosynthesis, both terrestrial and in phytoplankton 

    • Disrupts food chains and food webs

    • Impacts populations of some organisms like amphibians 

    • Impacts human health: skin cancer, cataracts

Unit 9.2: Reducing Ozone Depletion 

  • Montreal Protocol - an international treaty that phased out the use of CFCs and their manufacture in 1987

    • They did this upon recognizing CFCs were thinning the ozone layers and harming the environment 

    • However CFCs are persistent, so it will take decades for CFCs currently in the stratosphere to completely dissipate, allowing the ozone layer to fully repairable  

  • HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) replace CFCs

    • No chlorine to catalyze transformation of ozone into atmospheric oxygen

    • Powerful greenhouse gas

Unit 9.3: The Greenhouse Effect

  • The greenhouse effect occurs in the troposphere 

  • The sun’s solar radiation warms the earth

    • Some energy is reflected, some energy is re-radiated as heat back into space

    • Some re-radiated heat is absorbed by greenhouse gasses in the troposphere, then emitted again toward the surface of the Earth as heat

  • The “greenhouse effect” helps to keep the Earth at a temperature that can support life

  • The greenhouse effect and the ozone layer are in two separate layers of the atmosphere

  • Greenhouse gasses

    • Carbon dioxide - CO2

      • Vast majority come from combustion, either from transportation or fossil fuels

    • Methane - CH4

      • Comes from enteric fermentation, natural gas and petroleum systems, and several other sources 

    • Water vapor - H2O

      • Condenses and produces precipitation, does not spend much time in the atmosphere

      • Does not play a large role in the greenhouse effect

    • Nitrous Oxide - N2O

      • It is an agricultural source management issue

    • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - example: CF2Cl2

      • Both CFCs and HFCs are man made

    • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

      • Substitution for CFCs

    • Tropospheric Ozone - O3

      • Comes from photochemical smog

  • Carbon dioxide is a reference molecule for the greenhouse effect, so has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1

  • GWPs or various greenhouse gasses: CFCs/HFCs > ozone > nitrous oxide > methane > carbon dioxide

  • Carbon dioxide has the greatest overall impact on the greenhouse effect because of its concentration in the atmosphere

  • Human activities influence the concentration of various greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere

Unit 9.4: Increases in the Greenhouse Gasses

  • Greenhouse gasses that produce the greenhouse effect include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, CFCs, HFCs, and water vapor

  • Concentrations of many greenhouse gasses have steadily increased in the atmosphere as a result of human activity 

  • Increased greenhouse gasses have led to climate change

  • Sea Levels Rise

    • Land ice (example: continental glaciers, ice sheets) melts, adding to the volume of water in the ocean

    • Thermal expansion of the ocean, due to warming from climate change, increases the volume of the ocean

  • Disease vectors expand their range 

  • Climate change impacts Ecological Populations

    • Habitat destruction 

    • Loss of food source

    • Timing of food source availability changes 

    • New temperatures beyond range of tolerance

    • New salinity beyond range of tolerance 

    • Increased storm intensity 

    • Increased possibility of fire

    • Impacted annual group behaviors timing of migration, hibernation

  • Climate Change Impacts Human Populations

    • Low-income populations

    • Occupational groups

    • People in certain locations

    • Pregnant women

    • People with pre-existing medical conditions 

    • Children 

    • Older adults 

    • People with disabilities 

    • Indigenous people

  • Climate Change Has Global Impact

    • Environmental Impacts

      • Changes in ocean salinity and temperature affect marine organisms at every trophic level in many ways

      • Changes in temperature affect terrestrial organisms at every trophic level in many ways

    • Impacts on Humans

      • Impacts include responses to temperature changes, access to food, access to fresh water, and changing land availability 

    • Anthropogenic activities produce the additional greenhouse gasses that drive climate change

      • Many activities - individual actions, agriculture, industry - produce greenhouse gasses 

Unit 9.5: Global Climate Change

  • Historical records about climate change

    • We have records over the past 800,000 years that tell us about regular periods of warming, cooling, and carbon dioxide increase and decrease

      • We get this information from ice cores  in arctic areas

      • We can measure how much carbon dioxide is the ice and how melted it is can tell us about warming or cooling

    • Change in temperature could also cause a change in air circulation, global wind patterns, and soil quality  

  • Current data shows that the Earth is warming, which is correlated with an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere

  • Effects of climate change include rising temperatures, rising seas levels, and displacement of coastal populations 

  • Rising Temperatures Melt Global Ice

    • Melting polar ice reveals darker soil and water (lower albedo than ice), which drives a positive feedback warming loop

    • Melting permafrost releases methane gas, which drives a positive feedback warming loop

    • Melting sea ice affects species that depend on the ice for habitat and food, such as polar bears and seals

  • Climate Change Leads to Changes in the World Ocean

    • Climate change leads to sea level rise

      • Benefit - new marine habitat created

      • Drawback - increasing depth of ocean impacts organisms that will no longer be in the photic zone

    • Climate change can alter ocean currents 

      • Salinity and temperature changes impact water density, which can impact the ocean conveyor belt

      • Altered ocean currents can impacts terrestrial climate, especially in coastal areas

Unit 9.6: Ocean Warming

  • Ocean Warming - the global increase in ocean water temperatures 

    • The amount of warming isn’t uniform across the globe - some ocean areas have warmed more quickly than others

  • Effects of Ocean Warming 

    • Increase in greenhouse gasses can lead to a variety of environment problems

      • Rising sea levels from melting ice sheets and ocean water expansions

    • Thermal expansion of the ocean due to ocean warming causes rising sea levels and displacement of coastal populations due to flooding

    • Ocean warming affects marine species in a variety of ways

      • Loss of habitat

        • Negatively impacts hunting and feeding patterns

        • Can impact predator and prey interactions

        • Affects coastlines that impact species using both land and water resources

        • Can push communities out of the photonics 

        • Impacts primary productivity of phytoplankton, the basis for marine food webs

      • Metabolic Changes

        • Marine species will not be able to escape to cooler areas

        • This could weaken organisms and cause them to die

        • Reduction of biodiversity and disruption of trophic structures 

      • Reproductive Changes

        • Organisms weakened by thermal stress do not reproduce well

        • Many marine reproductive patterns are timed based on specific ocean temperatures - disruption of these temperature patterns leads to reproductive harm

      • Coral Bleaching

        • Warming temperatures stress the corals, they expel that algae that gives them color, giving them a bleached color

        • Can recover, but if conditions persist they will die

        • They are the foundation of highly biodiverse reef ecosystems, their loss will disrupt the trophic structure and has a negative impact on the marine ecosystem 

Unit 9.7: Ocean Acidification 

  • Ocean Acidification - the decrease of pH of ocean waters

    • The pH scale is logarithmic- each jump of one on the scale is a tenfold increase, so about a 30% increase 

  • Like ocean warming, ocean acidification is due primarily to greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, specifically carbon dioxide

    • The more CO2 is released into the atmosphere, the more the oceans absorb, lowering their pH through specific chemical reactions

  • Anthropogenic activities that contribute to ocean acidification are those that lead to increased CO2, including 

    • Burning/combustion of fossil fuels 

    • Vehicle emissions 

    • Deforestation 

  • When CO2 is absorbed by seawater a series of chemical reactions occur which result in an increase in hydrogen ions

  • The water combines with the carbon dioxide to create carbonic acid, which is a weak acid. The carbonic acid then dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions

  • The greater the concentration of hydrogen ions, the lower the pH of the water (more acidic)

  • Effects of Ocean Acidification 

    • Increased concentration of hydrogen ions bond with available carbonate ions in seawater, a bicarbonate ion is formed 

      • Marine organism can’t extract this carbonate, making it difficult for them to build shells and exoskeletons 

      • Corals need free carbonate ions to form skeletons as well

      • This loss of calcium carbonate is very harmful for these organisms

  • Oceans absorb carbon dioxide, the more carbon dioxide present, the more they absorb, which warms the ocean 

Unit 9.8: Invasive Species

  • Invasive Species - an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health

    • Invasive species can be beneficial sometimes, but they are considered invasive when they threaten native species in some manner

    • Non-native species may be introduced into ecosystems accidentally or purposefully 

    • They tend to be niche, generalist, r-selected species 

      • They can withstand a wide variety of abiotic conditions

      • Can survive on a lot of food 

      • Can produce a lot of offspring in a short time, but there is little parental care

      • Exponential growth, mature very quickly 

    • Not every species that is introduced to an ecosystem becomes invasive 

    • Insavises have a competitive advantage over natives

  • How are invasive species spread?

    • Transport of lumber and firepower

    • Ballast water in ships, movement of boats and boat trailers, international travel as well 

    • Movement of wind and water

    • On the fur of other animals

  • How to Control the Spread

    • Clean boats and boat trailers 

    • Prevent dumping of aquariums and release of exotic pets 

    • Clean hiking gear before going into a new hiking area 

    • Keep firewood wear it was cut to prevent spread of wood-borne pathogens

  • How can we Control the Spread?

    • Introduce a competitor species

    • Introduce a predator species

    • Introduce a virus 

    • Physically remove them

    • Release a pesticide to control their spread

Unit 9.9: Endangered Species

  • Factors that Lead to Extinction 

    • As habitats are lost or altered globally, many species are threatened with extinction 

    • Extensive Hunting

      • Poaching is illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals for sale of profit

      • Animals are hunted for food, prized body parts, traditional medicinal uses 

      • Medical research purposes 

      • Sport

    • Limited Diet & Habitat

      • Species who are niche specialists are generally at greater risk of extinction

      • These species typically need specific materials for their diet and habitat to survive, and do not reproduce quickly 

    • Outcompeted by Invasive Species

      • Invasive species have little diet and habitat requirements, so they can out-adapt and out-compete some native species that have a limited lifestyle

  • The biological and behavioral traits of a species will determine their risk of extinction when exposed to environmental change 

    • Species that can adapt to these changes better have less of a chance of becoming extinct 

    • Adaptation requires genetic diversity

  • Species can migrate to a more favorable environment to avoid extinction, but this could also raise competition in the new environment

  • Selective Pressure - any external factor that changes the behavior and fitness of organisms within an environment

    • Examples include 

      • Resource Availability 

        • Food

        • Water

        • Habitat

        • Mates

      • Abiotic Environmental Condition 

        • Temperature 

        • Humidity 

        • Tree cover

        • Salinity

      • Biological Factors

        • Pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and fungi)

        • Diseases

    • Selective pressure determine which genetic and behavioral traits are favorably adapted to the environment and which aren’t 

    • Pressures will change in changing environments, so traits that were once advantageous in an environment may not continue to be so

  • Competition can occur within or between species in an ecosystem where there are limited resources 

    • Species seek to limit competition because it’s biologically costly 

  • Competition consumes important metabolic resources, so competitive strategies generally evolve to a limit resource conflicts through resource partitioning 

  • Organisms may compete within their own species resources, such as 

    • Territory 

    • Food

    • Mates

    • Habitat 

  • Competition can become intense enough to eat to a species’ endangerment or extinction when:

    • Trophic relationships are disrupted 

    • There is increased competition invasive species 

    • Resources have become increasingly scarce due to habitat loss or climate change 

  • Strategies to Protect Species

    • Legislation - (with enforcement) is one primary way to help protect endangered species 

    • Criminalizing poaching and instituting steep fines and/or punishment for poachers can help curb this practice 

    • Laws prohibiting the harming of endangered species and their habitats, or trade in endangered species 

      • The Lacey Act

      • The Endangered Species Act 

      • The Marine Mammal Protection Act

      • CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered of Wild Fauna and Flora)

    • The establishment of protected areas for species, such as wildlife refuges or national parks

      • Enforcement of conversation practices help as well

Unit 9.10: Human Impacts on Biodiversity 

  • HIPPCO - an acronym regarding the main factors leading to decreases in biodiversity

    • Habitat destruction 

    • Invasive species

    • Population growth

    • Pollution

    • Climate change

    • Over exploitation 

  • Habitat Fragmentation

    • Occurs when large habitats are broken up into smaller, isolated area

    • Caused by construction of roads and pipelines, clearing of land for agriculture, and logging

    • Not all species are equally impacted by this 

      • Generalists who thrive in abiotic conditions, or species that thrive in areas where two habitats meet can adapt to fragmentation

      • Specialists with specific habitat requirements suffer more

    • Generally decreases biodiversity despite some generalist species having an increase in population

  • Climate Change and Habitat Loss

    • Global climate change plays a large role in habitat loss

    • As average global temperature rises, habitats may be lost due to 

      • Coastal inundation from melting ice and permafrost

      • Rising sea levels due to thermal expansion

      • Changes in precipitation patterns due to changing atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns

    • Climate change has been most intense in northern latitudes; as warming trends continue, these areas will be at most risk for habitat loss and loss of biodiversity 

  • Domestication and Loss of Biodiversity

    • Humans have been domesticating organisms for thousands of years

    • Domestication - involves artificial selection, in which organisms with the most desirable traits for humans are crossbred to enhance the occurrence of that in the species

    • Many domesticated species are managed for economic returns, and provide humans with 

      • Food

      • Medicine

      • Labor

      • Pollination Services

    • When humans assume responsibility for the reproduction and selection of traits in another species, genetic diversity will be reduced 

      • Domestication for economic return leads to a loss of biodiversity 

      • Examples of this can be seen in domestic livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs), honeybees, and the agricultural practice of monocropping

  • Strategies to Mitigate Biodiversity Loss

    • As global climate change intensifies, it is important that we address current and future losses of biodiversity. Strategies include:

      • The creation of protected areas, such as wildlife refuges and parks

      • The creation of habitat corridors to reduce the negative effects of habitat fragmentation

      • Restoration of lost habitats

      • Sustainable land use practices