(113) Web Application Development - Flask for Backend development with Python

Introduction to Back-End Development

Back-end development is a crucial aspect of web applications, focusing on the server-side components that enable dynamic website functionality. Understanding server-side coding is essential for creating responsive and interactive user experiences, as it allows the management of databases, user sessions, and data processing away from the client side.

Server-Side Development Concepts

Static vs. Dynamic Websites

  • Static Websites: Return the same hard-coded content for every request, typically created using HTML and CSS. They are faster but lack interactivity and personalization.

  • Dynamic Websites: Generate tailored content based on user interactions and data retrieved from databases. This involves scripting languages and server-side technologies that allow for real-time updates and user-specific content delivery.

Web Server Functionality

  • A web server functions as the intermediary that handles requests from users. When a client sends an HTTP request through their browser, the server determines whether to fetch static content (like HTML files) or invoke a dynamic web application to generate a response based on user queries or inputs.

Key Differences Between Client-Side and Server-Side Coding

  • Client-Side Coding: Focuses on the user interface and experience (UI/UX) and is achieved through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All actions executed in the browser allow for immediate feedback to users.

  • Server-Side Coding: Manages essential functions such as:

    • Efficient content storage and delivery, ensuring that data retrieval is fast and organized.

    • Customization of user experiences based on their preferences and past interactions.

    • Control over user access to various content, enforcing security and permissions effectively.

    • Session state management, which keeps track of user interactions across different sessions.

    • Notification processing and analytics, allowing server-side applications to respond dynamically to user actions and gather insights.

HTTP Requests and Web Servers Recap

Components of HTTP Requests

  • URL: Specifies the resource location on the server, translating to specific data or content needed by the client.

  • Method: Defines the operation type for the request, such as retrieving data (GET) or submitting data (POST).

GET vs. POST Requests

  • GET: Sends parameters through the URL, primarily used for fetching data without altering the server state. Limited by URL length.

  • POST: Sends parameters in the request body, suitable for sending larger amounts of data to the server, particularly for uploading data or form submissions. Ideal for sensitive information due to less transparency.

Example Demonstrations

Both GET and POST requests can be illustrated through practical examples, showing how data is handled and processed by the server.

Introduction to Web Frameworks

A Web Framework is a comprehensive collection of pre-written code that simplifies common tasks associated with server-side development, reducing the time developers need to write boilerplate code.

Benefits of Web Frameworks

  • They provide a simplified syntax for request handling, enabling more readable and maintainable code.

  • Allow efficient routing of requests to appropriate function handlers based on URL endpoints.

  • Facilitate access to data from GET and POST requests, streamlining the handling of user inputs.

  • Provide abstraction for database interactions, easing the complexity of SQL coding.

  • Aid in template rendering, connecting dynamic data to HTML outputs in a seamless manner.

Examples of Frameworks

Common examples include Node.js, Express, Flask, and Django, each with unique strengths and community support.

Focus on Flask

Flask is recognized as a microframework, known for its lightweight structure, making it an ideal choice for beginners and educational settings. It offers flexibility while maintaining essential features for web development.

Core Components of Flask

  • WSGI: The Web Server Gateway Interface that acts as the standard interface between web servers and Python web applications.

  • Jinja: A powerful templating engine used for merging data with templates to produce dynamic HTML.

  • MarkupSafe: A library designed to ensure characters are safely escaped to prevent code injection attacks.

  • Itsdangerous: Manages security features like signing and authentication of session cookies to ensure safe storage of user information.

Setting Up a Flask Application


To set up a Flask environment, create a requirements.txt file to specify dependencies required for the application to function properly.

Application Structure

  • init.py: Initializes the application context, managing application configurations and routes.

  • app.py: The main application file that acts as the entry point for running the app.

  • routes.py: Responsible for mapping incoming requests to their corresponding function handlers that process the logic.

  • Static and Templates folders: These store the necessary assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) and HTML files used by the application respectively.

Request Handling in Flask

How Flask Interacts with HTTP Requests

Flask utilizes the request object to handle HTTP requests, providing a simple way to access request data.

Extracting Data from Requests

  • Accessing the HTTP method and query parameters through GET or POST arguments. This is essential for understanding user interactions.

Form Handling

Demonstrated through HTML forms that submit data via both GET and POST methods, allowing for different handling scenarios based on user actions.

Response Handling with make_response

Customize HTTP responses, including adjusting headers and managing cookies for user sessions.

Redirecting Responses

Using Flask's redirect() function to navigate users to different routes after processing form submissions or other actions.

File Handling and Template Rendering

  • Utilize send_file() for transmitting various file types (e.g., PDFs) to clients.

  • Dynamically render content using render_template() along with Jinja templates to produce personalized HTML outputs.

Jinja Templating

Introduction to Jinja Template Syntax
  • Expressions: Used to replace placeholders in templates with actual values dynamically.

  • Control Statements: Implementing logic with if conditions and for loops allows control over content display.

  • Comments: Documentation within templates that will not render in the final output.

  • Template Inheritance: Enables the creation of a base template that can be extended for consistent structure across multiple pages.

  • Static Inclusion: The include statement allows embedding of static HTML sections, which promotes code reuse and modular design.

Advanced Flask Features

  • URL Variables: Capture variable sections of URLs, enabling dynamic routing based on user input.

  • Error Handling: Use decorators to customize error responses and manage different HTTP status codes effectively.

  • User Session Management: Securely store user data through encrypted sessions, moving beyond standard cookie storage for enhanced security.


Flask emerges as an accessible yet powerful framework for server-side development, pairing effectively with Jinja for managing templates, enabling developers to create robust web applications efficiently.
