AP Lit Vocab 6 (copy)
Fortitude Definitions: 1) a strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage 2.)(obsolete) strength
Fortitude Forms: 1) fortitude (noun)
Fortitude Synonyms: courage, bravery, courageousness, stamina, grit, determination
Fortitude Antonyms: spinelessness, cowardice, timidity, indecisiveness, vacillation, irresolution
Languish Definitions: 1) to become feeble, weak, or ==enervated== 2) to be or live in a state of depression or decreasing vitality 3) to become dispirited- to suffer neglect 4) to assume an expression of grief or emotion appealing for sympathy
Languish Forms: 1) languish, languished, languishing, languishes (intransitive verb) 2) languisher (noun) 3) languishingly (adverb) 4) languishment (noun)
Languish Synonyms: fade, go, weaken, sink, sag, fail, wilt, decay, deteriorate, droop
Languish Antonyms: recover, recuperate, rebound
Reverie Definitions: 1) daydream 2) the condition of being lost in thought
Reverie Forms: 1) reverie, reveries (noun) 2) (variant-less commonly used) revery (noun)
Reverie Synonyms: daydreaming, trance, daydream, musing
Reverie Antonyms: ==NONE==
Dissolute Definitions: 1) lacking restraint 2) marked by indulgence in things (such as drink or promiscuous sex) deemed vices
Dissolute Forms: 1) dissolute (adjective) 2) dissolutely (adverb) 3) dissoluteness (noun)
Dissolute Synonyms: corrupt, degraded, sick, debauched, depraved
Dissolute Antonyms: pure, uncorrupt, virtuous, ethical, moral
Eschew Definitions: 1) to avoid habitually, especially on moral or practical grounds
Eschew Forms: eschew, eschewed, eschewing, eschews (transitive verb) 2) eschewal (noun)
Eschew Synonyms: avoid, evade, shun, escape, elude, dodge
Eschew Antonyms: seek, accept, pursue, embrace, welcome
Voluble Definitions: 1) easy rolling or turning, rotating 2) characterized by ready or rapid speech
Voluble Forms: 1) voluble (adjective) 2) volubility (noun) 3) volubleness (noun) 4) volubly (adverb)
Voluble Synonyms: talkative, articulate, fluent, communicative, vocal, chatty
Voluble Antonyms: silent, mute, shy, laconic, quiet, taciturn, speechless, reserved
Harbinger Definitions: 1)(noun) something that foreshadows a future event, something that gives an anticipatory sign of what is to come 2) one that initiates a major change, a person or thing that originates or helps open up a new activity, method, or technology, a pioneer 3)(archaic) a person sent ahead to provide lodgings 4)(verb) to give a warning or prediction of, to be a harbinger
Harbinger Forms: 1) harbinger (noun) 2) harbinger, etc., harbingers (transitive verb)
Harbinger Synonyms: (noun) herald, sign, precursor, forerunner, symptom, omen, (verb) herald, imply, predict, foreshadow
Harbinger Antonyms: ==NONE==
Puerile Definitions: 1) juvenile 2) childish, silly
Puerile Forms: 1) puerile (adjective) 2) puerilely (adverb) 3) puerility (noun)
Puerile Synonyms: childish, immature, juvenile, unsophisticated, inexperienced, goofy, silly, playful, foolish
Puerile Antonyms: mature, adult, worldly, sophisticated, precocious, serious, earnest, somber
Merit Definitions: 1)(noun) a praiseworthy quality, virtue 2.) character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem 3.) the qualities or actions that constitute the basis of one’s punishments 4.)(plural) the substance of a legal case apart from matters of jurisdiction, procedure, or form 5.) individual significance or justification 6.) spiritual credit held to be earned by performance of righteous acts and to ensure future benefits 7.)(transitive verb) to be worthy of or entitled or liable to 8.)(intransitive verb) deserve 9.)(obsolete) reward or punishment due 10) to be entitled to reward or honor
Merit Forms: 1.) merit (noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb) 2.) meritless (adjective)
Merit Synonyms: distinction, virtue, advantage, value, importance, worth, deserve, earn,
Merit Antonyms: deficiency, demerit, defect, worthlessness, cheapness, inferiority, pettiness, baseness, emptiness, inadequacy
Insidious Definitions: 1) having a gradual and continuous effect, subtle 2) a disease developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent 3) awaiting a chance to entrap, treacherous 4) harmful but enticing, seductive
Insidious Forms: 1) insidious (adjective) 2) insidiously (adverb) 3) insidiousness (noun)
Insidious Synonyms: subtle, treacherous, deceptive, perfidious, false, wrong, deceitful, misleading, cunning, sneaky
Insidious Antonyms: direct, plain, outspoken, frank, illuminating, candid, open, explanatory, revealing