attest- to be evidence of something that is true

axiom- a statement or principal that requires no proof because its truth is so obvious

churlish- lacking good manners

concoct- to make up or prepare

derivative- something that grows out of results from an earlier form

differentiate- to recognize or ascertain what makes something different.

disparage- to criticize in a negative manner

dissapate- to break up or spread so thinly as to dissappear

  • or to spend or use foolishly

esoteric- not generally known or understood

olfactory- relating to the sense of smell

plethora- too great a number

refurbish- to make like new

secrete- to produce or give off

  • to place so as to be hidden from view

vagary- a change in course, a whim or inexpectable action

volitile- evaporating quickly

  • changing rapidly
