DM Final exam sample

Page 1: Final Exam Instructions

  • Faculty/School: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

  • Department: Department of Mathematics and Natural Science

  • Educational program:

  • Course title: MAT 125 Discrete Mathematics

  • Important Note:

    • Final Exam will be invalid if:

      • a. Use a pencil, red, or green pen.

      • b. Fail to fill out the answer sheet.

      • c. Engage in cheating, including:

        • i. Communicating with other students or attempting to view another's exam.

        • ii. Referencing external materials (books, notes, electronic devices).

        • iii. Copying any exam content.

  • Exam Regulations:

    • Students cannot leave the exam room during the test.

    • Duration: 100 minutes.

    • Cheating results in disqualification from the exam.

    • All answers must include solutions to be accepted.

    • Concerns about question accuracy can be reported using the appeal form on the next page.

  • Instructor Details:

    • Points allocation mentioned for each answer.

Page 2: Appeal Form

  • Process:

    • Fill in the question number and describe the issue. Provide your answer to the inconsistency noted.

    • There are multiple sections to fill out for distinct questions.

Page 3: Exam Questions

  1. Set Membership Question:

    • Set: A = {a, b, c}

    • Examine true propositions regarding subsets and set inclusion. Options include subsets and their compositions.

  2. Function Properties:

    • Given a function f with properties determined over specified sets X and Z.

  3. Relation Types:

    • Analyze the relation R and its properties of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.

  4. Function Domains:

    • Characteristics determining the domain and co-domain of functions.

  5. Pigeonhole Principle:

    • Calculate minimum enrollment in the context of multiple cities to ensure a minimum from one city.

  6. Logic Equivalence:

    • Identify the equivalent forms related to logical implications.

Page 4: Graph and Functions

  1. Graph Edges Calculation:

    • Calculate edges from the vertex degree data provided.

  2. Poset Comparability:

    • Evaluate pairs of elements in a poset for comparability.

  3. Boolean Functions:

    • Determine the dual of the given boolean function.

  4. Bit String Count:

    • Calculate the total number of distinct bit strings of a specified length.

  5. Propositions:

    • Identify a statement that does not qualify as a proposition.

  6. Power Set Elements:

    • Determine the elements in the power set of a given set.

  7. NOR Operation Representation:

    • Express boolean functions using the NOR operation.

Page 5: Boolean Function Properties and Set Theory

  1. Properties of Boolean Functions:

    • Assess the validity of multiple false statements about boolean functions.

  2. Universal Set and Union:

    • List elements of the union of given sets based on provided definitions.

  3. Quantifier Statements:

    • Determine the truth value of various quantified statements regarding real numbers.

  4. Inference Rules:

    • Explore rules for derivations and conclusions based on given premises.

Page 6: RSA and Proofs

  1. RSA Key Generation:

    • Given primes, list possible values for e and find the unique d that satisfies conditions.

  2. Proof of Irrationality:

    • Provide proof techniques, including contraposition and vacuous proof.

Page 7: Set Subsets

  1. Odd and Even Subset Proportions:

    • Demonstrate that a nonempty set has equal amounts of odd and even-sized subsets.
