Faculty/School: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Department: Department of Mathematics and Natural Science
Educational program: 6В
Course title: MAT 125 Discrete Mathematics
Important Note:
Final Exam will be invalid if:
a. Use a pencil, red, or green pen.
b. Fail to fill out the answer sheet.
c. Engage in cheating, including:
i. Communicating with other students or attempting to view another's exam.
ii. Referencing external materials (books, notes, electronic devices).
iii. Copying any exam content.
Exam Regulations:
Students cannot leave the exam room during the test.
Duration: 100 minutes.
Cheating results in disqualification from the exam.
All answers must include solutions to be accepted.
Concerns about question accuracy can be reported using the appeal form on the next page.
Instructor Details:
Points allocation mentioned for each answer.
Fill in the question number and describe the issue. Provide your answer to the inconsistency noted.
There are multiple sections to fill out for distinct questions.
Set Membership Question:
Set: A = {a, b, c}
Examine true propositions regarding subsets and set inclusion. Options include subsets and their compositions.
Function Properties:
Given a function f with properties determined over specified sets X and Z.
Relation Types:
Analyze the relation R and its properties of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.
Function Domains:
Characteristics determining the domain and co-domain of functions.
Pigeonhole Principle:
Calculate minimum enrollment in the context of multiple cities to ensure a minimum from one city.
Logic Equivalence:
Identify the equivalent forms related to logical implications.
Graph Edges Calculation:
Calculate edges from the vertex degree data provided.
Poset Comparability:
Evaluate pairs of elements in a poset for comparability.
Boolean Functions:
Determine the dual of the given boolean function.
Bit String Count:
Calculate the total number of distinct bit strings of a specified length.
Identify a statement that does not qualify as a proposition.
Power Set Elements:
Determine the elements in the power set of a given set.
NOR Operation Representation:
Express boolean functions using the NOR operation.
Properties of Boolean Functions:
Assess the validity of multiple false statements about boolean functions.
Universal Set and Union:
List elements of the union of given sets based on provided definitions.
Quantifier Statements:
Determine the truth value of various quantified statements regarding real numbers.
Inference Rules:
Explore rules for derivations and conclusions based on given premises.
RSA Key Generation:
Given primes, list possible values for e and find the unique d that satisfies conditions.
Proof of Irrationality:
Provide proof techniques, including contraposition and vacuous proof.
Odd and Even Subset Proportions:
Demonstrate that a nonempty set has equal amounts of odd and even-sized subsets.