This video is the first in a three-part series on computer systems.
Focuses on the fetch-execute cycle.
A computer is an electronic device that:
Takes input.
Processes data.
Delivers output.
Example of a simple processing task:
Input: 5
Process: Multiply by 2
Output: 10
Complex example with a game console:
Input: Button presses on a controller.
Process: Actions carried out by the console.
Output: Updates sent to a monitor, sound through a speaker, and possible controller vibrations.
Key components include:
Memory (RAM): Stores the program.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): Executes instructions.
The computer follows a continuous cycle:
Fetch: CPU fetches the next instruction from memory.
Decode: Inspects and breaks down the instruction.
Execute: Carries out the instruction, which may involve:
Fetching data from memory.
Performing calculations.
Storing information back into memory.
This cycle occurs billions of times per second, referred to as the processor's clock speed.
Measured in hertz (Hz).
1 Hz = 1 cycle per second.
A computer:
Takes input, processes data, and delivers output.
The CPU's role is to:
Fetch, decode, and execute instructions from main memory.
The execution involves various activities based on the instruction.