Gospel Stage Flashcards


Gospel Stage: Audience and Annunciation 

  1. What were the names of the 3 authors who wrote the synoptic Gospel?

    1. Matthew, Mark, Luke 

  2. What does the synoptic gospel mean? What aspects of Christ does it focus upon?

    1. The synoptic gospels mean the “humanity of Christ”, these gospels focus on Chirsts humanity. 

  3. What author focused his written account of the deity of Christ? 

    1. John

  4. Who did each gospel have as their primary audience in mind? 

Name of Author




The Jews 

Christ as King


The Romans 

Christ as Servant; miracles 

Luke (Historian)

The Greeks 

Jesus as the perfect man; parables 

John (Theologian) 


Focus on Jesus as God; doctrines

  1. In the Story of Christ’s coming incarnation (in the flesh to earth), who did the angel Gabriel appear to (3 annunciations) 

    1. Mary 

    2. John 

    3. Zachariah 

  2. What was significant about betrothal in the time and culture of Mary and Joseph- how was it different from American engagement? 

    1. The betrothal was done at younger ages and forced upon two people, also known as an arranged marriage. The only way to get out of this betrothal was the divorce. 

  3.  Why did John baptize those who came to him (reasons) 

    1. John Baptised those who came to him because people came to repent and acknowledge unacceptability. They Wanted sins removed from their souls, and they did this by acknowledging the coming Messiah's authority aka Jesus. Lastly they willingly participated in the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ.  

  4. Why did Jesus choose to be baptized?

    1. Jesus was baptized to prepare for the coming kingdom of heaven. 

Gospel Stage #3

  1. What is Legalism? Share one Example.

    1. Legalism is the ideal that rules of Christianity are more important than God's grace to receive for righteousness. One example would be some churches stating that a woman can only wear dresses in church.  

  2. What is License? Share an Example. 

    1. License is the idea that you have the will to do whatever you please. For example, You are going to sin and steal a chocolate bar, but it's ok because you’ll just ask for forgiveness later. 

  3. What is a parable?

    1. A parable is a story Jesus would tell with a deeper spiritual truth overlaying. 

  4. In the Parable of the Sower, 1- Who is the Sower? 2- What is the seed? 3-  What does the Soul represent? 

    1. 1- Someone sharing the Gospel

    2. 2- The Gospel 

    3. 3- Human hearts

  5. Knowing why Jesus came to earth, what would you say his reason for teaching this parable could be- what deeper lesson did he want his displace to learn? 

    1. The lesson would be that no matter what the soil looks like, you need to still try to plant seeds and we need to recognize soil to better succeed. 

  6. Name one cultural lie and how would you refute it from yesterday's lesson- give one truth 

    1. “You are enough”; we are not enough unless we are made new in Christ because by ourselves we are sinful and do not measure up to perfection.

    2. “Authenticity is everything”: the only true authenticity comes from Christ. 

    3. “Live your Truth”: You need to live by the biblically accurate truths. 

Gospel Stage Mark 9-15

  1. Describe one miracle from this section of scripture. 

    1. The disciples were unable to cast out demons so Jesus did.

  2. What does Jesus say about children?

    1. They can all come to him because of their innocence, and commended their blind faith in Himself. 

  3. How does Jesus describe or define “greatness” -- what makes someone great? 

    1. Greatness is found in humility and service, what makes some great is being a servant to others and humble in their works. 

  4. According to the story of the Rich Young Ruler, what is the true cost of discipleship? 

    1. The true cost of discipleship would be total surrender, giving oneself up from God’s kingdom. 

  5. What is the Greatest Commandment?

    1. To love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. 

  6. What is the 2nd Greatest Commandment?

    1. Love your neighbor as yourself 

  7. One key timeless truth from this portion of Scripture is that true greatness is found in -------- and -----. 

    1. Humility and Service 

Matthew Notes



  1. Poor in Spirit 

  2. Mourn: 

  3. Gentle =Meek 

  4. Hunger and Thirst for righteousness 


  1. Merciful 

  2. Pure in heart 

  3. Peacemakers 

  4. Persecuted for righteousness 

Life of Christ

3 Political groups

  1. The Galieans 

  2. The Herodians 

  3. The Zealots 

3 Religious Groups 

  1. The Levites 

  2. Sanhedrians 

  3. The Scribes 

3 Ethnic groups 

  1. Gentiles 

  2. Jews 

  3. Samritians 

Mark Timeless Truths 

Mark 9-11 

  1. True Greatness is found in Humility and Service

  2. Faith and prayer are powerful 

  3. Sacrifice following of Jesus 

  4. The Kingdom of God is not of this world 

  5. Authentic worship is central 

Mark 12-13

  1. True faith 

  2. Endurance/watchfulness 

  3. God’s kingdom over human system 

  4. Sacrificial giving 

Mark 16 

  1. Victory over death 

  2. Hope 

  3. Transformation 

  4. Commission 

5 Lies of Mark (I don't agree but it's gonna get a hundred so….) 

  1. Homosexuality is normal 

  2. Pagan sexuality is inclusive 

  3. Feminism is good for church and the world 

  4. Transgender is normal 

  5. Modesty is outdated and dangerous 

Additional notes/ Verses 

  • Together these chapters reveal the the cost of discipleship ; the nature of Jesus' kingdom; and the importance of faith, humility, and service. 

  1. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith; and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God; not by your works so that no one can boast.” - Ephesians 2:8-9

  2. Behold I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” -Matthew 10:16

  3. “Beloved, ;let us love one another, for love is from God, And whoever loves has been born of God and knows God, Anyone who doesn't love does not love God, because God is love. In this love of God was made manifest among us, that god sent his only son into the world, so that we might live through Him.” - 1 John 4:7-9 

  4. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The Life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” -Galatians 2:20 

  5. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, the new is here.” -2 Corinthians 5:17 




Middle Class 


Extreme conservatism 


Religiously oriented 


Big Influence 

Politically oriented 

6,000 people

Rejected resurrection 


High Priest 

Opposed Christ religion 

Small Group 


Opposed  Christ Politically 

Kingdom Of Pharisees

Kingdom of God 

Human rules





God’s law 
