Sterilization - removal/destruction of all living microbes and spores and viruses
Disinfection - Killing of vegetative pathogens on a surface (inanimate objects); usually w/ chemicals
Antisepsis - reduction of pathogens from living tissues (sepsis/asepsis)
Degerming - removal of transient microbes from skin by mechanical cleansing or by an antiseptic
Sanitation - related to hygienic practices; reduction in overall total microbial numbers to safe levels
Exposure to antimicrobials can reduce cell numbers at a negative logarithmic rate.
Total cell count - how many total cells there are
Viable cell count - the cell count of the sample taken that are alive
Bacteriostatic - growth inhibitory; no killing of cells. The addition of a treatment prevents growth, not killing them
Bacteriocidal - killing of cells. Only viable cell count decreases because the cell is still there
Bacteriolytic - killing of cells but also cause cells to lyse (break apart). Both total and viable cell count decrease because the cell is destroyed
D-Value - has to do with the logs of death. time for an agent to kill 90% (one log) of the population.
Efficacy of antimicrobial agent → decimal reduction time or D-value
One log is equal to 90% of a population
Factors influencing efficacy of antimicrobial treatments:
umber/types of microbes present
organic load or cleanliness
Exposure time/dose
pH, temperature
Ways to test efficacy of antimicrobial agents:
Use-dilution test
Metals rings are dipped in test bacteria and then dried → The dried rings/culture are placed in disinfectant for a time at a specific temp (10 min @ 20ºC) → Rings are transferred to culture media to determine whether bacteria survived treatment (incubate 24 hr, check for growth)
Disk Diffusion Method
Filter disks soaked in chemical agent are placed on plate inoculated w/ bacteria. Analyze zones of inhibition → proportional to effectiveness of disinfection
is the area under and around the filter disks growing bacteria or not?
Actions of Microbial Control Agents
Agents can target one or a combination of these three parts:
Plasma membrane - dissolve the plasma membrane
proteins - denaturing or break down of protein to reduce or eliminate the functionality
nucleic acids - break down, denature, or chemical alteration
Physical Agents of Control
High temp & pressure
Boiling: 10 min @ 100ºC
Steam under pressure
Autoclave: 15 psi/121ºC/15 min
Sterilization method, kills endospores
Dry Heat Sterilization
Incineration; hot air
Equivalent to Autoclave in which it sterilizes
170ºC, 2 hr
Pasteurization - mild heat; for food/beverages
NOT a sterilization method; all about preserving the form, color, etc of the product
low temp, long time (63º/30 minutes)
High temp, short time (72º/15 seconds); flash pasteurization
Ultra high temp (134ºC/1-2 seconds)
Milk Pasteurization targets Coxiella burnetii
Cold temperature:
slows down growth
food & cell preservation (refrigerate or freeze, -20ºC, -80ºC)
For microbial preservation
Listeria spp - grows at refrigeration temperature
Filtration - aqueous solutions & air
Membrane filtration: for heat-labile liquids; .45 um, .2 um pore sizes
HEPA (air) removes microbes >.3 um
High pressure, Desiccation, Osmotic pressure
Irradiation - used to sterilize food & non-biologicals
Wavelength of the light
short wavelength have high energy and long wavelengths have low energy
Non Ionizing radiation (UV)
wavelength - 200-300 nm
creates mutation
does not penetrate well
best for surface disinfection
Ionizing radiation (X rays, gamma rays, electron beams)
wavelength <.1 nm
ionizes water to release OH
can break and fragments of nucleic acids
penetrating radiation
Chemical methods of Control
Phenolics - disrupts lipids of plasma membrane & denature proteins
Remain active on surface after application
Halogens - alter proteins synthesis & membranes
Chlorine (bleach); oxidizing agents
Alcohols - require water; denature proteins, dissolve lipids
Ethanol, isopropanol
Pure Ethanol actually isn’t as effective as Ethanol mixed with water because the water helps with the killing effect
Heavy metals - Ag, Hg, and Cu; denature proteins
can be toxic: use at low concentrations
Surface-Active Agents, Surfactants - mimic phospholipid structure and disrupt membrane integrity
mimic phospholipid structure which helps disrupts the plasma membrane of cells
Chemical Preservatives - control molds/bacteria in foods/ cosmetics
Organic acids: alter internal pH; inhibit metabolism
Sorbic acid, benzoic acid
Gaseous Sterilants - denature, modify proteins
For heat-sensitive materials → plastics
Ethylene Oxide
Resistance to disinfectants is based on concentration
At proper concentration, disinfectants can have multiple targets → makes it difficult to gain a resistance bc difficult to evolve multiple mutations to counteract all effects
Resistance is more likely at lower concentration of disinfectants since they are more likely to only affect single targets, which allows these bacteria to become resistant to them