Charles I caused problems by eliminating the Parliament and was on and off on putting it back together
He was captured and beheaded in the English Civil War, and Charles II later claimed the throne
Charles II’s return caused many people to resume colonization in the Americas
The colonies funded by Charles II were Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
The main goal of the colonies wasn’t financial benefit, it was the creation of settlement
Landlords and land speculators let in anyone who wanted to come and had religious freedom
Eventually, Charleston was established with 100 settlers
The north of Carolina was filled with woods and isolated agriculture, and the south had a good harbor and fertile land, making the two sides very different from each other
Barbados Island colonists in Carolina participated in slavery
Because of all the tension between the North and South of the region, the King ended up splitting the colony
The Dutch and English had a lot of tension in the Americas
The Dutch ended up giving New York to the English in an invasion
New York was very diverse and filled with Dutch, English, Scandanavians, Germans, French, and Africans
Sir John Berkeley and Sir George Carter established New Jersey, but they eventually had to give the territory back to the crown
Quakers wanted to establish their own safe haven as a form of Protestants
They let women also become preachers in the church
The Quakers lived in England and didn’t have a church government or care about gender and class
The Quakers faced a lot of discrimination in New England
Due to this, Penn created Pennsylvania for the Quakers
Penn kept good relations with the Indians in the area
Penn respected the Natives beliefs though conflicts arose later
Penn made the Charter or Liberties to lower the power of the proprietor and gave three countries to establish their own assembly
Those counties came together to form Delaware