Essential Psychology: Chapter 21 - Personality

personality = individual differences stressing the uniqueness of individuals which can simultaneously be categorised across different dimensions

= combined system of cognitions/emotions/behaviours

= stable behaviour

= general dispositions linked to needs or drives

trait approaches to nomothetically quantifying personality assume that traits exist on a spectrum and everyone possesses them to some extent - this allows for a unique pattern of traits comprising one individual personality

16 factor model:

  • 6 primary personality traits - source traits. Descriptions are laid out of two extremes of the trait. 16 personality factor questionnaire based on this. (see textbook for traits)

  • Criticised on account of theory not being fully replicable, however Cattell argued his methods were not fully followed.

  • Led to the development of all subsequent models of personality

5 factor model - Costa & McCrae

  • acronym of OCEAN - traits are 40-50% heritable and the rest depends on environmental influence

  • Openness to experience - people who score highly are curious and creative and display preference for variety, people who score low are cautious and follow routine.

  • Conscientiousness - people who score highly need to accomplish goals and have the qualities they need to realise their objectives, people who score low leave things to the last minute and may be unreliable

  • Extroversion - high levels people draw energy from being around others and focus on the external world, low levels people are more introspective and prefer a quiet life

  • Agreeableness - high levels can get on well with other people, low levels not concerned about the wellbeing of others and suspicious about the motives of others

  • Neuroticism - high levels - emotionally volatile and respond poorly to stressful life events which can be minor inconveniences, low levels - emotionally stable with good mastery of emotional states

  • criticised on account of disregard of important traits such as religiosity and honesty/everyday language being unsuitable to reveal the complexity of personality

6 factor model - HEXACO

  • used in personality research into dispositions towards guilt and shame, academic performance and religiousness

  • Honesty-humility - high scorers do not want to manipulate others for their own gain, want to follow the rules of society, low scorers try to control others and have a high sense of self importance

  • Emotionality - empathy, harm avoidant behaviour. high scorers similar to high neuroticism scorers but also describes a sympathetic and sentimental person, low scorers feel little sense of danger and do not worry much

  • eXtroversion

  • Agreeableness

  • Conscientiousness

  • Openness to experience

  • replication problematic

  • is h/h that different to agreeableness of OCEAN?

  • h/h can be a good predictor of immoral acts in business/employee’s tendencies to disregard health and safety

PEN model - Eysenck

  • psychoticism, extroversion, neuroticism

  • psychopathological disorders represent extreme ends of normal personality - high levels of psychoticism = good predictor/assessment tool for schizophrenia/traits seen in psychopathy

  • high levels of research support, valid diagnosis tool for schizophrenia

  • criticised because psychoticism is not as well defined as extroversion or neuroticism

  • p could also just be a combination of low agreeableness and conscientiousness from 5 factor

Gray - BIS/BAS model

  • biological model of personality which works on the basis of two systems in the brain responsible for governing emotions/motivation/bhv

    • BIS - behavioural inhibition system. punishment sensitive and regulates aversive motivation

    • BAS - behavioural approach system. reward sensitive and regulates appetitive motivation
