
Generals and Military Leaders:

  • General Joseph Hooker

    • Nicknamed "Fighting Joe" for his aggressive tactics.

    • Reorganized the Army of the Potomac but was overconfident at Chancellorsville.

    • His failure to respond effectively to Lee's flanking maneuver led to his removal.

  • General George Meade

    • Took command just days before Gettysburg.

    • Successfully defended against Lee but failed to pursue the retreating Confederate army, frustrating Lincoln.

  • Stonewall Jackson

    • Earned his nickname at the First Battle of Bull Run for standing firm in battle.

    • His famous flanking maneuver at Chancellorsville crushed the Union army.

    • His accidental shooting by Confederate troops led to the South losing one of its best generals.

  • Ulysses S. Grant

    • Used total war tactics, meaning he targeted Confederate armies, resources, and civilian infrastructure.

    • His victory at Vicksburg coincided with Gettysburg, marking a major turning point.

    • Nickname: “Unconditional Surrender” Grant due to his demand for total capitulation.


  • Battle of Chancellorsville (May 1863)

    • Lee's most brilliant victory, using risky tactics to split his army.

    • Union outnumbered Confederates nearly 2 to 1 but still lost.

    • Jackson's wounding forced Lee to fight Gettysburg without him.

  • Battle of Gettysburg (July 1–3, 1863)

    • Lee's second and last invasion of the North.

    • Day 1: Confederates push Union forces back to Cemetery Hill.

    • Day 2: Major Union defense at Little Round Top prevents Confederate flanking.

    • Day 3: Pickett’s Charge—Lee’s biggest mistake—ends in massive Confederate losses.

    • The bloodiest battle of the war, with 51,000 casualties.

  • Pickett’s Charge (July 3, 1863)

    • 15,000 Confederates charged across open fields under artillery fire.

    • Over 50% casualty rate among Pickett’s men.

    • Lee took full responsibility for the failure.

  • Siege of Vicksburg (May–July 4, 1863)

    • Grant’s army surrounded the city and cut off supplies for six weeks.

    • Civilians in Vicksburg were forced to live in caves and eat rats.

    • The fall of Vicksburg gave the Union full control of the Mississippi River.

  • Battle of the Wilderness (May 1864)

    • Took place in dense Virginia forests, making combat chaotic and smoky.

    • Fires broke out, and many wounded soldiers burned alive.

    • Unlike previous Union generals, Grant refused to retreat, continuing his push toward Richmond.

  • Battle of Cold Harbor (June 1864)

    • Grant’s worst mistake—ordered frontal assaults that led to thousands of Union deaths in minutes.

    • Many Union soldiers pinned their names to their uniforms, knowing they wouldn’t survive.

    • Despite the loss, Grant still kept advancing, keeping pressure on Lee.

Weapons and Warfare:

  • War of Attrition

    • Grant’s strategy—wear down Lee’s army by constant fighting.

    • He had the manpower advantage (Union had 2 million soldiers, South had 1 million).

    • This tactic led to high casualties but ensured Union victory.

  • Muskets

    • Smoothbore muskets had short range (~100 yards) and poor accuracy.

    • Soldiers relied on bayonets due to slow reload times.

  • Rifles

    • More accurate and deadly (range ~400 yards).

    • Used Minié balls, which expanded on impact and caused massive wounds.

  • Grapeshot

    • Cannon ammunition filled with small iron balls.

    • Devastating against advancing infantry, like a giant shotgun blast.

Medical and Humanitarian Efforts:

  • United States Sanitary Commission

    • Created in 1861 to improve hygiene and medical care in Union camps.

    • Reduced disease spread and helped supply bandages, food, and clothing.

    • Raised millions of dollars to support soldiers.

  • Elizabeth Blackwell

    • First woman in the U.S. to earn a medical degree.

    • Helped found the first training program for female nurses.

  • Dorothea Dix

    • Superintendent of Army Nurses.

    • Recruited thousands of middle-class women for medical service.

    • Strict hiring rules—only allowed women over 30, plain-looking, and dressed modestly.

  • Clara Barton

    • “Angel of the Battlefield”—risked her life bringing supplies and aid to soldiers.

    • Worked independently, not under Dix’s strict system.

    • Founded the American Red Cross in 1881.

  • American Red Cross

    • Founded by Clara Barton after the war.

    • Provided emergency aid, disaster relief, and medical services worldwide.

    • Inspired by her experiences treating Civil War soldiers.

Copperhead Democrats

  • Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederacy.

  • They were also known as "Peace Democrats."

  • Many were against Lincoln’s policies, especially emancipation.

  • They believed the war was too costly and that the Union should negotiate with the Confederacy.

  • Example: They gained strength in the 1864 election, and Confederate leaders hoped they would win and make peace.

General George B. McClellan

  • Former Union general who was removed by Lincoln for being too cautious.

  • Nominated by the Democrats to run against Lincoln in the Election of 1864.

  • Despite being a war general, he campaigned on a platform that included negotiating peace with the South.

  • Lost the election to Lincoln, who won because of key Union military victories.

General William T. Sherman

  • Union general famous for his “March to the Sea”, using total war tactics.

  • Served under General Grant and took command of the western Union forces.

  • Captured Atlanta (1864), which boosted Northern morale and helped Lincoln win re-election.

  • Believed in "hard war," meaning destroying Confederate resources to weaken their ability to fight.

General John Bell Hood

  • Confederate general who replaced Joseph E. Johnston in 1864.

  • Aggressive but reckless in battle, leading to high Confederate casualties.

  • Tried to stop Sherman from taking Atlanta but failed.

  • After losing Atlanta, he led a disastrous campaign into Tennessee and was defeated at Nashville.

Sherman’s March to the Sea

  • November–December 1864, led by General William T. Sherman.

  • A military campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia.

  • Purpose: Destroy Southern resources and weaken Confederate morale.

  • Union troops burned farms, destroyed railroads, and freed enslaved people along the way.

  • Impact: Devastated the South’s economy and infrastructure; made it harder for the Confederacy to continue fighting.

Battle of Atlanta

  • July 22, 1864: A major battle in Sherman’s campaign through the South.

  • Union victory; Confederates were forced to evacuate the city on September 1.

  • Impact: Boosted Northern morale and helped Lincoln win reelection in 1864.

  • Confederate Leader: General John Bell Hood tried to defend the city but failed.

  • After the battle, Sherman burned much of Atlanta before marching to Savannah.

Admiral David Farragut

  • Union naval officer who captured New Orleans (1862) and Mobile Bay (1864).

  • Famous Quote: “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” (During the Battle of Mobile Bay).

  • His victory at Mobile Bay helped cut off Confederate trade and block supplies.

Election of 1864

  • Candidates: Abraham Lincoln (Republican) vs. George McClellan (Democrat).

  • Lincoln originally thought he would lose because of war fatigue in the North.

  • Key Event That Helped Lincoln: Sherman captured Atlanta, boosting Northern morale.

  • Lincoln won in a landslide: 212 electoral votes to 21 for McClellan.

  • Ensured that the Civil War would continue until Union victory and the end of slavery.

Andersonville (Confederate Prison Camp)

  • A Confederate prison camp in Georgia that held Union prisoners of war.

  • Known for horrible conditions: overcrowding, lack of food, disease, and extreme cruelty.

  • Nearly 13,000 Union soldiers died there from malnutrition and disease.

  • After the war, the camp's commander, Henry Wirz, was executed for war crimes.


  • Captured by Sherman on December 21, 1864, ending his March to the Sea.

  • Sherman spared the city from destruction and gave it to Lincoln as a "Christmas gift."

  • Important Confederate port city that was now in Union hands.


  • Capital of the Confederacy, located in Virginia.

  • April 1865: After Lee’s army abandoned Petersburg, Richmond fell to Union forces.

  • Confederates burned parts of the city before evacuating to prevent Union forces from capturing supplies.

  • Lincoln personally visited Richmond after its capture, marking the near-end of the war.

Appomattox (Surrender at Appomattox Court House, Virginia)

  • April 9, 1865: Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant.

  • Terms of Surrender:

    • Confederate soldiers were allowed to keep their horses (to help rebuild their farms).

    • No Confederate officers were executed or imprisoned.

    • Marked the official end of the Civil War (though some Confederate forces surrendered later).

Thirteenth Amendment

  • Abolished slavery in the United States.

  • Passed by Congress in January 1865, ratified on December 18, 1865.

  • Text: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude… shall exist within the United States.”

  • Impact: Ensured permanent freedom for enslaved people and ended forced labor in the South.


  • The period after the Civil War (1865–1877) when the U.S. government worked to rebuild the South.

  • Goals:

    1. Reintegrate Southern states into the Union.

    2. Protect the rights of formerly enslaved people.

    3. Rebuild Southern economy and infrastructure.

  • Lincoln’s Plan: Wanted a lenient, quick reunification.

  • Radical Republicans’ Plan: Wanted harsher punishments for the South and full rights for freed slaves.

John Wilkes Booth

  • Assassinated Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.

  • A famous actor and Confederate sympathizer who believed Lincoln was destroying the South.

  • Aftermath:

    • Booth fled and was killed in a barn in Virginia 12 days later.

    • His assassination of Lincoln disrupted Reconstruction plans and led to a harsher treatment of the South.
