Mao Zedong - leader of the Communists in China; worked with Stalin to win the Civil War in China

Whittaker Chambers - a well-known American writer who helped convict Alger Hiss of espionage; old member of the Communist Party; “Pumpkin Papers”

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg - Soviet spies who David Greenglass claimed to be working under; both put to death under the electric chair after 2 years of appeals

George C. Marshall - Secretary of State; set up the Marshall Plan

Louis St. Laurent - Canada PM who proposed the idea of NATO

J. Parnell Thomas - head of HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)

Pat McCarran - a senator who set in place the McCarran-Walter Act in which the rules of immigration are described

Jiang Jieshi - (also known as Chiang Kai-shek) was the leader of the nationalists in China. 

Alger Hiss - Soviet spy; attended the Yalta Conference, helped the communists in China win the Civil War; was the U.S. representative for the United Nations. Arrested for Perjury. 
