Definition: A common resource available for all humans, often exploited unsustainably.
Examples include the ocean, atmosphere, and public rangelands.
Key Issues:
Exploitation leads to depletion of resources.
Overfishing transforms oceans, creating dead zones (like near Louisiana due to fertilizer runoff).
Groundwater is commonly overdrafted due to a lack of regulation, leading to depletion.
Ogallala Aquifer:
Largest aquifer in the U.S., running from Texas through the Midwest.
Overdrafted and nearing depletion due to human usage.
Freshwater Accessibility:
Only a small percentage of Earth's water is accessible as freshwater; pollution and misuse are major concerns.
Aquifer Types:
Confined Aquifers: Under pressure.
Unconfined Aquifers: At atmospheric pressure.
Overdraft Consequences:
Subsidence: Land sinks due to water withdrawal.
Saltwater Intrusion: Near coastlines, saltwater can encroach upon fresh groundwater, making it unusable.
General Usage:
70% of Earth's freshwater is used mainly for irrigation (agriculture/sod).
Types of Irrigation:
Furrow Irrigation: High evaporation (40% loss).
Flood Irrigation: Significant evaporation and water loss.
Spray Irrigation: Moderate evaporation.
Drip Irrigation: Most efficient, least evaporation, helps mitigate salinization.
Occurs when water evaporates, leaving salts behind in soil, hindering plant growth.
Flushing methods can alleviate salinization, but risk adding more minerals.
Increases erosion by loosening topsoil.
Cover Crops:
Used to prevent soil erosion by holding soil in place with roots.
Nutrient loss leads to land being unable to support plant life, often caused by overgrazing.
Integrated Pest Management:
Combines crop rotation, natural predators, and GMOs to reduce chemical pesticide use.
Key Terms:
Ore: Rock containing minerals worth mining (e.g., iron ore).
Reserves: Known sources available for mining.
Depletion Time: Estimated time until reserves are used up (approx. 80%).
Mining Processes:
Overburden: Soil removed during mining.
Spoils: Waste generated by mining operations.
Tailings: Residue left from water use in mining.
Environmental Impacts:
Disruption of landscapes and habitats, pollution of waterways due to eroded materials, and potential for catastrophic events like dam failures (e.g., Samarco dam collapse).
Non-target marine organisms caught unintentionally, often resulting in death.
Fishery Collapse:
Population decline of over 90%, making recovery difficult due to genetic bottlenecks.
Ocean Pollution:
Fishing gear impacts ecosystems, leads to pollution.
Important for sustainable practices; includes catch limits and seasonal restrictions.
Fish farming; potential for environmental and health issues due to density and waste accumulation.
Forest Benefits:
Stabilizes soil, prevents erosion, slows runoff, purifies water, and acts as a carbon sink.
Deforestation Impacts:
Erosion, habitat destruction, carbon release into the atmosphere, and increased runoff.
Controlled Burning:
Methods to prevent uncontrolled fires by clearing undergrowth.
Clear-Cutting vs. Selective Cutting:
Clear-cutting destroys habitats; selective cutting maintains ecosystems by leaving some trees standing.
Overgrazing can lead to desertification and nutrient loss, exacerbating erosion.
Fencing off streams and sustainable grazing practices avoiding overconsumption of grass.
Impervious Surfaces:
Increased runoff, leading to erosion, flooding, and waterway pollution.
Runoff carries pollutants to waterways, contributing to eutrophication.
Eutrophication Process:
Nutrients from runoff cause excessive algae growth, leading to hypoxia.
CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations):
High-density animal farming that is resource-efficient but raises health concerns.
Issues include antibiotic resistance, concentrated waste leading to eutrophication, and ethical concerns over animal treatment.