January 21: Lecture 2
The scientific study of mental illness, along with the factors which may contribute or be relevant to such disorders
Relates to etiology (cause) or risk factors, when cause is unknown
Causes of mental disorders may relate to biological and genetic, psychological, and social factors
Greek words: psyche (soul) and pathos (suffering)
Within psychiatry, pathology refers to disease
Focus is drawn from theories about child development, behavior, cognition, emotion, motivation, identity, relationship and context
Process of arriving at a clinical diagnosis
Articulated through descriptive criteria (what this looks like) based on agreed-on symptoms of pathology for each disorder through the DSM-5TR
There is some disagreement and pushback on diagnoses sometimes
The rest of the world uses the ICD
Developmental Psychopathology
Historic language is “normal” vs. “abnormal”
This is difficult because we do not have a norm/the norm can vary
New language is “atypical” vs. “typical” or “normative”
A term used to describe what is going wrong (maladaptive)
Refers to intense, frequent and or persistent maladaptive patterns of emotion, cognition, and behavior indicating the child is on a different path than what is typical
Developmental psychopathology emphasizes that these maladaptive patterns occur in the context of typical development and result in the current and potential impairment of infants, children, and adolescents
We must understand children’s disorders in the context of typical development
Looking at social, emotional, cognitive, moral, and behavioral development
Consider typical age-specific behaviors, but also disorder-specific development too
Ex: what is typical for a 5-year-old child with autism, not just what is typical for a 5-year-old
Development unfolds over time, is affected by transitions and risk and resilience factors
Atypical development
We use different approaches to address the differences
Statistical difference: too much or too little of any age-expected behavior
Bell curve
Middle is a range of behaviors
Then there is too much and too little
Sociocultural norm perspective
Children who fail to conform to age-related, location-specific gender-specific, or culturally-relevant expectations
Ex: a middle schooler cussing a teacher out is not okay based on norms
Psychological well-being is also a key consideration (poor, adequate, optimal)
Models of Psychopathology
Dimensional models
Ways in which typical thoughts/feelings/behaviors become atypical
Emphasizes the ways in which typical feelings, thoughts, and behaviors gradually become more serious problems
No sharp distinctions between adjustment and maladjustment
Example: Adolescent who has increasing apathy and loss of interest in life in adolescence, following her parents’ difficult divorce
Categorical models
Emphasize discrete and qualitative differences in individual patterns of emotion, cognition, and behavior
There are clear distinctions
Example: Child with Autism who has difficulty with social reciprocity
Behaviors to evaluate
Deviation from age-appropriate norms
Child behaves differently from other children their age—autism
Exaggeration or diminishment of normal development expressions
A child with ADHD has too much of some behaviors and too little of others
Interference in normal developmental progress
Failure to master age-salient developmental tasks
Speech, motor, or social milestones
Failure to develop a specific function or regulatory mechanism
Development as a transactional process
Development is the outcome of transactions between the child and their environment
The child comes in to the world with certain genetics and prenatal experience, but as the child experiences the world and faces parents/siblings/caregivers etc. we have to look at behavior as a process
The child is an active participant in their development
Organizing their experience emotionally, cognitively, as they grow they have increasing capacity to do this
Trauma interferes, parenting interferes, illness interferes
As children grow they develop new capacities
Children have an ability to “self-right” and grow
At a young age they have more flexibility and it requires less effort to correct
We need to work with children as children so we can interrupt maladaptive paths to help redirect them on to a normative path
“The more a child has experienced maladaptive “paths”, the more difficult it is to shift to a more adaptive one” (Sroufe, Carlson, Levy and Egeland, 1999)
Developmental pathways
Equi (equal) finality (outcome)
Different circumstance can lead to the same outcome
Multiple processes can lead to the same diagnosis
Example: depression in adolescence
Could happen because they had an accident a year ago, or because they were depressed before, or because they have a biological predispositions, or were sexually assaulted
Similar circumstances can lead to different outcomes
Example: three people get SAed - one develops PTSD, one gets anxiety, one gets nothing
Do not make assumptions - because of these circumstances, this is going to happen
Adjustment and maladjustment are points in time
There are multiple pathways, and pathways can change;
Change is constrained or enabled by previous adaptations
Risk and resilience factors
Risk factors have to do with any influences that increase the chances for harm
What causes harm, what maintains it, what makes it better or worse
Cumulative risk
Typically not one risk factor, instead it is a “pile up”
The risk factor itself did not matter, it is the number of them
Rutter constructed a “family adversity index,” related to the number of risk factors identified in that child’s life
As he studied the cumulation of risk factors, he found that the chance of being diagnosed was only about 2% with 0 or 1 risk factor, but over 20% with 4 or more
Risk factors in the child
Goodness of fit
Exposure to chemicals or drugs
Exposure to toxins in the environment
Prematurity and low birth weight
In utero stress
Neurodevelopmental processes
All psychological traits show significant and substantial genetic influence
No traits are 100% heritable
Genetic impact is cause by many genes with small effects
Environments matter - epigenetics
Risk factors in the parent/family
Substance abuse
Domestic violence
Harsh parenting
Parental conflict, separation, divorce
Disrupted attachment and foster care
Parental psychopathology, such as mental illness or intellectual disability
Risk factors in the community
American children are more likely to remain in poverty than in other rich, industrialized countries
Chronic poverty is dehumanizing
It typically involves multiple risk factors including overcrowded and substandard housing, unsafe neighborhoods, including physical risks such as crime, food insecurity and hunger, food deserts, lack of access to resources
Poor quality of schools
Social disadvantage, racism, and minority status
Historical and intergenerational trauma as backdrop for children and families of color
Exposure to community violence
Exposure to media violence
Culture and developmental psychopathology
Some of our judgments about what is typical or atypical, and what is psychopathology, are based in judgments about sociocultural values
Deviance from ‘normative’
What is acceptable or not?
How does that differ across cultures, socioeconomic status, racial group, and other factors?
Resilience is promoted by the client’s values and beliefs, family ties, and social network resources
Cultural context = individual client’s perceptions and meanings about their own life, embedded in larger cultural meanings
We need to pay attention to the roles of social power, discrimination, racism, and the effects of social marginalization (e.g., invisibility, devaluation)
Overlap between these experiences and mental disorders
Culture is crucial to what is normative and psychopathological
“When we transform persons into cases, we often see only them in terms of how well they fit in a category. In this way, we miss important elements of a person’s life—cultural, social, political, ethnic, spiritual, and economic—and how they contribute to, sustain, and shape a person’s misery or struggles or mistakes. The irony here is that in making a case, we really do not individualize. Information about context not considered relevant to an assessment scheme, might indicate important resources for help and transformation as well as problem-solving.”
What might this mean for our work?
Individualized services
Goodness of fit of the clinical approach to the client’s needs”
Movement toward cultural humility, sensitivity, and competence in work with diverse children, adolescents and their families
Strengths and cultural contexts
Our aim is to:
Balance the assessment of pathology with an appreciation of internal/external strengths and resources
To better understand the interaction of stressors and resources in the client’s life
Identify domains that highlight the client’s cultural, familial, and socioeconomic contexts and enhance diagnostic information
Cultural context + sources of resiliency = diagnoses and treatment plans that consider the client’s complex contextual world
January 28 - Lecture 3
Case study - Julia and Jon
DSM 5 and 5TR
Social work perspective on the DSM
Implications for assessment of children and adolescents
Case study - Julia
There is in fact enough information to diagnose
Atypical behaviors
Period of time exceeds what is standard for a child in kindergarten
More information is needed to understand the whole picture, when diagnosing
Consider if a diagnosis is helpful
In some environments you can only treat/intervene if there is a diagnosis
Diagnosis often means psychiatric care and medication
Can bring label, stigma, and treatment that may be prejudicial
Case study - Jon
Do the math - figure out when something occurred → he is 15, parents divorced for 15 years = happened when he was 5 which is a pivotal time
Very focused on science/research as the basis for diagnosis
Wants to create strong, consistent and objective validators for mental disorders
A bridge between problem assessment and treatment
Identifies prevalence rates and documents trends
DSM I (1950s): to highlight the mental health difficulties of veterans
DSM III (1980): shift from psychoanalytic ideas to a medical basis
aided by Beck
More specific descriptions of diagnostic entities
DSM IV and IV-R (1994 & 2000): feminism pushed back on over-diagnosing women
Added a lot more specificity and categorization
DSM 5 and 5-TR (2013 & 2022): concerns with psychologists’ agendas influencing the DSM, movement toward neurobiology - loss of multiaxial diagnosis
Comparing to ICD 11
Organizational structure
Organized according to internalizing and externalizing factors in diagnosis
Internalizing = symptoms that are within, more hidden, not always visible, tend to be acted out internally, ex: anxiety and depression
Externalizing = acted out, prominent impulsive, disruptive conduct
Also organized on developmental and lifespan consideration
No longers stars with a chapter on disorders in infants and children → within each diagnosis there is a section on kids
V/Z code
Important addition since axis IV was eliminated
Enable us to address psychosocial and environmental problems that social workers highlight
Z codes come from the ICD-10
Vi codes come from ICD-9 and DSM 5
Examples of V codes:
Relationship problems
Abuse and neglect
Educational and occupational problems
Housing and economic problems
Other problems related to the social environment
Help kids without diagnosable disorders to get support
Alert other professionals to important issues for current and future care
Replaced the global assessment of functioning
Dimensional assessment: mild, moderate, severe
Rated by number of symptoms or clinical judgement, as outlined
DSM 5-TR changes
Mostly clarity in the text → 70 disorders
New diagnosis: prolonged grief disorder
New symptom code: suicidal and non-suicidal self0injury behaviors
Including a focus on social-determinants of health - culture, racism and discrimination
Social work focus on the DSM
Assumptions of the DSM
Mental disorders are defined by clusters of “symptoms” (behaviors, thoughts, emotional states) that can be classified categorically and have discrete meaning
Diagnostic terms promote common understanding
DSM diagnosis leads to correct treatment methods
Diagnosed illnesses need treatment, often pharmacologic treatment (meds)
Mental disorders emerge due to problems in the brain
Mental disorders are considered medical conditions
Mental disorders result in “significant distress or disability in social, occupational, or other important activities”
Assumptions of social work
Empowerment is healing
Building on strengths rather than focusing on diagnoses promotes resilience and recovery
Need to work beyond symptoms — or dig deeper than symptoms
Clients are experts on their own lives and can define their own problems
Best interest of clients is always first
Human suffering occurs due to complex, multi-level forces in systems around individuals
Language is powerful, and can help or harm
Labels can affect identity and behavior
The DSM in not a bible
DSM works from a disease model that often contradicts SW values
The DSM tells us WHAT not WHY
DSM does not focus on etiology
Alan Francis (DSM IV chair) “Be skeptical and don’t follow DSM 5 blindly down a road likely to lead to massive over diagnosis and harmful over-medication.”
CBT therapists had most position attitudes about the DSM
Psychodynamic, humanistic and constructivist were negatively inclined towards the DSM
May mean focusing on symptom relief rather than holisitc
Writing diagnoses
Assessment of children and adolescents
February 4: Lecture 4 - Early Childhood Disorders
Early childhood disorders (ECD)
Cast studies: Luke and Lizze, Mark
Etiology = the cause, set of causes or manner of causation of a disease or condition
Used in medicine
Genetic contributions
Gene-environment interactions
Environment-environment interactions
Environment now acting on environment in the past
May create risk and vulnerability for psychopathology
We don’t have brain basis for all diagnoses
Psychopathology perspectives focus on:
Physiological/genetic basis
Building blocks of personality
Thought to emerge in infancy
All types are okay, just different strengths and weaknesses
Thought to be enduring - but can change/be changed by intervention
Environmental factors too
“Goodness of fit” between parent temperament and child temperament
Go with the flow
About 40% of the population
About 10% of children
Not as easily engage
More pessimistic
More challenges interacting with the environment
Slow to warm up
About 15%
Like a pond/lake defrosting after the winter - it takes to warm up as compared to the air
About 35% of kids
Activity level
Rhythms: sleep, eating, routines
Sensory threshold
Two groups of adolescents
With behavioral inhibition
Without behavioral inhibition
Hypothesized that parenting styles would influence how kids with fearfulness would react
Found that BI with warm and supportive parentings = less affected around fearfulness in new situations
20% of kids may seem to overreact to stimuli
Born with a nervous system that is highly aware and quick to react
Sensory processing disorder (not in the DSM 5)
Oversensitivity to certain stimuli
Undersensitivity to certain stimuli
Difficulty with fine motor skills
Avoidant or seeking behaviors related to sensory input
Challenges with attention and focus
Social and emotional difficulties
Two-way relationship
Emotional and physical relationship between child and caregiver
Sets stage for all future, intimate, trusting relationships
Attachment system provides:
Proximity to the attachment figure
Experience for separation distress
An internal working model of a secure base
Sense of safe haven
Is it pathological or normative?
Age - toddler clinging vs. 12 year old clinging
Secure attachment is associated with a process of tuning in to the child’s physical and emotional needs
Requires responding consistently → provides basis for emotional regulation, development of self, identity and optimal development
“Serve and return”
More likely to explore
Have a basis in security
Dropped in recent years (more so 55%)
Not very explorative
Emotionally distant
Often happens when parents are disengaged
Believes needs probably won’t be met
Significant risk factors for psychopathologies: anx/dep
Try to get parents attention “mom, mom, mom, mom”
Tend to be more demanding
Cannot rely on their needs being met
Often happens when parents are disengaged
Can be significant risk factors for psychopathologies
Passive and non-responsive
Confused with no strategy to have needs met
Often associated with child abuse or neglect
Attachment is enduring
Experiences of the caregiving relationship, parenting styles and stability of the caregiver
Trauma and stressor related disorders
Trauma typically relates to various forms of neglect and abuse
Developmental or complex trauma (used synonymously)
Developmental trauma = not a one off shock
At the hands a caregiver
Has significant impact on every aspect of that child’s development
Impacts sense of self
Impacts ability to form secure attachment
Many aspects of a child’s healthy physical and mental development relies on this primary source of safety and stability
Really serious diagnosis
Complex trauma = children's exposure to multiple traumatic events
Invasive, interpersonal nature
Wide-ranging, long-term effects of exposure
Severe and pervasive
Abuse and profound neglect
Typically in early life
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Connected to our internalizing system
Depressive symptoms and withdrawal
Etiology = abuse and neglect
Failure of nurturing caregiving and secure attachment
Associated with disorganized attachment
However not in the DSM 5
Might be seen in early childhood, but observed in adolescence or early adulthood
Children show a pattern of markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate attachment behaviors
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Connected to our internalizing system
Depressive symptoms and withdrawal
Etiology = abuse and neglect
Failure of nurturing caregiving and secure attachment
Associated with disorganized attachment
However not in the DSM 5
Might be seen in early childhood, but observed in adolescence or early adulthood
Children show a pattern of markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate attachment behaviors
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
Core features:
Does not seek comfort, support and nurturance from caregiving adult (A)
Also does not respond to comfort positively
Persistent social and emotional disturbances (B)
Minimal emotion regulation
Limited positive affect
Affect = physical expression of mood
Episodes of unexplained irritability, sadness and fearfulness
Children have experienced a pattern of extremes of insufficient care (C)
Social neglect or lack of basic emotional needs being met
Repeated changes in primary caregivers that limit opportunities for stable attachments
Rearing in unusual settings
Institutions with high child to caregiver ratios = high risk
Birth to 1 year in SC is 1:5
Romanian orphanages example
You see a lot of self-soothing behavior
Symptoms begin before age 5, not ASD, reached a developmental age of at least 9 months (D, E, F, G)
Behavior to meet my needs: I'm on my own
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED)
Central features:
Pattern of behavior that involves culturally inappropriate, overly familiar behavior with relative strangers
Don’t check back with caregiver
Child interacts with unfamiliar adults with 2 of the following: (A)
Behavior includes an inappropriate approach to unfamiliar adults - lack of wariness of strangers - willingness to wander off with strangers
Overly familiar verbal or physical behavior
Diminisher or absent checking back with adult caregiver
Willingness to go off with an unfamiliar adult with minimal or no hesitation
This behavior has to be differentiated from ADHD impulsivity (B)
Social neglect is again seen as causal ©
Behavior to meet my needs: do not have one specific person to meet my needs
Feeding and eating disorders
Issues related to feeding in early childhood:
Limited appetites or poor appetites
May be too distressed or irritable to eat
Communicate poorly
Don’t know when they are hungry - often related to other issues
Developmental disorders, including those on the autism spectrum and those with intellectual disability
Highly sensitive or may have sensory integration disorders
Fear of feeding, sometimes around painful medical procedures they have endured
Children who have experienced neglect and/or other aspects of poor parenting
A person’s appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive
For at least 1 month consistently
At least 2 years old
To exclude developmentally normative mouthing of objects
Most commonly ingested substances
Paint chips
Coffee grounds
Cigarette ashes
Most closely related with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD
Repeated regurgitation of food
Most closely related with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder
Increased disinterest in food
Occurs in early childhood
Prevents the consumption of certain foods
Selective or restrictive eating habits
Avoidance which is associated to sensory characteristics of food
May be related to parent-childhood relationship
Results in significant weight loss, nutritional deficiency, marked difficulty in psychosocial functioning
Sleep disorders
Sleep-wake disorders
Difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep
Disorders of arousal
Sleep terrors
Nightmare disorder
More common in children with neurodevelopmental issues and diagnoses such as ASD or ADHD
Inappropriate elimination of urine or feces
First seen in childhood or adolescence
The diagnosis is considered when a child does not accomplish control over their bladder (enuresis) and/or bowels (encopresis) within a reasonable expected time frame or if there has been a regression
5 years old+
Occurs at least twice a week for at least 3 months
Primary = continence has never been established
Secondary = develops after a period of continence
No physiological effects → need to ask a physician
3 specifiers:
Nocturnal only - night only
Diurnal - waking hours only
Nocturnal and diurnal - both
Risk factors
4 years old+
Occurs at least 1/month for 3 months
Control is either voluntary or involuntary
No physiological effects → need to ask a physician
Pass feces in inappropriate places
Bathroom wall
Contributing factors
Delayed development
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Difficult temperament
Maternal depression
Toxic/traumatic stress
Associated issues
Potential for anger, punishment and rejection from caregivers
Avoidance of social situations
Bullying and teasing from peers
Low self-esteem and shame
Smearing feces intentionally could be related to ODD or conduct disorder
February 11: Lecture 5 - Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Quiz next week
Introduction to neurodevelopmental disorders
Motor disorders
Intellectual developmental disorder
Pay attention to the title of the diagnosis
Content from lectures 2-5 inclusive
Includes small vignettes
“Most likely diagnosis”
25 questions
Neurodevelopmental disorders
“Neuro” = brain, “developmental”
Characterized by abnormalities in how the brain develops
Some are more global, some are more specific
Can affect:
These are all things children should be developing
We have an understanding of normative development
Disorders = not developing in a typical way
These should be diagnosed in early childhood (3-6 years old)
Significant consequences in kids already struggling if they have not been diagnosed
Development of the nervous system is disturbed leading to a structurally compromised brain
Includes autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disability, learning disorders, communication and motor disorders, and ADHD
Risk factors:
Related to what goes on in-utero, during birth or after birth
Childhood deprivation
Genetic processes that disrupt brain processes
Metabolic diseases, immune disorders, diseases, nutrition
Physical trauma
Toxic and environmental factors
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
ASD is now an umbrella term
ASD now includes autism, asperger’s, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
There is a big continuum now
Abnormality in cells that produce myelin
Myelin allows cells to quickly and reliably carry electrical signals from one area to another
Too much or too little can lead to neurological problems
Characterized by two domains:
Social communication symptoms
Social and communication deficits
Problems in social emotional reciprocity
Reduced sharing of interests, emotions or affect
Restricted repetitive patterns of behavior
Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements
Use of objects or speech
Typical development
Learn what is important - people over things
Social learning - from others and about others
Joint attention - “serve and return” responding back and forth
Perspective taking - learning mental states
Atypical development
Less engagement with people, more engagement with things
Delays in SE reciprocity (A)
Difficulties related to the experience, perception and processing of emotions
More negative emotion and less well-regulated emotion
Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction
Deficits in developing, maintaining and understanding relationships
Restricted, repetitive behaviors (B)
Fixated interests
More intense interests
Fact/object/sensory based
Repetitive behaviors
Behaviors connected to anxiety
Insist on sameness in their environment
Very inflexible
Sensory sensitivity
Externalizing difficulties
Early signs ©
Engages others in his play
Shows meaningful, purposeful and pretend play
Shares enjoyment by smiling at people
Synchronizes with others through imitation
Unusually strong interest in phone
Does not engage with people during play
No response to name
Enjoys tickle but not looking at mom to share enjoyment
Looks in response to bid to share attention
Socially engaged
Coordinates gaze, vocalization, and gesture to communicate
Hand flapping
No response to name
No response to other’s bids to share attention
Not socially engaged
Additional diagnostic considerations
Can come with cognitive delays or intellectual disability
Level 1 = requiring support
Level 2 = requiring substantial support
Level 3 = requiring very substantial support
Diagnosed 4x more in males than females
Further research shows
Girls have less of that B category
Girls struggling with undiagnosed autism often develop dep/anx/self-esteem issues
Girls are more likely to mask
Develop social skills and coping mechanisms that allow them to blend in socially
Polyvagal theory and autism
We have circuits for dealing with threat for social engagement
Our polyvagal nerve communicates between our brain stem and bodily organs (heart/lungs/digestive system)
Perception is based on thinking about our sensory experience
Researchers suggest that people with autism have more reactive nervous systems → live in a state of threat (more reactive) more than typically developing youth
Could explain why kids with autism cannot emotionally regulate as well
Interventions focus on flipping the switch to cognitively understand a chronic threat and moving to a sense of safety
Motor disorders
A subcategory of neurodevelopmental disorders
Developmental coordination disorder
“Clumsy child syndrome”
Characterized by impaired skills requiring motor coordination
Stereotypic movement disorder
Involves repetitive, non-functional motor behaviors
Ex: hand waving, head banging
Interferes with normal activities to be diagnosed
Not diagnosed separately if it is a component of ASD
Ex: romanian orphanage babies self-soothing with rocking
Can range from simple to complex
Motor, vocal or both
Simple: short duration
Eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, vocal tics
Complex: longer duration
A combination of simple tics
Obscene gestures and verbalizations
Ex: repeating the last word someone said, repeating one’s own words
Coexisting diagnosis with motor disorders:
OCD in 50%
ADHD in 20%
Neurobiological disorders
Do not always need treatment
Between age 3 - 9
Child must exhibit multiple motor tics for more than a year
At least one vocal tic for more than a year
Must be under the age of 18
May have coprolalia = involuntary cursing
Comorbid with disorders such as OCD, anx, ADHD, ASD
Can be made worse with stress, poor sleep and sickness
Better when the child is relaxed and focused
Intervention includes habit reversal (HRT) and CBT
Child has to be old enough to be aware of the tic for therapy to be helpful
Medication include clonidine and risperidone
Intellectual disability or intellectual developmental disorder (ID or IDD)
Appears in childhood
Can be diagnosed at birth or in utero
Characterized by an individual’s significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in adaptive behaviors (tying shoes, using knife and fork)
Could also include communication and interpersonal issues as well
IDD is an IQ score below 70
Range below 70 can indicate mild, moderate and severe IDD
Typically diagnosed by a medical professional
SWs can provide intervention and support
Risk factors
Not just one genetic mechanism and consequent brain process being disrupted
Chromosomal disorders
Down syndrome
FMRI gene in Fragile X syndrome
Metabolic disorders
Exposure to toxins
Birth injury → mostly with lack of oxygen
Ex: cord wrapped around baby's neck
Parental rejection of caretaking
Differential assessment
Diagnosis considers the child’s adaptive functioning along with IQ scores
Intellectual functions (A)
IQ score ranging from 65 to 70 have an ID
Below 55 is profound ID
Adaptive functioning (B)
How well are they able to manage, navigate and take care of themselves across environments
Symptom onset during the developmental period ©
Characterized by a slower rate of cognitive development and often a cap/plateau
Mild = growth a 6th grade level
Moderate = growth a 2nd to 4th grade level
Severe = very little language
Likely to see more behavioral problems because they cannot communicate and cannot get their needs met
Adaptive functioning varies
Some people show steady improvements
Some show variable
Others decline
Treatment focus is on supporting child’s development and functioning
Recognizing strengths
Positive mood
Emotional skills
Capacity for complex emotional relationship
Understanding the whole child