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Health Final Review

Define Smart Goals

Smart Goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.

What does it mean to be:  Physically, mentally, socially and spiritually healthy?

Physically healthy- free from illness/disease, able ton function normally without extreme pain or discomfort

Mentally healthy- high self-esteem, feeling a variety of emotions without an overbearing amount of any one mood

Socially healthy- having multiple groups of friends that you trust, getting along with peers and family members

Spiritually healthy- having a sense of purpose in life, possibly practicing a religion

What is Health Literacy?

Health literacy is the ability to obtain, read, understand, and use healthcare information in order to make appropriate health decisions and follow instructions for treatment

Define Dimensions of Wellness

The dimensions of wellness are the different categories a person should manage to remain “well”. They include emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial wellness.

How do you determine if a web site is reliable and valid?

ACCESS: Accuracy, Credibility, Current, Easy to use, Supported, Situation best used in

Define the 4 types of communication & when should they be utilized?

passive-aggressive: taking anger out on others/ after an event happens

aggressive: violence, screaming

assertive: standing up for yourself

passive: not taking action

  • you should try to be assertive when you are faced with a conflict but sometimes it is okay to be passive when you are faced with a situation like talking to someone higher up. It is not okay to resort to violence.

What are the steps of decision making?

Step 1: Identify the decision. You realize that you need to make a decision. ...

Step 2: Gather relevant information. ...

Step 3: Identify the alternatives. ...

Step 4: Weigh the evidence. ...

Step 5: Choose among alternatives. ...

Step 6: Take action. ...

Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences.

What can influence (good or bad) body image and self-esteem?

Social media, peers, and family members often influence body image and self esteem. Generally, the content we see and consume via the internet, tv, books, or music heavily influences self-esteem.

Describe an emotionally healthy person

An emotionally healthy person knows how to identify their emotions, has people to talk to about their emotions, and knows healthy coping strategies.

What is the difference between “depression” and “Depression”?

depression is where you feel sad for a little while, and Depression is where you are feeling depressed for a long time, to the point where it is an issue to your health.

What acronym is related to the Signs of Suicide and what does it stand for?

ACT; it stands for Act, Care, Tell.

Of the essential nutrients, which one provide energy and how much energy is gain from of those nutrients?

Carbohydrates and each gram of carbohydrates gives you about 4 calories of energy

What is nutrient density and why is it important?

Nutrient density is the amount of beneficial nutrients in a food product in proportion to e.g. energy content, weight or amount of perceived detrimental nutrients. For example, meat is going to have a high density of protein. It is important because if you want to increase your intake of a certain nutrient, you can eat foods with a higher density of that nutrient.

What are the signs and problems of addiction? Signs: withdrawal, moodswings, dependance, anger, depression, bouts of schizophrenia or other mental degradation, weight loss. Problems with addiction: buying drugs will drain bank accounts, withdrawal may kill you, drug overdoses.

Describe the concept of “Consent” and when it cannot be given (there is more than one).

Consent is permission to do something and it cannot be given when underaged, intoxicated, asleep, or unconscious

How does self-management impact one’s personal health?

Self Management means to develop health practices and behaviors that help maintain and improve health, helping to prevent disease.

Describe the “chain of infection” and ways to break the chain at the various ‘links’:

The Chain of Infection are the various aspects of life that allow the spread of disease, being the Infectious Agent, Reservoir, Portal of Exit, Mode of Transmission, Portal of Entry, Susceptible Host, and back to Infectious Agent. Breaking the Chain allows the spread of disease to stop, and this can be done by wearing masks (Portal of Exit/Mode of Transmission), Washing your Hands (Portal of Entry), and quarantining (Mode of Transmission).

Health Final Review

Define Smart Goals

Smart Goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.

What does it mean to be:  Physically, mentally, socially and spiritually healthy?

Physically healthy- free from illness/disease, able ton function normally without extreme pain or discomfort

Mentally healthy- high self-esteem, feeling a variety of emotions without an overbearing amount of any one mood

Socially healthy- having multiple groups of friends that you trust, getting along with peers and family members

Spiritually healthy- having a sense of purpose in life, possibly practicing a religion

What is Health Literacy?

Health literacy is the ability to obtain, read, understand, and use healthcare information in order to make appropriate health decisions and follow instructions for treatment

Define Dimensions of Wellness

The dimensions of wellness are the different categories a person should manage to remain “well”. They include emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial wellness.

How do you determine if a web site is reliable and valid?

ACCESS: Accuracy, Credibility, Current, Easy to use, Supported, Situation best used in

Define the 4 types of communication & when should they be utilized?

passive-aggressive: taking anger out on others/ after an event happens

aggressive: violence, screaming

assertive: standing up for yourself

passive: not taking action

  • you should try to be assertive when you are faced with a conflict but sometimes it is okay to be passive when you are faced with a situation like talking to someone higher up. It is not okay to resort to violence.

What are the steps of decision making?

Step 1: Identify the decision. You realize that you need to make a decision. ...

Step 2: Gather relevant information. ...

Step 3: Identify the alternatives. ...

Step 4: Weigh the evidence. ...

Step 5: Choose among alternatives. ...

Step 6: Take action. ...

Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences.

What can influence (good or bad) body image and self-esteem?

Social media, peers, and family members often influence body image and self esteem. Generally, the content we see and consume via the internet, tv, books, or music heavily influences self-esteem.

Describe an emotionally healthy person

An emotionally healthy person knows how to identify their emotions, has people to talk to about their emotions, and knows healthy coping strategies.

What is the difference between “depression” and “Depression”?

depression is where you feel sad for a little while, and Depression is where you are feeling depressed for a long time, to the point where it is an issue to your health.

What acronym is related to the Signs of Suicide and what does it stand for?

ACT; it stands for Act, Care, Tell.

Of the essential nutrients, which one provide energy and how much energy is gain from of those nutrients?

Carbohydrates and each gram of carbohydrates gives you about 4 calories of energy

What is nutrient density and why is it important?

Nutrient density is the amount of beneficial nutrients in a food product in proportion to e.g. energy content, weight or amount of perceived detrimental nutrients. For example, meat is going to have a high density of protein. It is important because if you want to increase your intake of a certain nutrient, you can eat foods with a higher density of that nutrient.

What are the signs and problems of addiction? Signs: withdrawal, moodswings, dependance, anger, depression, bouts of schizophrenia or other mental degradation, weight loss. Problems with addiction: buying drugs will drain bank accounts, withdrawal may kill you, drug overdoses.

Describe the concept of “Consent” and when it cannot be given (there is more than one).

Consent is permission to do something and it cannot be given when underaged, intoxicated, asleep, or unconscious

How does self-management impact one’s personal health?

Self Management means to develop health practices and behaviors that help maintain and improve health, helping to prevent disease.

Describe the “chain of infection” and ways to break the chain at the various ‘links’:

The Chain of Infection are the various aspects of life that allow the spread of disease, being the Infectious Agent, Reservoir, Portal of Exit, Mode of Transmission, Portal of Entry, Susceptible Host, and back to Infectious Agent. Breaking the Chain allows the spread of disease to stop, and this can be done by wearing masks (Portal of Exit/Mode of Transmission), Washing your Hands (Portal of Entry), and quarantining (Mode of Transmission).
