SAS#18- TOU 042

Lesson Title: Tourism Promotion

Lesson Objectives

  • Define tourism promotion.

  • Discuss the importance of promotion planning and explain the major types of promotion mix.


  • Lansangan-Cruz, Zenaida (2019) Micro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

  • Cariño, Celia E. and Beltran, Ma. Pamela N. (2013) The Hospitality Industry An Introduction

Productivity Tip

  • Listening to music can enhance concentration and improve quality of work.

Lesson Preview/Review

Previous Lesson Summary

  • Learned about Tourism Marketing: Definition, differences from other marketing, market segmentation, and product life cycle.

  • Reviewed the strategic marketing process.

  • Can identify the steps in market planning:

    1. Step 1

    2. Step 2

    3. Step 3

    4. Step 4

    5. Step 5

    6. Step 6

    7. Step 7

Introduction to Tourism Promotion

  • Definition: Tourism promotion stimulates sales by disseminating information to encourage potential customers to travel.

  • Objectives of Promotion (Wahab, 1997):

    1. Make the tourist product widely known.

    2. Enhance product attractiveness to encourage trials.

    3. Create appealing messages that are truthful.

Main Lesson Content

Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1

  • Reflect on knowledge about Tourism Marketing.

  • Record thoughts on tourism promotion and promotion mix.

Promotion and Communication

  • Good promotion equals good communication.

  • Communication System:

    • Sender: Travel organization.

    • Receiver: Potential tourist.

    • Message: Can be verbal, visual, or written.

  • Goal: Behavior modification through informative, persuasive, or reminder messages.

Types of Promotion

  • Informative Promotion: Important in early product stages to educate.

  • Persuasive Promotion: Engages potential tourists to change attitudes and encourage purchases.

  • Reminder Promotion: Reinforces positive experiences during maturity stages.

Promotion and Traveler’s Buying Process

  • Different types of promotion correspond to buying process stages:

    • Informative: Attention and comprehension stages.

    • Persuasive: Attitude change and initiation of purchase.

    • Reminder: Post-purchase reinforcement.

Relationship of Promotion to Marketing

  • Promotion is a crucial part of the marketing mix aiding in raising awareness.

  • Promotion Planning:

    • Establishes objectives in line with the marketing plan.

    • Identifies target market and specific promotional methods.

    • Involves budget allocation and methods to assess effectiveness.

Goals of Promotion

  • Goals should be:

    • Specific

    • Quantifiable and measurable

    • Realistically attainable

    • Time-bound

  • Examples of measurable goals:

    1. Measure awareness of a tourist attraction in the target market.

    2. Communicate tourism appeal and gauge recall.

Market Targets

  • Importance of market segmentation for effective promotion.

  • Segmentation based on socio-economic status, influences, and motivations.

  • Understanding compatibility of different market segments with the destination.

The Message in Promotion

  • Messages should be clear, distinctive, and believable to create awareness.

  • Promotion Mix: Conveying messages to customers effectively.

Major Types of Promotion Mix

  1. Advertising: Paid, non-personal promotion through mass media.

    • Forms: Newspapers, TV, radio, brochures, etc.

    • Direct mail is effective but costly.

    • Brochures provide more information than leaflets.

  2. Personal Selling: Face-to-face interactions with potential customers.

    • Websites serve as critical communication tools.

  3. Sales Promotion: Engages consumers and intermediaries via contests, giveaways, travel shows, etc.

  4. Public Relations: Non-paid methods to create favorable product images.

    • Major form: News release; methods include appearances on talk shows.

Additional Sales Gimmicks

  • Souvenirs and mementos promote sales and enhance memory of the travel experience.

Skill-Building Activities

Activity 3: Identification

  • Identify key promotional tools and advertising mediums through given exercises.

Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2

  • Log answers in the provided table.

Activity 5: Check for Understanding

  • Create a tourism plan for a specific destination.

Lesson Wrap-Up

Activity 6: Reflection

  • Shade the module completion number.

  • Record any challenges faced and concepts learned.


  1. Common Offensive Advertising Practices:

    • Misleading statements regarding services or goods.

    • Implying false endorsements or characteristics.

    • Failure to disclose material facts impacting consumer decision.

Key to Corrections

Exercise 1 Answers:

  1. Promotion

  2. Television

  3. Promotion Mix

  4. Travel Shows

  5. Familiarization Trip

  6. Personal Selling

  7. Sales Promotion

  8. Radio

  9. Leaflets or folders

  10. Advertising

Exercise 2 Answers:

  1. Advertising

  2. Personal Selling

  3. Sales Promotion

  4. Public Relations

  5. Various chosen forms of advertising including newspapers, TV, etc.
