US Civil War Advantages/Disadvantages






Number of States




  • Lincoln (President)

  • Ulysses S Grant

  • William Tecumseh Sherman, George B McCllelan, George Meade

  • Already had army + navy

  • War Democrats VS Peace Democrats

  • weak government

  • Jefferson Davis (President), Alexander Stephans (VP)

  • Robert E Lee, Thomas Jackson (Stonewall Jackson)

  • General Beureguard

  • Had better leaders


Washington D.C.

Montgomery → Richmond (in deep south and surrounded by South)


  • Industrial and factories

  • Control of National Treasury

  • Taxes + tariffs

  • plantations (agriculture)

  • had 9000% inflation


  • self sufficient

  • diverse industry (lumberers, fisherman, merchants)

  • currency

  • from plantations

  • started new currency (confederate dollars)


  • had good credit

  • more bank deposits here

  • bad; no credit

  • no loans


  • manufactured their own weapons

  • had more food and fresher food

  • lived off the land

  • inedible produce (cotton, tobacco, indigo)

  • dependent on imports

  • hunted (was good training for marksmen)


22 million

9 million + 4 million slaves


railroads going west; more railroads than south

bad railroads (each state had their own railroad, so at each state border the cargo had to be unloaded and reloaded onto a different train)


telegraph (more than South)



  • Strong navy

  • Pre-existing military infrasture

  • had cheap guns

  • could easily replace armies

  • had state militias

  • 7 out of 8 military colleges were in the South

  • weaker navy

  • better military leaders

  • political leader was in military


Boston, NYC (also had a lot of natural harbors, such as Philidelphia, Baltimore, etc.)

Virginia: Charleston, New Polk

Georgia: Savannah

New Orleans; Gavlenston, Texas; Willmington, North Carolina


Some UK Countries

UK (stopped support after emancipation proclamation), France

States Choose Sides

  • Lincoln disliked slavery, but his main goal was to keep Union together

    • allowed slavery to remain, but not spread

  • Steven Douglas (other Presidential Candidate) favored popular sovereignty

    • so, he was supported by South

      • if Lincoln won, every subsequent state joining would be free, eventually overpowering South in Federal Government

  • Election of 1860: Lincoln won

    • South angered; South Carolina secedes, and the Confederacy forms

  • Confederacy joined by Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida

  • Jeff Davis was chosen as President of the Confederacy

    • thought they could live side-by-side with the Union

    • Meanwhile, Lincoln said it was unconstitutional, so he ignored the secession and considered South still part of the Union

  • Lincoln’s inaugural speech said Union was unbroken

    • it was a gentle invitation to rejoin, but South saw it as a threat

  • Many forts were in the South, and numerous mail services were there as well

    • Most forts joined the Confederacy, but Fort Sumter refused, so South Carolina refused to give food to Fort Sumter

    • Lincoln sent supply ships, but they turned away due to Confederacy guns

  • Led to Firing on Fort Sumter (Apr 14, 1861)

    • Marked the start of the Civil War

  • After CW started, 4 more states seceded (Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Virigina)

    • Maryland, Delware, and Kentucky stayed in Uion since they could keep slaves

      • Also, they’re on the border, so if they jioned the Confederacy they would border the enemy, and all the warfare would be in their lands

  • In Missouri, sentiment was divided, and a mini civil war (like Bloody Kansas) happened

    • they ended up staying loyal to the Union

  • Western Virginia didn’t have many salves and didn’t want to leave Union, so they broke off and became West Virginia)

Civil War North Vs South

  • Robert E Lee wanted to keep the Union together but did not want to fight his family (in Virginia)

  • Emancipation of enslaved people threatened Southerners, as there would be more competition in the job market (economic turmoil)

  • Many thought the South might win

    • they had more experienced generals, knew the land, and knew how to live off the land

    • South had time to prepare defense

      • Shorter supply lines + communciation lines (makes them faster)

      • However, North had more railroads + telegraph lines

  • South was less centralized

  • South lost England as an ally after the Emancipation of Proclamation, since it exposed South as pro-slavery and England was not

  • Southerners were hunters, farmers, gatherers

    • being hunters prepared them for being marksmen in war

  • North had edible food, while South mainly grew cotton, tobacco, indigo, and grains

  • Norht had more exports, leading to more money

  • North had more states

    • they could tax more and had more state militias

  • South created new currency, confederate dollars

    • was time consuming and expensive

    • they needed mints, printing, etc. (needed to convert everything)

  • South had to start their own army and navy (lacked ships + infrastructure)
