Widespread adoption of machinery
Gilded Age
Period in American history of economic growth, industrialization, and wealth inequality
Transform from agriculture to manufacturing
Movement of people from rural to urban areas
Mass migration of immigrants from Europe and Asia. Many were in search of jobs, and were severely underpaid
Progressive Era
Growth of economy, industrialization, urbanization, etc.
Sherman Antitrust Law
Law that makes horizontal immigration illegal
Laissez-faire economics
Government wanted nothing to do with the increasing inequality in businesses and industries. Resulted in lack of competition for bigger businesses and underpaid laborers
Government regulation
Didn’t exist, many people were underpaid and the working conditions were terrible. The world was in a “social darwinism” hierarchy. Caused monopolies and made people either terribly poor or extremely rich
People like Carniege and Rockefeller who built their way up to the top, often referred to as “robber barons”
Paid their workers the lowest wages and used outrageous advertising to increase customers
Complete control of a product or service
Political Machine
Controlled the activities of a political party
Political Boss
Head of the political machine
European nations seek colonies for power
Spanish-American War
Declared when the US thought Spain blew up their ships/ caused: Cuba to be liberated, and the annexation of the Philippines, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico: eventually resulted in the Philippine-American War. America wins
Open Door Policy
US policy that allowed free trade by any nation in any port in China. Canceled out the Spheres of Influence
Roosevelt Corollary
Added to the Monroe Doctrine, said that US got police powers to protect Latin America from European imperialism
Big Stick Diplomacy
An act of threatening to get what you want
Policy of remaining uninvolved with the affairs or interests of other groups/countries
Women Suffrage
Women pushing to get the right to vote. Started to work and became more educated
Women’s involvement in reform movements
Carrie Chapman Catt vs. Alice Paul below
Vertical Integration
Buying things before and after your industry (EX. Meat packagers buying a cow farm and a grocery store)
Horizontal Integration
Buying all the competition in your industry
World War I
REASONS: militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism
Allied Powers
Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Russia, eventually America
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Government wanted US citizens to eat minimal food in order to have more food for the army
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Germany declared the area around the British Isles a war zone, ALL merchant ships were being attacked, even if they were citizens who weren’t part of the war
British passenger ship carrying American citizens was attacked by Germany on May 7, 1915, America is furious
Zimmerman Telegram
Telegram sent by Germany to Mexico that says if the US enters the war against the Central Powers, Mexico should attack the US and get their land back. This telegram was intercepted by the allies
Selective Service Act 1917
AKA the draft: Healthy men over 18 must serve in the military. Used propaganda to convince Americans to join the war
Espionage Act 1917
Provided fines and imprisonment for persons:
-making false statements
-aiding the enemy
-inciting rebellion in the military
-obstructing draft recruitment
Sedition Act 1918
Forbade any criticism of the government, flag, or uniform (targeted socialists and immigrants)
Red Scare
Fear that communists were conspiring to start a revolution in America (America’s WWI ally, Russia, withdrew from war after communist revolution)
Palmer Raids
General Palmer established the intelligence division (now FBI) to look for communists in the US. Targeted foreigners, Completely disregarded social liberties, No way to get out of it if accused, no evidence was ever found
Schenck v. United States
Charles Schneck was arrested for passing out pamphlets criticizing the draft
Trench Warfare
Germany dug deep ditches (trenches) and waited for the allies to attack. Allies soon dug their own trenches; war became a stalemate
18th Amendment
Constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and distribution of alcohol (for 13 years) repealed through the 21st Amendment
19th Amendment
Right of citizens in the US to vote shall not be denied by the US on account of sex
21st Amendment
US government repealing prohibition
The Treaty of Versailles
Agreement between Germany and Allied nations that asked Germany to pay huge reparations. Stated that Germany was responsible for starting the war and paying for all damages, had to cut down their army to 100,00, and the Rhineland was demilitarized
Wilson’s 14 Points
Wilson’s attempt to create lasting world peace to prevent another WW
-Reduce weapons/militarism
-Ensure self-determination (increases nationalism, ends imperialism) {SUCCESSFUL}
-No secret diplomacy
The League of Nations
Wilson wanted to create an institution that all nations were a part of, increasing peace. The US congress disapproved the treaty because they believed it would make the US enter future European wars. The US never joined and it ultimately failed.
Teddy Roosevelt
Used the Big Stick Diplomacy and added the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine