Water Composition: Comprises ~50% of body weight in women and ~60% in men.
Water Distribution:
Intracellular Fluid (ICF): 55–75% of total body water.
Extracellular Fluid (ECF): 25–45%, further subdivided into:
Intravascular (Plasma Water)
Extravascular (Interstitial Space)
The distribution ratio of intravascular to extravascular space is approximately 1:3.
Fluid Exchange: Movement occurs across the capillary wall, determined by:
Capillary Hydraulic Pressure
Colloid Osmotic Pressure
Fluid Dynamics:
Transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient favors the ultrafiltration of plasma into the extravascular space.
Return of fluid to the intravascular compartment happens via lymphatic flow.
Osmolality Defined: The concentration of solutes in a fluid, expressed in mOsm/kg of water.
Diffusion Across Membranes: Water diffuses easily across most cell membranes to achieve osmotic equilibrium (ECF osmolality = ICF osmolality).
Major Solutes:
ECF: Predominantly Na+, Cl−, and HCO3−.
ICF: Predominantly K+ and organic phosphates (ATP, creatine phosphate).
Tonicity: Determined by solutes that restrict movement across compartments; ineffective osmoles like urea do not lead to water shifts.
Maintaining Osmolality: Vasopressin (AVP) secretion, water intake, and renal water transport are critical to maintaining osmolality (280–295 mOsm/kg).
Vasopressin Production:
Synthesized in the hypothalamus and released from the posterior pituitary.
Activation of central osmoreceptor neurons allows sensing of circulating osmolality.
Osmotic Threshold for AVP Release:
Stimulated at ~285 mOsm/kg; thirst sensation activated simultaneously.
AVP secretion modulated by blood volume and blood pressure changes.
ECF Volume Modulation: ECF volume affects the relationship between osmolality and AVP release.
Hypovolemia: Decreases the osmotic threshold and increases the slope of the response curve.
Hypervolemia: Increases the osmotic threshold and decreases the slope.
Half-life of AVP: 10–20 minutes in circulation, ensuring rapid adjustments to body fluid homeostasis.
AVP Response to Osmolality: Detectable in healthy individuals at ~285 mOsm/kg; linearly correlated above this level.
Factors Affecting AVP Levels: Volume status significantly modulates this relationship; hypovolemia reduces the osmotic threshold.
Excretion and Retention of Water: Controlled by circulating AVP.
V2-Receptor Activation: AVP acts on renal V2-type receptors, enhancing water reabsorption via:
Increased intracellular cAMP levels.
Activation of protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of transport proteins.
Thick Ascending Limb of Henle: Key part of renal concentrating mechanism; increases medullary osmolality promoting water absorption.
Renal Urea Transport: Crucial for generating the medullary osmotic gradient enabling solute-free water excretion.
Aquaporin Channels: AVP-induced insertion of AQP2 channels increases water permeability.
Urine Concentration:
Under antidiuretic conditions, kidneys can excrete concentrated urine (up to 1200 mOsm/kg).
Absence of AVP leads to dilute urine (30–50 mOsm/kg).
Disorders affecting this mechanism include diabetes insipidus, affecting aquaporin insertion.
Role of Sodium: Actively pumped by Na+/K+-ATPase; most Na+ is extracellular, affecting ECF volume.
Renal Functions: Filtration at glomeruli followed by sequential reabsorption by renal tubules.
Reabsorption Sites:
Proximal Tubule: Reabsorbs ~66% of filtered Na+.
Thick Ascending Limb: Reabsorbs 25–30% via Na+–K+–2Cl− cotransporter.
Distal Nephron: Fine-tunes Na+–Cl− excretion, involving thiazide-sensitive and aldosterone-sensitive mechanisms.
Principal cells utilize ENaC channels for Na+ reabsorption.
Transport Mechanisms: Shows principal and intercalated cell functioning alongside Na+ and K+ channels involved in sodium and potassium transport processes.
Renal Na+ Management: Key to arterial perfusion and overall circulatory integrity.
Neurohumoral Responses: Activated under "underfilling" conditions lead to Na+ retention, increasing vascular resistance.
Hyponatremia: True volume depletion combining salt and water loss, categorized into renal and nonrenal origins.
Renal Causes: Include osmotic diuresis due to solute load, mineralocorticoid deficiency, and acute tubular injury.
Fluid Loss Mechanisms:
Gastrointestinal (vomiting, diarrhea)
Insensible skin and respiratory loss.
Third spacing due to capillary permeability changes.
History and Physical Exam: Key to identify liquid losses and ensuing symptoms.
Laboratory Analysis: Chemistry tests to assess urea, creatinine, electrolytes for volume assessment and underlying pathologies.
Signs of Hypovolemia: Include decreased JVP, tachycardia, hypotension, etc.
Restoration Goals: Aim for normovolemia and managing ongoing losses.
Initial Treatment: Mild cases can be managed with oral fluids; more severe requires IV therapy.
Volume Status Interaction: Alters serum Na+ concentration and water homeostasis fundamentally alters blood pressure profiles.
Hyponatremia Classification:
Hypovolemic: Loss of fluids from multiple sources.
Euvolemic: Isolated water retention without ECF contraction.
Hypervolemic: High total body Na+ but with excessive dilute body fluids.
Neurohumoral Activation Effects:
Increased AVP level leads to kidney retention of water, lowering sodium.
Clinical Approach to Hyponatremia: History of water intake, fluid loss conditions, and additional clinical signs.
Urine Na+ and Osmolality Measurements: Critical for elucidating causes and underlying pathological states.
Diagnostic Strategies: follow established guidelines to discern volume status and underlying abnormal physiology.
Therapeutic Approaches: address the underlying cause is key; usual treatment involves careful fluid management and dietary adjustments.
Caution with Correction: Particularly with chronic cases, rapid changes in Na+ levels can provoke ODS or other complications.
Monitoring: Continuous reassessment required for safe sodium correction; presence of symptoms dictates alterations in treatment plans.