8.1 Actitudes racistas y xenófobas en la España de ayer y hoy

la actitud =attitude

el aguante =resilience

amenazar =to threaten

arraigado =rooted

arribar= to arrive (normally on a boat)

asediar =to bother, pester

el ataque racista= racist attack

atar =to tie

atreverse a =to dare

azotar =to whip

bautizar =to baptise

burlarse de =to make fun of, to ridicule

el colectivo =group

el/laconsejero/a =advisor

la Corona =Crown

criticar =to criticise

la crueldad =cruelty

dar el alto =to stop

dar luz verde a =to give the go-ahead to

los derechos humanos= human rights

desatar =to trigger, to unleash

desplegar (despliego)= to unfold

echar =to throw out, to kick out

el edicto =edict, decree

enriquecer (enriquezco)= to enrich

espiar a (espío) =to spy on

estar (estoy) perjudicado por =to be damaged, affected by

el estupor =astonishment

la expulsión =expulsion

el/la extremista =extremist

fronterizo= border, frontier

la fusta =whip

girar =to turn

el golpe =blow

el grupo antirracista= anti-racism group

herir (hiero)= to hurt

incitar a =to encourage

incumplir =to fail to carry out, to renege on

influenciar =to influence

injuriar =to insult, to tarnish

la Inquisición= Inquisition

inseguro= insecure

invadir =to invade

el juicio =trial

legislar= to legislate

llevar a cabo =to carry through, accomplish

la locura =madness

la lucha =fight

maltratar =to abuse, to mistreat

malvivir =to scrape out a living

manejar =to manage, handle

merecer (merezco)= to deserve

obedecer (obedezco)= to obey

el odio= hate

optar por =to opt for

la pancarta= placard, banner

la pandilla= gang, crew

la permanencia =stay

perseguir (persigo) =to persecute

el pincho =spike

proponer (propongo) =to suggest, propose

puro =pure

el rechazo =rejection

el reino =kingdom

la resistencia =resistence

solicitar= to request

la sospecha =suspicion

la sublevación =mutiny, uprising

la tentación =temptation

torturar =to torture

el trámite =process, procedure

el velo= veil

vergonzoso= shameful

vilipendiar= to vilify, to disrespect

vilmente =vilely, viciously

xenófobo =xenophobic
