Graph Theory_FINAL (1)

Graph Theory


  • Road and Rail Networks

  • Computer Chips

  • Supply Chains

  • Friendships

  • Neural Connections

  • The Internet

Graph Definition

  • Graph: Consists of points called vertices connected by edges.

  • Representation: G = (V, E) where V = set of vertices, E = set of edges.

Edge Types

Directed Edges

  • Ordered pair: (u, v) directs from vertex u to v.

Undirected Edges

  • Unordered pair: {u, v}.

Other Edge Types

  • Loop: Edge connecting a vertex to itself (e.g., {u, u}).

  • Multiple Edges: Two or more edges connecting the same pair of vertices.

Graph Types

Simple Graph

  • Consists of distinct vertices and no multiple edges or loops.

  • Representation: G(V, E).

  • Example: V = {u, v, w}, E = {{u, v}, {v, w}, {u, w}}.


  • Can have multiple edges and loops between the same vertices.

  • Example: Graph with edges joining B and C multiple times.

Directed Graph

  • G(V, E) where edges are ordered pairs.

Graph Properties

Undirected Graphs

  • Adjacent Vertices: If {u, v} is an edge.

  • Degree of Vertex (deg(v)): Number of edges connected to vertex v.

    • Isolated: deg(v) = 0

    • Pendant: deg(v) = 1

Directed Graphs

  • In-Degree: Number of edges leading to vertex.

  • Out-Degree: Number of edges leading from vertex.


Handshaking Theorem

  • 2e = sum of degrees of all vertices.

Odd Degree Vertices

  • Undirected graphs have an even number of odd degree vertices.

Euler Graph

  • An Eulerian path uses each edge exactly once.

  • An Eulerian cycle uses each edge exactly once and returns to starting vertex.

Hamiltonian Graph

  • A Hamiltonian path visits each vertex exactly once.

  • A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle visiting each vertex exactly once.

Planar Graphs

  • Can be drawn without overlapping edges.

  • Example: VLSI design, circuit design.

Graph Representation Techniques

  • Incidence Matrix: Useful for edges over vertices.

  • Adjacency Matrix/List: Useful for vertices over edges.

  • Edge List: Each element represents an edge connecting nodes.

Traversal Algorithms

Depth-First Search (DFS)

  • Starts from a node and explores as far as possible along each branch.

  • Implemented using a stack structure.

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

  • Visits all immediate neighbors before moving to the next level.

  • Implemented using a queue structure.
