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Unit Test Study Guide

Advertising Strategies

What types of advertising are there?

  • Omission - to leave something out

    • Ex: Pop tarts saying that it is part of a “healthy” breakfast

  • Cartoon Character mascots

    • Ex: Tony the tiger, Gecko Gieco 

  • Sounds Good - music and other sound effects that can add excitement to the commercial

    • JG went worth ad

    • We will rock you ad

  • HeartStrings - This ad makes you either feel good, or sad

    • St. Jude Hospital

    • Sad puppy dog shelter videos

  • Repetition - Advertisers repeat the commercial over and over again

  • Facts and Figures - An ad that puts down another company to make their product seem better.

  • Scale - A Scale ad is when advertisers make a product look bigger or smaller than the actual product

  • Bandwagon - joining the crowd

  • Starpower - celebrities or influencers that are in ads 

  • Ideal kids - this ad is targeted towards families

  • Excitement

Federal Trade Commission

What is the National “Do Not Call” registry?

  • The National “Do Not Call” registry is designed to stop unwanted sales calls from real corruption from real companies that follow the law.

What are some Scams that the FTC try to protect consumers from?

  • Tech Support system

  • UPS text messages

  • Fake debt collectors

  • Deceptive mortgage loans

What is the FTC? What is their mission?

  • The Federal Trade Commision is a agency created to prevent consumers from failing victims to scams from unfair business practices.

What are the two focuses for the FTC?

  1. Consumer Protection 

  2. Competition

Scams and Schemes

Pyramid Scheme

Ponzi Scheme

Predatory Lending

Definition: A pyramid scheme is a type of financial fraud that tricks people into paying money to sell memberships to other people.

Definition: A ponzi scheme(named after Charles Ponzi) is a scheme that pays old investors with the new investors money. 

Definition: Predatory Lending

Is when lendors use false appraisals to trick borrowers. 

Example: LulaRoe scandal

Example: Charles Ponzi scam


  • Lenders encouraging borrowers to lie about their income, expenses etc

  • Lenders selling properties for much more than they are worth.

Describe the rise and fall of Sam bankman-Fried?

  • Sam bankman fried has two companies

    • Almeda - trading

      • Buying and investing in crypto

    • FTX - exchange

  • He starts taking the peoples money from FTX and transfer it into Almeda.

What is the difference between Pyramid and Ponzi scheme?

  • Pyramind scheme involves recruiting other people with a real product.

  • Ponzi scheme is pretending to invest in your money.

Name four ways to protect myself from a identity theft

  1. Read account statements and bills

  2. Read explanations of medical benefits

  3. Keep track of bills and mail

  4. Get and review your credit report

What should you do if you are a victim of a scam?

  1. Report it 

  2. Contact the bank

Four requirements of a good deal(things that must be met)?

  1. Product is needed and wanted

  2. Items quality is suitable

  3. Product sells at a price you’re willing to pay

  4. Dealer is reputable

How do multi-level companies like Lula-roe make money?

  • Lula-roe runs a pyramid scheme. They are making money off of their recruits bringing in new recruits.

Unit Test Study Guide

Advertising Strategies

What types of advertising are there?

  • Omission - to leave something out

    • Ex: Pop tarts saying that it is part of a “healthy” breakfast

  • Cartoon Character mascots

    • Ex: Tony the tiger, Gecko Gieco 

  • Sounds Good - music and other sound effects that can add excitement to the commercial

    • JG went worth ad

    • We will rock you ad

  • HeartStrings - This ad makes you either feel good, or sad

    • St. Jude Hospital

    • Sad puppy dog shelter videos

  • Repetition - Advertisers repeat the commercial over and over again

  • Facts and Figures - An ad that puts down another company to make their product seem better.

  • Scale - A Scale ad is when advertisers make a product look bigger or smaller than the actual product

  • Bandwagon - joining the crowd

  • Starpower - celebrities or influencers that are in ads 

  • Ideal kids - this ad is targeted towards families

  • Excitement

Federal Trade Commission

What is the National “Do Not Call” registry?

  • The National “Do Not Call” registry is designed to stop unwanted sales calls from real corruption from real companies that follow the law.

What are some Scams that the FTC try to protect consumers from?

  • Tech Support system

  • UPS text messages

  • Fake debt collectors

  • Deceptive mortgage loans

What is the FTC? What is their mission?

  • The Federal Trade Commision is a agency created to prevent consumers from failing victims to scams from unfair business practices.

What are the two focuses for the FTC?

  1. Consumer Protection 

  2. Competition

Scams and Schemes

Pyramid Scheme

Ponzi Scheme

Predatory Lending

Definition: A pyramid scheme is a type of financial fraud that tricks people into paying money to sell memberships to other people.

Definition: A ponzi scheme(named after Charles Ponzi) is a scheme that pays old investors with the new investors money. 

Definition: Predatory Lending

Is when lendors use false appraisals to trick borrowers. 

Example: LulaRoe scandal

Example: Charles Ponzi scam


  • Lenders encouraging borrowers to lie about their income, expenses etc

  • Lenders selling properties for much more than they are worth.

Describe the rise and fall of Sam bankman-Fried?

  • Sam bankman fried has two companies

    • Almeda - trading

      • Buying and investing in crypto

    • FTX - exchange

  • He starts taking the peoples money from FTX and transfer it into Almeda.

What is the difference between Pyramid and Ponzi scheme?

  • Pyramind scheme involves recruiting other people with a real product.

  • Ponzi scheme is pretending to invest in your money.

Name four ways to protect myself from a identity theft

  1. Read account statements and bills

  2. Read explanations of medical benefits

  3. Keep track of bills and mail

  4. Get and review your credit report

What should you do if you are a victim of a scam?

  1. Report it 

  2. Contact the bank

Four requirements of a good deal(things that must be met)?

  1. Product is needed and wanted

  2. Items quality is suitable

  3. Product sells at a price you’re willing to pay

  4. Dealer is reputable

How do multi-level companies like Lula-roe make money?

  • Lula-roe runs a pyramid scheme. They are making money off of their recruits bringing in new recruits.