Latin page 5 vocab + additional vocab
taberna (f): shop, inn
tandem (indeclinable): at last, finally
timeo (timere, timui): fear, be afraid
tu (pronoun): you (singular)
ubi (indeclinable): where? where, when
urbs (f): city, town
venio (venire, veni): come
via (f): street, road, way
video (videre, vidi): see
villa (f): house, country villa
vinum (n): wine
vir (m): man
visito (visitare): visit
voco (vocare, vocavi): call
vos (pronoun): you (plural)
in foro: in the forum
ex foro: from the forum
Romae: at Rome
ex urbe: from the city
in aqua: in the water
ex agris: from the fields
cum amicis: with friends
in plaustro: in the wagon
in taberna: in the shop/inn
Roma: from Rome
taberna (f): shop, inn
tandem (indeclinable): at last, finally
timeo (timere, timui): fear, be afraid
tu (pronoun): you (singular)
ubi (indeclinable): where? where, when
urbs (f): city, town
venio (venire, veni): come
via (f): street, road, way
video (videre, vidi): see
villa (f): house, country villa
vinum (n): wine
vir (m): man
visito (visitare): visit
voco (vocare, vocavi): call
vos (pronoun): you (plural)
in foro: in the forum
ex foro: from the forum
Romae: at Rome
ex urbe: from the city
in aqua: in the water
ex agris: from the fields
cum amicis: with friends
in plaustro: in the wagon
in taberna: in the shop/inn
Roma: from Rome