Untitled Flashcards Set

1) Which of the following is the key business objective behind the technologies implemented by PCL Construction, as discussed in the chapter-opening case?

A) Operational excellence

B) Survival

C) Improved employee morale

D) Increased supplier intimacy

E) Creation of a new business model

Answer:  A


2) Journalist Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" refers to the:

A) reduction of economic and cultural advantages of developed countries.

B) use of the Internet for instantaneous communication.

C) reduction in travel times and the ubiquity of global exchange and travel.

D) growth of globalization.

E) increased use of global currencies.

Answer:  A


3) The six important business objectives of information system investment include all of the following except:

A) competitive advantage.

B) employee morale.

C) improved decision making.

D) survival.

E) new products.

Answer:  B


4) A firm that invests in an information system because it is a necessity of doing business does so because it is seeking to achieve which of the following business objectives?

A) Survival

B) Improved decision making

C) Competitive advantage

D) Operational excellence

E) Customer intimacy

Answer:  A


6) Verizon uses a web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with real-time information, in order to:

A) improve flexibility.

B) improve decision making.

C) gain competitive advantage.

D) create supplier intimacy.

E) create a new business model.

Answer:  B


8) All of the following describe the effects of globalization except:

A) significant decreases in operating costs.

B) reduction of labor costs through outsourcing.

C) increased ability to find low-cost suppliers.

D) increases in transaction costs.

E) ability to reliably obtain price and quality information worldwide.

Answer:  D


10) Which of the following is an example of a business using information systems to create new products and services?

A) Apple's creation of the iPad

B) JCPenney's information system that allows its contract manufacturers to see what garments have been sold and need to be replaced

C) The Mandarin Oriental's use of computers to keep track of guests' preferences

D) Verizon's web-based digital dashboard providing real-time company information for managers

E) Walmart's Retail Link system

Answer:  A


14) Which of the following is one of the management and people changes posing a major challenge in the business use of information systems?

A) IoT

B) Big Data

C) Mobile Platform.

D) Cloud Computing.

E) Online collaboration

Answer:  E


27) The three activities in an information system that produce the information are:

A) information, research, and analysis.

B) input, output, and feedback.

C) input, processing, and output.

D) data analysis, processing, and feedback.

E) information, data, and processing.

Answer:  C


28) The average number of baseball tickets sold at a particular price is an example of:

A) input.

B) raw data.

C) meaningful information.

D) output.

E) feedback.

Answer:  C


1) Suppliers, customers, invoices and payments, products and services, and ________ are the five basic components with which businesses must deal.

A) the environment

B) manufacturing and production

C) sales and marketing

D) employees

E) technology

Answer:  D


2) Producing a bill of materials is a responsibility of the ________ function.

A) finance and accounting

B) human resources

C) manufacturing and production

D) sales and marketing

E) technology

Answer:  C


3) Identifying potential customers for the businesses' products or services is an activity associated with the ________ function.

A) finance and accounting

B) human resources

C) manufacturing and production

D) technology

E) sales and marketing

Answer:  E


6) The three principal levels of hierarchies within a business organization are:

A) senior management, knowledge workers, and service workers.

B) senior management, middle management, and operational management.

C) senior management, data workers, and operational management.

D) senior management, operational management, and workers.

E) senior management, operational management, and data workers.

Answer:  B


7) Key forces in a business' immediate environment include:

A) regulations.

B) technological innovations.

C) economic conditions.

D) politic conditions.

E) global events.

Answer:  A


8) Engineers and scientists are examples of:

A) senior management.

B) production workers.

C) knowledge workers.

D) middle management.

E) operational management.

Answer:  C


10) Which of the following is not a true statement with respect to business processes?

A) Every business can be seen as a collection of business processes.

B) Analyzing business processes can enable you to achieve a clear understanding of how a business actually works.

C) The efficiency of a business firm is not related to its business processes.

D) Information systems can automate many steps in business processes that were formerly performed manually.

E) A business process may involve a unique way in which work, information, and knowledge are coordinated within an organization.

Answer:  C


21) A(n) ________ performs and records the daily activities of a firm necessary to conduct business.

A) executive support system

B) management-level system

C) decision support system

D) transaction processing system

E) business intelligence system

Answer:  D


30) An ESS is an information system that supports the:

A) long-range planning activities of senior management.

B) knowledge and data workers in an organization.

C) decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers.

D) day-to-day processes of production.

E) management of customer relationships.

Answer:  A


1) Which of the following is not one of the competitive forces in an industry's environment in Porter's model?

A) Suppliers

B) New market entrants

C) Substitute products

D) Customers

E) Technology

Answer:  E


6) A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers in terms of price, quality, and delivery schedules by having:

A) more suppliers.

B) fewer suppliers.

C) global suppliers.

D) local suppliers.

E) only a single supplier.

Answer:  A


7) Which of the following is not one of the basic strategies a company can employ to deal with competitive forces?

A) Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy

B) Focus on market niche

C) Differentiate products

D) Compete on employee loyalty

E) Low-cost leadership

Answer:  D


12) When a firm provides a specialized product or service for a narrow target market better than competitors, they are using a ________ strategy.

A) product differentiation

B) market niche

C) mass customization

D) process efficiency

E) market transparency

Answer:  B


17) To what competitive force did the printed encyclopedia industry succumb?

A) Positioning and rivalry among competitors

B) Low cost of entry

C) Substitute products or services

D) Increased bargaining power of customers

E) Increased bargaining power of suppliers

Answer:  C


18) Internet technology:

A) makes it easy for rivals to compete on price alone.

B) imposes a significant cost of entry, due to infrastructure requirements.

C) increases the difference between competitors because of the wide availability of information.

D) makes it easy to sustain operational advantages.

E) has lessened competitive rivalries.

Answer:  A


21) All of the following are considered primary activities of a firm except:

A) inbound logistics.

B) sales and marketing.

C) procurement.

D) service.

E) outbound logistics.

Answer:  C


1) Which of the following best describes how new information systems can result in legal gray areas?

A) They work with networked, digital data, which are more difficult to control than information stored manually.

B) They result in new situations that are not covered by old laws.

C) They are implemented by technicians rather than managers.

D) They are created from sets of logical and technological rules rather than social or organizational mores.

E) They are little understood by politicians or lawyers.

Answer:  B


2) Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology has on society?

A) It has a dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.

B) It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

C) It is beneficial for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.

D) It has a waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.

E) It has a magnifying effect, creating increasing numbers of ethical issues.

Answer:  B


4) The obligations that individuals and organizations have regarding the preservation of existing values and institutions fall within which of the following moral dimensions of the information age?

A) Family and home

B) Property rights and obligations

C) System quality

D) Accountability and control

E) Quality of life

Answer:  E


5) Which of the following is not one of the current key technology trends that raises ethical issues?

A) Decline in data storage costs

B) Advances in data analysis

C) Increase in data quality

D) Doubling of computing power every 18 months

E) Advances in networking technology

Answer:  C

7) The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers of detailed information about individuals is known as which of the following?

A) Profiling

B) Phishing

C) Spamming

D) Targeting

E) Spyware

Answer:  A


8) Which of the following is a data analysis technology that finds hidden connections between data in disparate sources?





E) Spyware

Answer:  C


10) Advances in data storage and rapidly declining data storage costs have been responsible for decreasing the number of databases on individuals maintained by private and public organizations.

Answer:  FALSE


12) Ethics describes the principles of right and wrong that can be used by individuals to make choices to guide their behavior.

Answer:  TRUE


1) Software that manages the resources and activities of the computer is called:

A) system software.

B) application software.

C) data management software.

D) network software.

E) web services software.

Answer:  A


2) Software used to apply the computer to a specific task for an end user is called:

A) system software.

B) application software.

C) data management software.

D) network software.

E) web services software.

Answer:  B


3) Software that organizes, manages, and processes business data, such as data concerned with inventory, customers, and vendors, is called:

A) system software.

B) application software.

C) data management software.

D) network software.

E) web services software.

Answer:  C



10) In a ________ computing model, companies use their own infrastructure for essential computing tasks and adopt public cloud computing for less critical operations or additional processing during peak business periods.

A) scalable

B) quantum

C) grid

D) hybrid cloud

E) private cloud

Answer:  D


12) Which of the following types of computers would you use to support a computer network?

A) Server

B) Mainframe

C) Workstation


E) Tablet

Answer:  A


2) In a business relational database, tables contain:

A) one table for each entity.

B) relations among entities.

C) bytes.

D) three-dimensional relations.

E) links to other tables.

Answer:  A


3) Which of the following best illustrates the relationship between entities and attributes?

A) The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PRODUCT

B) The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute ADDRESS

C) The entity PRODUCT with the attribute PURCHASE

D) The entity PRODUCT with the attribute CUSTOMER

E) The entity ADDRESS with the attribute CUSTOMER

Answer:  B


4) Which of the following is the type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables?

A) Two-tiered DBMS

B) Pre-digital DBMS

C) Open source DBMS

D) Hierarchical DBMS

E) Relational DBMS

Answer:  E


5) What are the relationships that the relational database is named for?

A) Relationships between rows and columns

B) Relationships between entities

C) Relationships between fields and records

D) Relationships between databases

E) Relationships between attributes

Answer:  B


6) A characteristic or quality describing an entity is called a(n):

A) field.

B) tuple.

C) key field.

D) attribute.

E) table.

Answer:  D


7) The most basic business database is comprised of:

A) three tables: for suppliers, parts, and sales.

B) four tables: for customers, suppliers, parts, and sales.

C) four tables: for customers, suppliers, sales, and employees.

D) five tables: for customers, employees, suppliers, parts, and sales.

E) attributes instead of tables.

Answer:  D


8) In a table for customers, the information about a single customer would reside in a single:

A) field.

B) entity.

C) column.

D) table.

E) row.

Answer:  E


1) Which of the following is a device that sends packets of data through different networks ensuring they go to the correct address?

A) Hub

B) Switch

C) Router


E) Modem

Answer:  C


2) The Internet is based on which three key technologies?


B) TCP/IP, HTTP, and packet switching

C) Client/server computing, packet switching, and the development of communications standards for linking networks and computers

D) Client/server computing, packet switching, and HTTP

E) Email, instant messaging, and newsgroups

Answer:  C


3) Which of the following involves slicing digital messages into parcels, transmitting them along different communication paths, and reassembling them at their destinations?

A) Multiplexing

B) Packet shifting

C) Packet routing


E) Packet switching

Answer:  E



5) Which of the following is not a characteristic of packet switching?

A) Packets travel independently of each other.

B) Packets are routed through many different paths.

C) Packet switching requires point-to-point circuits.

D) Packets include data for checking transmission errors.

E) Packets are reassembled into the original message when they reach their destinations.

Answer:  C


6) In TCP/IP, IP is responsible for which of the following?

A) Disassembling and reassembling packets during transmission

B) Establishing an Internet connection between two computers

C) Moving packets over the network

D) Sequencing the transfer of packets

E) Breaking messages down into packets

Answer:  A


9) On which of the following protocols is the Internet based?






Answer:  A


1) Which of the following refers to policies, procedures, and technical measures used to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical damage to information systems?

A) Security

B) Controls

C) Benchmarking

D) Algorithms

E) Identity management

Answer:  A


3) Most computer viruses deliver a:

A) worm.

B) Trojan horse.

C) drive-by download.

D) keylogger.

E) payload.

Answer:  E


7) All of the following are specific security challenges that threaten corporate systems in a client/server environment except:

A) theft of data.

B) copying of data.

C) alteration of data.

D) radiation.

E) hardware failure.

Answer:  D


8) CryptoLocker is an example of which of the following?

A) Worm

B) SQL injection attack

C) Sniffer

D) Evil twin

E) Ransomware

Answer:  E


10) A Trojan horse:

A) is software that appears to be benign but does something other than expected.

B) is a virus that replicates quickly.

C) is malware named for a breed of fast-moving Near-Eastern horses.

D) installs spyware on users' computers.

E) is a type of sniffer used to infiltrate corporate networks.

Answer:  A


11) A salesperson clicks repeatedly on the online ads of a competitor in order to drive the competitor's advertising costs up. This is an example of:

A) phishing.

B) pharming.

C) spoofing.

D) evil twins.

E) click fraud.

Answer:  E


14) ________ is spyware that logs and transmits everything a user types.

A) Spyware

B) A Trojan horse

C) A keylogger

D) A worm

E) A sniffer

Answer:  C


