Clinicals are essential and there are specific requirements:
Total of 96 clinical hours needed this semester, increasing to 92 hours next semester.
Last two semesters require 200+ clinical hours.
New clinical schedules not available until June due to the newness of the program.
Cultural and Communication Concerns
There is a concern about providing proper coverage in the workspace, especially when the student will only be present once per week, which raises issues about the workload being left on colleagues (Jess).
Discussion about needing to ensure that responsibilities are managed to prevent burnout, especially with changes in the clinical schedule and covering for each other.
Future Planning
Student will continue to adjust schedules as needed and communicate effectively about absence and workload.
Adjustment of clinical hours and ensuring dependencies in scheduling need to be understood well in advance to minimize stress and disorganization.
Having re-evaluated the situation early enough is appreciated to prevent chaos, such as finding out at the last moment on the 17th.
Personal Management and Work hours
Previous scheduling indicated a flexibility of hours worked, suggested to log hours to track PTO utilization.
Determined working towards total of 24 hours typically per week with additional hours needing to be compensated through the week and weekend.
Open communication is essential for successful adaptations in drafting schedules for both educational and work commitments.