Course Title: ISC 473 Sport Promotion and Branding
Term: Spring 2025
Class Topics:
Overview of course objectives and syllabus
Importance of sport promotion and branding
Week 1:
Class Topic: Welcome, Course Overview, Syllabus
Assigned Reading: Syllabus, Lee Ch 1, +Supplemental Reading
Due: Discussion Board 1 Introduction to Sport Promotion & Branding
Week 2:
Class Topic: Strategic Sport Communication: Defining Terms; Sport as an Industry
Assigned Reading: Coombs & Harker Ch 1-2, +watch ESPN sport comm practitioner interview video
Due: None
Week 3:
Class Topic: ISC in Sport
Assigned Reading: Coombs & Harker Ch 6, 7, 8
Due: Exercise I
Week 4:
Class Topic: Theoretical Foundations of Sport Promotion
Assigned Reading: Coombs & Harker Ch 9 +Supplemental Readings
Due: Exercise 2
Week 5:
Class Topic: Researching & Refining Opportunities & Threats
Assigned Reading: Coombs & Harker Ch 4-5 +watch creative Sport Comm practitioner interview video
Due: None
Week 6:
Class Topic: Branding Sport through Social & Digital Media
Assigned Reading: Lee Ch 2-3 +watch Sport Comm practitioner & researcher interview video
Due: None
Week 7:
Class Topic: Applying Theory to Athlete Identity; Communication Research
Assigned Reading: None; Schedule Practitioner Interview
Due: None
Week 8:
Class Topic: Athlete Health & Safety
Assigned Reading: Coombs & Harker Ch 11, choice of Lee chapters 11-26 +Supplemental Theory Readings
Due: Exercise 3, Case Study 1 due 03.10
Week 9:
Class Topic: Crisis Communication & Reputation Management
Assigned Reading: Coombs & Harker Ch 12
Due: Study Guide, Quiz 1, Quiz Review
Week 10:
Class Topic: Spring Break
Assigned Reading: None
Due: No Coursework or Assignments due
Week 11:
Class Topic: Practitioner Interview Presentations
Assigned Reading: Lee Ch 5 +Football & football practitioner interview video
Due: Practitioner Interview Paper & Presentation
Week 12:
Class Topic: Current Social & Cultural Issues in Sports
Assigned Reading: Coombs & Harker Ch 10 +Supplemental Readings
Due: Discussion Board 2
Week 13:
Class Topic: Sport Promotion in a Global Environment
Assigned Reading: Supplemental Readings
Due: Case Study 2
Week 14:
Class Topic: New Sport Promotion Trends & Opportunities
Assigned Reading: Lee Ch 4 +Supplemental Readings
Due: Crisis Communication Plan
Week 15:
Class Topic: Course Wrap-up & Quiz Review
Assigned Reading: Study Guide
Due: Quiz 2
Week 16:
Class Topic: Final Paper Due
Due: Final Paper
Notes: Finals Week: No Assignments Due – No Final Exam
Subject to Change: The professor reserves the right to make changes to the course syllabus and schedule. Changes will be announced via Canvas.
Students will be given adequate time to complete assignments following any schedule changes.