Definition: Marketing Mix 4Ps are key elements that influence marketing strategy and consumer behavior.
Components: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
Focus: Understanding how each area affects marketing efforts.
Core Product: The essential benefit or value perceived by the target audience.
Example: In a smoking cessation campaign, the core product is health/improved well-being.
Actual Product: The tangible goods/services offered to fulfill the core benefit.
Example: Free nicotine patches, counseling services, or a quit smoking helpline.
Augmented Product: Additional elements that enhance the core and actual products, supporting behavior change.
Example: Social support groups, ongoing check-ins, rewards for milestones.
Definition: Represents the primary benefit that the target audience gains.
Function: Addresses the fundamental need or issue, driving engagement.
Example in Campaign: For smoking cessation, the campaign emphasizes improved health outcomes.
Definition: Refers to the specific goods/services being promoted.
Characteristics: Provides concrete solutions that deliver the core benefit.
Tangible Offerings: Nicotine patches or quit smoking helplines that directly facilitate quitting smoking.
Definition: Comprises support features that enhance the overall experience of the campaign.
Importance: Adds value and makes the offering more appealing/easy to use.
Customer support, incentives, follow-up programs, community involvement.
Core Product: Aimed to stop COVID-19 spread and provide protection.
Goal: Protect oneself and others from infection.
Actual Products:
Augmented Products:
Hand sanitizers
Personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers
Exposure notification apps
At-home test kits
Signage for social distancing
Telemedicine services
Support groups for those affected by loss
Contact tracing implementations
Vaccine verification QR codes
Key Questions for Discussion:
What is the core benefit or need addressed by the campaign?
What tangible product/service is offered to the audience?
How does the campaign enhance its offerings through additional services/incentives?
How do the different product levels influence the intended behavior change?