Chapter 3
Micrometer (um) 1um = 10^-3 mm = 10^6m one millionth
Nanometer (nm) 1nm= 10^-6 mm = 10^-9 m 1nm= 0.001um
Humans can see 0.1 mm
Bacteria: 0.1-5 um 1x10^-6m
Viruses = 10 - 1000 nm
Microbes = measured in micrometers
Prokaryotic = Light + electron
Muscle Protein = electron
Light Microscope
1 lens
Like a magnifying glass
Compound light microscopy
Phase- contrast
Differential interference contrast
Compound Light Microscope
Total magnification= objective lens= ocular lens
Image from an objective lens is magnified again by an ocular lens
Resolution: Ability of the lens to distinguish 2 points and distinguish fine detail and structure
Ex: resolution = 0.4nm, can distinguish between 2 points 0.4 nm apart
Limit of resolution = 0.2 um
Limit of magnification = ~ 1500 x
Brightfield microscope
dark objects visible against a bright background
Light -> condenser tense -> specimen -> objective lens-> ocular lens -> eye
Electron Microscope
Low wavelength of e-s = high resolution
Viruses, internal cell structure
Use electromagnetic lenses
Black + white images but can add color
Transmission electron microscopy
Resolution: 0.2 nm
Magnification: 10,000 - 10,000,000 x
Internal structure
Scanning electron microscopy
Resolution: 0.5 nm
Magnification: 1,000 - 500,000 x
Scans surface, 3D
Staining ( Prep for light microscopy)
Staining: Coloring w/ due that emphasizes structures
Smear: Thin film of material with microbes spread over a slide
Fixing: with heat ( pass slide through flame) or Chemical ( methanol/ethanol for 1 minute)
Kills microbes
Increase permeability to dyes
Preserves structure with minimal distortion
Simple Staining
One stain/due
Determines the presence and morphology of bacteria
Stool and discharge
Cell shape and structure all bacteria
Basic and acidic dyes
Methylene blue
Crystal violet
Differential Staining
Distinguishes bacteria
2 + dyes
Components of the cell will determine the reaction with dyes
Gram stain and acid-fast stain
Gram Stain
Detects bacteria
1st step in identifying bacteria
Best on young, growing bacteria
Gram Positive
Thick peptidoglycan wells
Gram Negative
Thin Peptidoglycan walls
Liposacchariddes and phospholipids in the outer membrane
Color Gram + | Color Gram - | |
Primary Stain: Crystal Violet | purple | purple |
Mordant: Gram iodine
| purple | purple |
Decolonizing agent: Alcohol (Acetone-Alcohol) | purple | colorless |
Counterstain: Safranin
| purple | pink/red |
Application or crystal violet Both stained purple
The application of iodine (mordant) fix the color
Alcohol wash out crystal violet
Apply safranin
Pink- gram-negative
Purple- gram-positive
Acid-Fast Stain
Binds only to bacteria that have a waxy material in their cell walls, not decolorized by acid-alcohol
Identifies: mycobacterium and Nocardia
Color Acid-Fast | Color Non-Acid | |
Primary Stain: Carbolfuchsin | Red | Red |
Decolorizing Agent: Acid-Alcohol | Red | Colorless |
Counterstain: Methylene Blue | Red | Blue |
M. tuberculosis
Special Stain
Distinguishes parts of microbes
Capsule stain
Endospore stain
Flagella stain
Capsules (non-ionic) no net charge
Gelatinous structure outer layer
Made of polysaccharides, glycoprotein, or polypeptide
Protects bacteria and gives pathogenicity
Highly hydrated polymers do not accept most dyes
Negative staining
Capsules are non-ionic
Will not stain w/ a + or - charged stain
The presence or absence of capsules
Utilize negative staining technique for outline of capsule
Negative stains are repelled by negatively charged bacterial cells, preventing cells from taking stain
Primary Stain: Crystal Violet
Secondary Stain: Congo Red
1. Congo Red/ India Ink contrasts the background with the capsule
2. Cells stained
The capsule appears like a halo of white
Capsules have toxins
Resistant, dormant structures in cells that can’t ordinarily be stained ( until in harsh environments)
Occurs in gram-positive bacteria
Schaeffer- Fulton Endospore Stain
Primary Stain: Malachite Green with heat
Decolorize cells: H2O
Counterstain: Safranin
Spores appear green within red/pink cells
Too slender
Carbolfuchsin (mordant)
Thickens appearance
Light microscope
Number and arrangement of flagella