Main assumptions
Similarities and differences betwen people can be understood in terms of biological factors.
Behavior, cognition, and emotions can be explained un terms of the working of the brain and the effects of hormones, genetics, and evolution.
Our awareness of ourselves and our environments.
Circadian Rythm:
Regular bodily rhythms that occur on a 24 hour cycle, such as body temperature, sleep, and wake cycle.
Ultradian Rhythms
Biological rhythms that repeats more frequently than once a day such as heartrate and appetite.
Periodic, natural reversibl loss od concciousness.
We measure with the Electro-encephalogram (EEG)
Beta Waves = Awake
Alpha Waves = Relaxed
Hallucinations = onset of sleep/ false sensory experiebces/falling or rising
Theta Waves = Stage 1 light Sleep
Sleep Spindles = Stage 2 (burst of activity)
Delta Waves = Stage 3-4/ large, slow waves of deep sleep.
Stages in Typical Nights Sleep
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep
recurring sleep stage (every 90min)
vivid dreams/lucid dreaming/ nightmare
“paradoxial Sleep”
Muscles are generally relaxed, but other body systems are active.
Effects of Sleep loss
imparied concentration
depressed immune system
greater vulnerability to accidents
Night Terrors
Occur within 2 or 3 hours of falling asleep, usually during stage 4
high arousal - scared but no recall of it
Sleep halking also in stage 4
Runs in families & affects children more of ten
Ususally due to stress
Persistent problems in falling or staying asleep
Uncontrollable sleep attacks
Sleep apnea
Temporary cessation of breathing
Sleeping Paralysis
Occurs during the transition between wakefulness and sleep.